Chronicle Resonance

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MageSpells ● Chronicle Resonance
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+ Time ●●
Instant None
Covert Unveiling
Duration Concentration
Tome of the Mysteries.jpg
Tome of the Mysteries, p. 20
Guardians : Piercing the Shroud of Days
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The willworker discerns local sources of Resonance over time. These include sources that are currently present, but have grown less intense, as well as those that have disappeared completely. She can track the progress of the dispersing Resonance over time, as well as any sudden changes that took place during the time period studied (such as magical alterations to a given source of Resonance). She is not able to learn who did these things, or how (not without making use of other magics, at any rate), but can use this magic to get a feel for the local pattern of Resonance.

This spell’s Potency is used to determine how far back the mage can look, as well as to contest any temporal or Resonance occlusion that might have been used in the mage’s immediate vicinity.

Potency Past Time Viewed
1 24 hours
2 2 days
3 1 week
4 1 month
5 3 months`

`Each additional success adds 3 months to how far back the mage can look.

Guardians of the Veil Rote: Piercing the Shroud of Days

Not even the passage of time enables a fugitive to evade the scrutiny of a dedicated and capable Guardian. This rote helps such mages to piece together the trails of Resonance that might otherwise go cold and allow their quarries to escape justice.

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