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Titanic! - Day One

Titanic! - Day Two
Aug 19, 2016 - Sep 2, 2016
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  1. #1
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    The Day has arrived.

    The date and time have been checked and double-checked, arguments and preparations have been made -- not necessarily in order of importance or sequence. Despite the soaring ceilings the air is thick and stuffy with anticipation and tension. Some might have even stepped outside in case the whole damn building is a giant fucking TARDIS.

    But it's not.

    As each 'dial' reaches it's destination, it rings with a soundless sensation of metaphysical possibilities that is felt rather than heard. When the final one falls into place, the diamond at the center of the Cosmati pavement begins to glow.

    And for one minute, whomever or whatever enters it, disappears.

    It's the smell.

    That's what jumps out, slaps, assaults the senses. There's no swirly lights or spinning tunnel. Just the sudden shift of the senses that begins and ends with an era far, far dirtier than the modern world. It's the stench of decay from the garbage floating in the water, lining the streets, and the remains of the scavengers that feed on it.

    The noise is nothing new. People, congested, sound the same anywhere and anywhen.

    The small warehouse is empty -- and it's no wonder. Here in Southampton, everyone's gathered at the shoreline to see the RMS Titanic set sail. Everyone. It's madness.

    A bell rings.

    In an hour, the ship sets sail.

    Getting on board is how it all begins.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
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  2. #2

    July turned to the internet and the movie Titanic to figure out how to dress. He felt he had to bring guns, though he though he kept them hidden under layers of clothes. He seriously debated if he was going to go poor or rich style, but figured poor would be easier to get by. In 1912 the rich had much higher privileges than people expect. Before going through the portal July made sure he was prepared. As he chanting the language of Atlantis he pulled out his guns and twirled them around like a old west gunslinger. The movement and instinct helped him focus and connect to the Supernal. It was the final spell that he wanted to work though. His mind felt like it was working faster than normal, his hands twirling his guns in slow-mo. He begged fate to shift fate to his will, to create an opportunity to get on the ship. The first step was getting on the ship. The second step was everything else.

    As he completed his ritual he holstered his guns and hide them again. Once he entered the portal and waited to see who else was coming to stop the plot.

      1 suxx Shield, 3 suxx Sight, 1 suxx Shifting the Odds
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-08-01 08:51:27 July rolls 7 to Shifting the Odds (Fate+Gnos+HS) (10 Again) 2, 7, 1, 4, 8, 6, 1 1 success
    2016-08-01 08:48:39 July rolls 8 to Time Sight (Time+Gnos+HS) (10 Again) 9, 4, 4, 9, 4, 3, 8, 2 3 successes
    2016-08-01 08:48:15 July rolls 8 to Time Shield (Time+Gnos+HS) (10 Again) 1, 4, 6, 6, 4, 7, 10, 7, 7 1 success

    Equipment: 1912 appropriate clothes, 2 Colt M1911A1s and his holster.

  3. #3
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    The crewman by the forward mooring line falls into conversation with a spectator, clearly engrossed.

    The thick rope leads all the way up to the deck and it's twined ridges would make it a cinch to climb.

    Sure, July would have to climb it in front of hundreds of people, but it would definitely get him on the ship​.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
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  4. #4
    Fisher's Avatar


    Extempor. Affinity: •••••
    Eidetic Memory


    Fisher learned a lot over the past few weeks waiting for the target date to arrive. Which was odd in and of itself. It took her some time to get her brain around the idea that they had to wait until some point in the future so they can go back in time to the titanic. She understood the concept, but it still struck her as a weird feeling.

    The other thing Fisher learned was that she was glad that she was a woman in the twenty-first century in her home time. She learned many new words, words like drawers, chemise, corset, camisoles, and petticoats. Words that were associated with time consuming and bulky. Fisher had no idea why they saw the need to wear about six layers of essentially underwear before one could put on a stupid dress, but apparently they did. However, with all that bulk it made it rather easy to stash several of her knives on her person so there was some silver lining in wearing her traveling dress.

