Glimpsing the Future

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MageSpells ● Glimpsing the Future (Redirected from RAW:Glimpsing the Future)
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Time ●●
Instant Mana
Covert Knowing
Duration Transitory
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.259
Arrow : Failure is Death
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The mage can study the outcome of a current personal action. The willworker can quickly scan the immediate future and determine whether her next action will go well or not, and adjust to improve her chances of success. Effectively, the mage watches herself perform an action in the immediate future in an instant and then decides how it could be done better.

Success allows the player to roll twice for a single instant action his character performs in the following turn, taking the better of the two results.

With Time 3, this spell can be cast reflexively, applying to an instant action taken in the same turn in which the magic is cast.

Adamantine Arrow Rote: Failure is Death

The Adamantine Arrow willworker knows that when battle is joined a misplaced blow or inaccurate shot transforms certain victory into disastrous failure. She does not tolerate such weakness in herself. Members of other orders use this rote for different reasons. Mages of the Silver Ladder sometimes discover that a given idea could be better expressed (or at least better accepted) with a slightly different turn of phrase (Resolve + Investigation + Time).

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