Mage ●
Spells ● Bag of Winds (Redirected from
RAW:Bag of Winds)
Aeolus gave Odysseus a bag of winds, and if the bag didn’t work, it was because of the incompetence of the hero’s men, not the efficacy of the magic. Mages have long passed on the method of duplicating Aeolus’ result in a bag or a pocket.
This spell allows the mage to trap a current weather condition in a pocket or a bag (whether a natural weather condition, or one
he has already created), to be kept for later. Fate ●● allows the spell to keep the weather safe as long as the bag is clasped shut, for a
base of one scene[1]. When the bag is opened, the
weather floods out, covering the immediate vicinity.
With Forces 4, the mage can trap weather conditions that aren’t disastrous in the bag.
With Forces 5, the Aeolian can trap dangerous weather, such as windstorms.
The spell only works outdoors. If the bag is opened indoors, the weather inside the bag escapes through cracks in the door or window, and affects the area immediately around the building in which the owner of the bag is standing.
Mysterium Rote: Aeolus' Gift
The Mysterium sometimes find it useful to give a bit of wind or rain to a friend, as a secret, “between you and me.” With this, it’s easy, as long as the friend isn’t tempted to take a peek inside too soon.