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Covert Knowing
Duration Concentration
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.232
Guardians : Revelation of the Unseen Thread
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The mage can analyze the connections between things, people and places, determining their degree of sympathetic connection. This spell provides useful information to the caster who intends to affect a subject through someone or something to whom or to which the target is emotionally bound. It might be a very dear friend, a treasured childhood possession, or that nook beneath the old oak where the subject fell in love for the first time.

This sense is sometimes modified by the strength of the bond (the Storyteller might award a bonus for a strong bond, or levy a penalty for a weak one). If the sympathetic bond has been concealed (see “Conceal Sympathy”), this spell’s successes must exceed the disguise spell’s Potency.

This is information about the mechanic. Targets must be in Sensory Range unless Advanced Factors are figured in and rolled for accordingly. It is a single target a and a single target b. You must be in full Concentration to do so. [1].

Guardians of the Veil Rote: Revelation of the Unseen Thread

Protecting the Mysteries sometimes involves a great deal of detective work. This rote enables a Guardian to track leads through the esoteric connections that bind them. Perhaps a troublesome Sleeper grows too close to the secrets of the occult, because he seeks a cure for his daughter’s terminal ailment, or an Artifact exerts a sympathetic pull on him. This sense allows a mage to discern such influences and gives him the opportunity to adjust his tactics accordingly.

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