A lot of people don't participate in Status posts because they're unsure if they're "doing it right." It took me a while to figure out how the numbers correlate, and it was also suggested that I share my 'cheat sheet'.

5 - You think as highly of this person as the Prince/Hierarch/Sovereign/Pack Alpha, or they are that figure, or should be.

4 - This person should have a major say in affairs, or is already in the upper echelon/elite.

3 - This person does, or should, hold a considerable position or is well respected. Perhaps a Sheriff or Priscus.

2 - This person is a 'rising star', perhaps a Whip or Deputy.

1 - This person, simply is. A good citizen, but nothing exceptional.

0 - Lynch mob.

Remember, these comments/ratings aren't just political, but social as well. Let's say Joe is third level Bloodbound to Jane. Jane gets 5's from Joe, even if she's a street thief who's on the verge of being run out of the city.


Public is what you would say to a group of strangers.

Private is what you would say to your very close friends. THINK ABOUT WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE. We once had a player smack-talk the Prince in Private, and he never realized who his closest friend was -- the Hound. Private is also not something that you don't tell anyone. Simply put, if a character keeps his thoughts to himself, it cannot affect how others view the other character.

If a person does not hold a position, they should not rise above 1 unless they are just the unquestioned awesomeness of society, and simply haven't gotten a position yet, or have declined one.

Remember: If you're giving out higher Status than is appropriate, it will reflect poorly on you.

Definitions added to Requiem levels to assist.