Lodge of the Boundary

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Lodge of the Boundary
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Spirit/Totem The Silent Jackal
Auspice Elodoth
Benefit Death Gifts
Signs of the Moon.jpg
Signs of the Moon 98-99
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The Half Moon is two halves divided by an edge. Several Elodoth understand that the edge is an important part of their auspice moon; it represents the boundary, the wall between flesh and spirit, or the Rage that divides werewolves and humans. A few try to embody that boundary when they take the role of judge or inquisitor, embodying the line that cleaves truth from lies.

Those Elodoth who join the Lodge of the Boundary know there’s another barrier there in the Half Moon: the wall between the light, vital world of the living and the shadowed world of the dead. While many members belong to the Bone Shadows, the Lodge of the Boundary doesn’t hunt for secrets. A member of the lodge is far more interested in the recently dead. The Half Moon is the envoy to the spirits, and the Lodge of the Boundary act as envoys to the dead. Most members focus on those ghosts that haunt their territory, discovering what the dead need before they can move on. A few go further in their quest to settle the affairs of the dead, travelling far to slay a ghost’s enemies.


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All members of the Lodge of the Boundary count Death Gifts as an affinity Gift list, and pay (new dots x 4) experience points to purchase Death Gifts. Members can also use their Spirit Envoy ability on ghosts as well as spirits.

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