There’s nothing wrong with who you are, but consider who you could be. What would it be like to have the option to become someone else, anyone else, whenever you desired?
The Seers of the Throne wield considerable power because of their ability to infiltrate various mortal organizations. Instead of relying on mortal puppets, the practitioners of this Legacy excel at all manner of infiltration and impersonation. They have learned that both identity and even physicality are mutable quantities and that who you really are matters far less than who others think you are.
Some Imposters specialize in short term efforts where they gain access to a person or location and use this access to steal something or kill someone. However, many use their special abilities to replace an important member of an organization for months or even years. Typically, Imposters begin learning to perform short-term impersonations and gradually move on to more demanding and longer-term assignments.
For most Imposters, becoming someone else is not merely any exceptionally useful method of accomplishing various goals; this process is also either an exceptionally exciting challenge, a profoundly personal calling or often both. Few members of this Legacy use their abilities purely for professional purposes.
Most spend at least some of their leisure time impersonating someone else purely for the enjoyment of doing so. From ap- pearing as a well-known celebrity, going to a fancy restaurant and asking for the bill to be put on your tab, to performing a daring daylight robbery, eluding pursuit for a moment and drastically changing their appearance or having half a dozen legal identities, each with a drastically different appearance, the ability to easily disguise themselves as someone else offers members of this Legacy a vast array of minor benefits for mages willing to freely change their bodies.
- Spy's Assist
- Mask of Flesh
- The Ultimate Perfection of Disguise