    When she had put it all on for the first time it was weird, but the look started to grow on her, not that she was going to admit it to anyone. She spent time practicing walking, running, reacting quickly in the days before the event. It also took some getting used to moving quickly in about two or three layers of petticoats and a skirt. She also had to practice drawing her weapons and her attack forms in the new clothing. Finally, the day arrived and she got dressed, grabbed her supplies and walked through the portal.

    The stench was instantly overpowering and she wanted to heave up her breakfast or perhaps tear off her nose. It was awful and dirty. She knew England and the rest of the civilized western world was dirty from books, but it was another thing entirely to experience it first hand. It was quite the culture shock for someone used to relatively clean modern cities. She was, however, quickly grateful for the wool stockings and layers of underclothes once she got into the chill April air. The thyrsus had only been able to get her clothing in order and they had not figured out anything for tickets and Fisher considered this for a moment only to stop and gape at the huge ship.

    It's really the titanic...like the real thing...holy crap!
    she thought with excited disbelief.

    "Wow, it's big." Fisher said despite herself. "...and really here."

    Fisher spots July and was a little surprised to see the Sentinel here despite the fact he was dressed up at the circle. She just assumed he would be...you know...Sentineling instead. One reason Fisher was glad she was not one. Regardless she made her way over to him.

    "Good day sir," Fisher said to July. "Miss Constance Pritchard. How do you do?"

    Fisher leaned in closer to July and said quieter. To make it more difficult for anyone nearby to hear in the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

    "I think I have an idea that will work to get us on board."
    Fisher said quietly clutching her wool coat about her.

    Constance Pritchard
    Several bowie knives. A hand bag with medical supplies, sewing kit (needles and thread)

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  6. #5
    Fisher's Avatar


    Extempor. Affinity: •••••
    Eidetic Memory


    For rolls for sight and defense while in the circle.

      4 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-08-01 15:36:09 Fisher rolls 9 to Organic Resilience (Life+Gno+E+HS) (10 Again) 6, 3, 9, 9, 5, 1, 9, 9, 2 4 successes
      3 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-08-01 15:36:50 Someone rolls 8 to Supernal Vision (wit+occ+prime+HS) (10 Again) 8, 8, 2, 4, 4, 1, 7, 8 3 successes

  7. #6
    Tuesday's Avatar
    Robin Lewis, Prudence Miller
    (Current ID, Reality War Name)
    Distinctive Voice
    (Criminals, Street)


    Trained Observer ●
    Trained Memory ●
    Quick Draw ●


    Stained glass butterflies surround Tuesday, each pane on their tiny wings glows a verity of iridescent hues, while showing glimpses of what was, what is, and what will be. When vulgar magic is cast, the fluttering cascade doesn't last, they shatter. Falling into dull, colorless dust before vanishing completely.

    Oct Rits

    Mana: |
    WP: |
    Armor 1/0
    Defense 5

    Active Spells: 2 / 6
    Personal Spells: 2

    [4] 2E Fate Shied (Rit)
    [3] 2E Fate Sight (Rit)

    (WP ReRoll)Willpower 1 Spent

    Much like Fisher, Tuesday learned more then she ever cared to about cloths, never mind fashion wear so she'd not stick out like a sore thumb on the boat they were setting out to sink, but cloths in general. Deep in her heart of hearts Tuesday was a meat and potatoes, t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. Sweating under layer upon layer of what was essentially underwear, did not a happy Enchantress make as she stepped between Now and Before.

    Tuesday's boyishly short hair hidden under a stupidly ridiculous floppy hat with too many beads. And too many feathers. And much too much hat. Wearing a dress just as stupid as Fisher's. Tuesday pooled all of her willpower not to grunt out how much like a stuffed turkey she felt like, sucking in a breath, and holding it so she wound't go vowing to the universe that once she was back in the twenty-first century she was going to walk around in fucking bikini and booty shorts just for the hell of it.

