Fortify Phantasmal Item

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MageSpells ● Fortify Phantasmal Item (Redirected from RAW:Fortify Phantasmal Item)
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Prime ●●●
Instant None
Covert Perfecting
Duration Prolonged
Tome of the Mysteries.jpg
Tome of the Mysteries, p. 27
The Mysterium : Phantasmal Fortification
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Through the casting of this spell, a mage can augment a piece of non-weapon phantasmal equipment. creatures).

Successes accrued during the casting of this spell add to the equipment bonus granted by non-weapon objects made out of tass. (For weapons crafted through the use of the Prime Arcanum, see the Phantasmal Weapon spell on pp. 228–229 of Mage: The Awakening.) Though covert in Aspect, the spell suffers Disbelief if the granted bonus is greater than the base equipment bonus conveyed by the item in question.

Mysterium Rote: Phantasmal Fortification

By means of this rote, a mystagogue can enhance the efficiency of his phantasmal tools, so as to craft better equipment than that available to even the wealthiest and most well connected of Sleepers.

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