Antoinette, a new Childe, is sent to Frost's character Lioni, a Ventrue Invictus Au Pair...

A very pretty woman comes in the door and hands Lioni a pad of paper and a pen. She curtsies gracfully, then leaves. Lioni places the pen and paper in front of Antoinette on the table.

"Now, we are going to teach you patience and penmanship all at the same time. I want you to write the phrase, "I will be patient, calm, and poised for the remainder of my Requiem" a hundred times on this pad. I want the phrase written in cursive, and I want it to be perfect. You see, my dear, we of the Invictus do not use such frivolous things as computers and laptops. We appreciate a more personal touch when we receive a letter from a fellow member. We also appreciate perfection. Thus, your handwritting will be perfect before you are done with me. Any questions so far, dear?"