    She didn't think her part in their temporal stealth mission would work if she did that.

    After sucking back that breath, a shutter ran through her. Then she started coughing. Hastily she pulls her glove covered hands up so she could cover her mouth. Fuck! It fucking stank! After what seemed like coughing up a whole lug, the Enchantress' coughing slowed, then stopped.

    "Excuse me, Sir, Miss." Tuesday started, when she caught sight of the others. "Miss Prudence Miller." she says giving them the name she'd use for this Titanic (mis)adventure. "I'm well, and yourself?" all this polite shit was going to kill her faster then any Seer shenanigans.

    As Fisher drew closer to July, Tuesday moved slide in closer to them as well, waning to hear Fisher's idea on how'd they get on board. "I packed a uniform. Maid's." she murmurs. "You know what they say...you don't notice the help." Tuesday says as softly as she'd began.

    For this Titanic (mis)adventure Tuesday's Prudence Miller.
    Equipment: Stupid Dress & Hat (1912 appropriate cloths), A maid's uniform hidden in a bag, brass knuckles, her Silver D20

    Cast when back in the Circle
    Health: | Mana: | Willpower:

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  9. #7
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    July's Chronos-gifted eyes See the ripple-wake of Fisher and Tuesday's appearances; sudden splashes in the continuum fabric that leaves a trembling scar behind. Droplets of temporal phlegm catch on objects; here, a piece of the sheet metal siding of the warehouse instantly becomes shiny and new, there, a weed in the corner suddenly grows into an utterly surprised dandelion before withering and crumbling.

    As Tuesday looks out, shadows catch at the edges of her vision. Fluttering, flapping, squawking. Crows and vultures that stay just out of her direct sight, Atropos' messengers ready to pick at the scraps of What Might Be... but insubstantial and ill-formed as nothing is written -- yet, or now.

    Fisher sees the shimmering resonance on both mages; golden, shiny, like honey or tree sap begging to be licked and tasted.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
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  10. #8
    Strix's Avatar


    (Suppress Aura & Dark Matter)Mana 0 Spent

    Preparing for the big day involved a lot of research, though it made Strix very glad he wasn't a woman. The dresses from the Titanic-era looked terribly uncomfortable and confining, and it had popped up often enough during research — and he saw a lot of it, what with it coming up far more often than looking up men's wear. He did come up with an outfit that would fit him in well enough, since men of that time still seemed to wear suits. Differently cut, but easy enough to find in the present.

    Strix didn't really think he'd get on well with the upper class, what with the rich of this time being so much more entitled.

    Passengers were separated by class, without knowing what the others would wear Strix figured they'd not try to get in with the working class. Still, he had taken along a change of clothes to fit in with them as well. It might later be useful should they need to get into the engine room or something. If not, nothing was lost.

    Before the portal opened, Strix tried to call down his supernal realm to give himself additional protection. His imago shattering, that he decided to attempt any magic he might need at a later point again. The imago for his aura's suppression was much more effective.

    He didn't exactly have much more time since the portal sucked him in...

      Unseen Aegis: failure
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-08-01 19:29:13 Strix rolls 3 to Unseen Aegis (Gnosis+Matter) (10 Again) 2, 5, 1 failure
    2016-08-01 19:28:19 Strix rolls 4 to Unseen Aegis (Gnosis+Matter) (10 Again) 6, 3, 5, 5 failure
      Suppress Aura: 2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-08-01 19:54:30 Strix rolls 2 to Suppress Aura (Gnosis+Death) (10 Again) 9, 3 1 success
    2016-08-01 19:37:45 Strix rolls 1 to Suppress Aura (Gnosis (10 Again) 10, 3 1 success
      Dark Matter: 2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-08-01 20:04:10 Strix rolls 4 to Dark Matter (Gnosis+Matter) (10 Again) 8, 1, 5, 10, 3 2 successes

    ...Strix wrinkled his nose at the scent, shaking his head in hopes to clear it and get used to the stench. After feeling well enough to continue, he looked around and saw familiar faces in Fisher, July, and Tuesday. He made his way over to them with a smile.

