Great Rights
- Right of Crossing
- Right of Emeritus
- Right of Hospitality
- Right of Nemesis
- Right of Sanctuary
Proactively Protecting People From Monsters
- 1112 2nd St, Sacramento, CA 95814, USALatitude: 38.5815
Longitude: -121.5049
- Formed: 23 April 2018
Formed on April 23, 2018 between Hamia and Lacuna in a shitty motel over worse tasting coffee.
Sanctum & Territory
Situated in Old Sacramento, the Hounds found an abandoned Firehouse that just so happened to contain a Hallow.
After Lacuna's gruesome past caught up with her[1], and her daring escape from their murderous clutches, Lacuna mentally called Hamia to her motel room, to inform the Talon of her decision to leave Sacramento and keep them on her trail.[2]
Former Members