Alter Oath

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Fate ●●●
Instant None
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook.jpg
Mage The Awakening Sourcebook, p.154
FC : Unnamed
Ladder : Nullifying the Contract
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The mage can alter the terms and conditions of a Fate-based oath. Note that a mage trying to get another to alter the tenets of an oath can easily constitute intent to violate said vow (and therefore subject the mage to the deleterious effects of breaking an oath).

The targeted oath’s Potency acts as dice penalties to the casting roll. (If this spell is cast as an extended action instead of an instant action, the target oath’s Potency provides the target number needed.) Once an oath is so altered, it remains altered for the remainder of its Duration. A mage cannot alter an oath she has made for herself (as under Fate 2) until she has Fate 4.

Example: Freya once swore to protect her friend Einar Strombeck from harm. But her friend betrayed her and became Angrobda, a Scelestus — one the “Wicked” (see p. 361). One of her friends, Morvran, who has remained loyal, is aware of this oath and knows that it can only cause her trouble now. Without Freya’s knowledge, Morvran casts Alter Oaths to change the conditions of her oath so that she resists Einar’s attempts to sway her rather than protect him. Even though she wants to be rid of her oath, her Resolve is subtracted from Morvran’s dice pool as a form of natural resistance to his magical alteration. In addition, her oath’s Potency is subtracted from Morvran’s dice pool.

Silver Ladder Rote: Nullifying the Contract

There are times when it simply isn’t expedient to be bound by the letter of the law. When the law is a Fate-enforced oath, mages of the Silver Ladder can either endure the consequences of their promises or make use of this rote.

Free Council Rote:

Of course, willworkers of the Free Council also enjoy the freedom offered by this Rote, and are known to alter the “small details” of binding vows their cabal-mates make.

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