From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Characters ● Mages ● Lacuna
Life, to some is gentle and sweet. To others, it bends you over a barrel and fucks you bloody.
Striking Looks ●● (Statuesque) |
Facts about LacunaRDF feed
Allies | 1 + |
Allies In | Unions + |
Allies in Unions | 1 + |
Avatar | Gwendoline Christie + |
Character Name | Lacuna + |
Character Status | Inactive + |
Character Type | Mage + |
Consilium Status | 1 + |
Forumid | 333654 + |
Has Merit | Striking Looks +, and Allies + |
Influential In | Unions + |
Last Post | Last Post + |
Lived In | Sacramento + |
Oneaccount | No + |
Order | Apostate + |
Order Status | 0 + |
PC or NPC | PC + |
Path | Mastigos + |
Path Status | 0 + |
Player | Saber Sloth + |
PlayerID | 2656 + |
Posted | 19 June 2018 + |
Presence | 2 + |
Sacramento End | 19 June 2018 + |
Sacramento Start | 15 March 2018 + |
Secondary Picture | Yes + |
Striking Looks | 2 + |
Tenure | 0.3 + |
Threadid | 38024 + |
Venue | Mage + |