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Consilium Obrimos Apostate


Nathan is a daydreaming but hard working mechanical engineer from Columbia Maryland. After earning his master's degree, he took his first job at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center near DC as a private contractor. After a year on site a satellite was in need of repair that couldn't be handled with a bot, and applications began for payload specialists who could handle the repairs.

Nathan was that specialist, and all went well for the mission until reentry. During the routine turbulence records show that he passed out, but from his perspective the shuttle had disintegrated and he had fallen through clouds of white flame to an island with a Watchtower on it. He made his way inside, mostly because the fire was terrifying, and wrote his name in the Watchtower's walls.

While now Awakened his career making flight had turned career ending. His dreams of going back to space were destroyed by his perceived frailty, his workplace poisoned by looks of pity and disappointment. At the mention of a Watchtower though, one of his colleagues pulled him aside and explained that he had awakened. As Nathan began to realize what that meant and began experimenting with his magic, he realized how extraordinary his experience really was and joined the remains of the DC Concilium with his new trainer.

After last years election and the probes for information on government scientists though, Bolide decided to get out of the frying pan and look for greener pastures out west. Sacramento struck his eye, and so he packed his things into his car and got to driving.

Disciple of Matter Apprentice of Prime Initiate of Forces

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