    "Good day, sir and madams," trying the hardest not to go and attempt sounding British in any way. He would fail, no doubt. "James Kinsley is my name, and this is a grand day, isn't it?"

    Strix will call himself James Kinsley during these events.
    Equipment: 1912 appropriate clothing, concealed bowie knife, bag with change of clothing

  11. #9
    Wayland's Avatar


    Public Name: Richard "Richie" Holt

    Spells (3/3)

    ??? (Cloaked, Pot 4)
    ??? (Cloaked, Pot 6)
    ??? (Cloaked, Pot 7)

    (Transform Aura (Pot 3))Mana 0 Spent

    The internet was a wonderful thing, allowing anyone to find images of just about anything, so Wayland had spent a fair bit of time searching for pictures of what to wear to the past. In the end he's settled on a wool suit and trousers with a soft wool cap, which was popular in those times. Wayland knew he didn't posses the sophistication to pass in the upper class of passengers so he arrived at the Circle with his clothes ready in an old leather suitcase.

    Closing his eyes, he began undressing down to his underwear in the main hall of the Circle without consideration for anyone else who might be watching. He began chanting in High Speech as he used the Imago of him removing his physical clothes along with his Supernal Aura, transforming it into what an average Sleeper would look like. Next he pulled out his period clothes from the leather suitcase and started chanting again, donning his magical Shield and Sight along with his clothes.

    Inside the suitcase were another set of workers clothes so he could attempt to enter the engineering sections of the ship. Gathering his things, he takes a deep breath and enters the portal. In an instant he is surrounded by a flood of people and he exhales the held air, thinking that for some reason the transition would take longer, then almost gags with the stench of the old world. He'd grown up in run down and rough neighbourhoods growing up, but at least the city took care of garbage. This place was somthing else for sure.

    Spotting the others Wayland heads over to join them, "Yo, ahh I mean, hey." Shit, better watch the language here, that's gonna be tough bro. "My name's Richard Holt, but just call me Richie, ya know." He starts scanning the crowd, just for a general feel of their surroundings, and also to find any of the ship's maintenance workers. Maintenance workers were always loading things onto boats before sailing after all. "Anyone seen any of the crew yet?"

      3 successes on Transform Aura, 2 successes on Combined Spell Matter Shield(Pot1)/Supernal Vision(Pot1)
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-08-01 20:22:03 Wayland rolls 8 to casts Transform Aura to appear a Sleeper (Gno+Prime+HS) (10 Again) 10, 2, 1, 10, 3, 6, 4, 1, 3, 8 3 successes
    2016-08-01 20:20:55 Wayland rolls 5 to cast Combined Spell Matter Shield/Supernal Vision (Gnosis+Matter+HS-2) -1 for additional success (10 Again) 9, 6, 8, 4, 6 2 successes
    2016-08-01 20:20:24 Wayland rolls 6 to cast Combined Spell Matter Shield/Supernal Vision (Gnosis+Matter+HS-2) (10 Again) 3, 9, 5, 1, 3, 6 1 success

    Gear carried. Glock pistol and combat knife on person, along with multi-tool and a shifter. Also some sheets of paper with details lifted from wikipedia regarding time of impact, sinking, compartments breached etc, torch and iphone (switched off). Second set of maintenance crew clothes in suitcase.

  12. #10
    Wayland's Avatar


    Public Name: Richard "Richie" Holt

    Spells (3/3)

    ??? (Cloaked, Pot 4)
    ??? (Cloaked, Pot 6)
    ??? (Cloaked, Pot 7)

    (Matter Shield(Pot1)/Supernl Vision(Pot1))Mana 0 Spent


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