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Puttin the Gee Oh in Geo...

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  1. #31
    Khalvin's Avatar

    Vince passes files toward Kordecki, trying keeping as organized as possible. He also ofers the packet he made. "Notes I took. but I think we ought to got over the pipe theory. Get in idea..." Vince nods to Frank. Maybe there was an answer.

  2. #32
    Fractured's Avatar

    Frank snaps awake, years of late-night stakeouts having taught the grizzled old detective how to fall asleep with his eyes open. Now, in his twilight years, he tended to fall asleep suddenly and the combination could be disconcerting and confusing for people. "Huh? Whazzat?" He looks at the table and breathes a sigh of relief. He hadn't spilled his coffee.

    "Kordecki, is it?" he asks, standing up and offering the other detective a handshake. Frankly (haha), he preferred Warren. He looks at Patolli. "Pipe? What pipe?"

  3. #33
    Khalvin's Avatar

    "Pipe, yes. It's theory Kor~our friend here believes might explain the wreck or sinking or whatever happened." Vince clears his throat and adjusts his glasses, hoping The Detective might be able to explain his idea more clearly. It made sense to Vince, so the young man sets to work searching for any layout of the ship, schematics or something he can memorize as what he was diving for.

  4. #34
    Lermanicus's Avatar

    Kordecki shakes Frank's hand weakly. I never know if if they are going to be a firm gripper, thinks Kordecki... and how long to shake for??

    "Um" Kordecki pauses "I was simply theorizing that ruptured sea water intake piping would explain a number of things regarding the sinking. It would account for the speed at which the vessel went down, and the engine room would of isolated the noise from most passengers. Any way this was just conjecture on my part. I understand you all are trained divers, so we shall soon see the what the story is...."

    Kordeci realizes he has yet to greet Frank.

    "Nice to .. err meet you." He finishes weakly as he stop shaking Frank's hand.....Well that was too long to shake his hand...

    I never have these issues when working on my car......

  5. #35
    Khalvin's Avatar

    "I have expeirence, but only some. this won't be a huge salvage opperation. I just want to know what to look for to get some answers." Vince drinks some cold coffee "Your theory hits almost every question and provides a solid answer. Would the Intake just break down though? This isn't very common?"

  6. #36
    Lermanicus's Avatar

    "Well a catastrophic failure would either have to be from gross negligence or a construction flaw. A poorly welded joint could easily go undetected without an x-ray inspection. Did the file say anything about if this ship was new or had a recent refit / overhaul?."

    Kordecki looks about a bit as he continues. "Well I need to review the file, but I can't wait to see what your dive yields."

    I wonder what the deal is that has them investigating this now.

  7. #37
    Fractured's Avatar

    Frank had to resist the urge to shake the cooties off his hand after that weak handshake. Somebody had failed to raise Kordecki right. For a detective, he seems to know a lot about boat construction, but that's not too surprising, what with the river and all. You pick up things in this line of business. "Right, the dive. I'm about ready for some fresh air, what about you, Patolli?" The badge isn't meant to be stuffed into an office, it needs to get out and about, stretch its legs, walk the streets. Or swim the water, in this case. "You can read all about the lawsuit we're investigating for Uncle Sam while we're under if you're comin', Kordecki."

  8. #38
    Khalvin's Avatar

    Vince nods as he stands. "Ready as I'll ever be. I wonder if Jessica has the equipment secured yet?" Vince heads that way, eager to be moving as much as Frank.

  9. #39
    Lermanicus's Avatar

    Kordecki eagerly grabs the paper work and starts reviewing it even as he is following the detectives.

    He was getting to the good stuff. Testing a theory. The outcome was never that important. It's all about where theory meets the reality road. Millions of possibilities collide all the time and every once and awhile the event they produce catches our attention. Sadly this one lead to the death of a kid, but still not any less interesting.

    "Brittle fracture" Kordecki mumble out loud. When I get back to the office I need to research brittle fracture, but I don't think thats been a factor for quite some time because of improvements in steel refinement.

    I wonder if the river gets dredged routinely? That might be an Army Corp of Engineers thing. Kordecki makes a mental not to research that too.

    Why I was called in so late? Wouldn't it make sense to have the research done then dive. It's clear I don't understand how this department operates.

    I hope this wraps up before they release Fallout: New Vegas. Oh shit I need to order that new graphics card. ....

  10. #40
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes

    Feel free to assume Jessica has secured the gear and head down to the docks ^^
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