Fortunate Timing

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MageSpells ● Fortunate Timing (Redirected from RAW:Fortunate Timing)
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Fate ●●
+ Time
Instant None
Covert Ruling
Duration Prolonged
Free Council Sourcebook.jpg
Free Council Sourcebook, p. 106
FC : Right Place, Right Time
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This spell shifts the threads of Fate into a “proper” configuration that allows the mage to experience a fortunate set of circumstances involving timing: the mage is in just the right place to meet someone, pick up a ride, prevent (or assist) some event and so forth. This spell involves a certain willingness to surrender to the moment, allowing Fate to take the caster where it will, although the spell ensures the circumstances won’t be inherently dangerous or detrimental.

Repeated casting of this spell can tangle the threads of Fate to a degree, and may prevent the mage from ending up in the right circumstances (traffic messes up the timing of an important meeting, weather causes delays or prevents an event from happening, and so forth).

As with the Perfect Moment (see Mage: The Awakening, p. 152), this spell is more story-related than mechanical: a successful casting just ensures circumstances will be right for the mage to be where he or she is “supposed” to be, in the view of the Storyteller. This spell is license for the Storyteller to arrange the plot of the adventure to move along in the most expedient manner, even if the circumstances are somewhat improbable. After all, it’s magic!

Free Council Rote: Right Place, Right Time

Sometimes it’s all a matter of being in the right place at the right time, as Libertines know all too well. This rote enlisted the forces of Fate of the Free Council’s side during its formative period and helped ensure the order’s survival (and that of many of its members).

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