Quiet Grave

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MageSpells ● Quiet Grave (Redirected from RAW:Quiet Grave)
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Death ●●
Instant None
Covert Shielding
Banishers, p. 54
Banishers : Proper Burial
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Once cast on a corpse, this spell interferes with attempts to make the corpse rise again.

Subtract the spell’s Potency from any spell or power that would animate the corpse from within. This includes Death magic, possession and certain necromantic supernatural powers, but not the kind of telekinetic “puppetry” a Forces-using mage might employ. This spell cannot rob already-animated corpses or undead creatures of their vigor. The spell can’t interfere with a vampire’s Embrace, either.

It’s also possible to cast this spell using Space ●● to suppress reanimation in an area instead of targeting particular corpses.

Banisher Rote: Proper Burial

Simplicius routinely casts this spell on victims and perpetrators alike. Nobody deserves to have his body violated by sorcery after he dies, even if the person would have happily done it to someone else while alive.

Thanks to Simplicius’s theological education, he’s capable of performing ad hoc funeral blessings from dozens of religions. He always takes the time to perform a service that fits the dead person’s religious background as best Simplicius knows it. Otherwise, he prefers ecumenical prayers with a slight bias toward his own Christian beliefs.

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