Control Electricity

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Forces ●●●
Instant None
Covert Weaving
Duration Prolonged
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.168
The Mysterium : Switchbox
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The mage can diminish an electrical current and/or alter its direction of flow. He could cut the power to a certain outlet, redirect all the electricity in the building to a single outlet, or send the power coursing through one outlet to multiple outlets (assuming the physical wiring exists or there is some other way to control conductivity).

He cannot increase the current at this level, since that involves generating new electricity. He can work with only existing electricity at this level.

Each success can send a single line of power in a new direction, or divert it elsewhere. If the mage attempts to diminish the power, each success brings it down by one degree. For example, one success reduces a main line to a junction box. Two successes takes a junction box down to an industrial socket. Three successes reduces an industrial socket to a regular wall socket.

Mysterium Rote: Switchbox

Mysterium mages are accustomed to having to disable security systems when they need to acquire something that just can’t be bought with money. This rote allows them to disable power to a system without shutting down the entire line (and possibly alerting someone to trouble when all goes dark).

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