Sense Poisons and Drugs

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MageSpells ● Sense Poisons and Drugs
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+ Life
Instant None
Covert Knowing
Duration Concentration
Banishers, p. 58
Banishers : Psionic Toxin Analysis
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The mage can sense the presence of poisons and drugs in liquid, solid or gaseous matter. He might not know the name of a specific substance but immediately understands what effects it would have in the human body. His senses extend to substances that have been adulterated by a poison or drug, so he can detect a drugged drink or poisoned food. Even if a substance is not a poison or drug per se, he understands at a glance what effects the substance would have if inhaled, ingested or introduced into the bloodstream.

A mage with Matter 2 and Life 2 can extend this spell’s benefits to another person.

Banisher Rote: Psionic Toxin Analysis

  • Dice Pool: Resolve + Science + Matter

The Militant Auditing cult uses this rote to detect attempts by so-called suppressive persons to drug or poison cult members. The cult is paranoid by policy and requires members to use the rote on everything from restaurant takeout to hotel rooms.

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