Winter was half right, mages not protected under the lex were fair game technically but it came with massive risks that he was spot on with. "Knowing a Nexus is there is good information. It tells us more about the city it's ley lines and of course potentially allies or enemies depending on who has set up there." Two councilors had been involved but both were free council and they have some funny ideas about what is and is not acceptable. "But yes caution keeps us alive." If it had been him marking in on map and then researching the history of the area and plot would have been the first recourse.
Guru is worrying him a little now. "It's not about power Guru its about wisdom. We are wiser when we work in tandem, we catch he others mistakes, we stop each other going over the edge. With what we can do one overly emotional moment, one reckless or poorly thought out action can be dire." Cabals provided that much needed support structure. "And it is safer. Rare is the mage who can do all things needed. When we work together we can create safer places." And finally. "And its good for us. When w have the needs beyond ourselves to consider it helps us remember why we do this, what our purpose is." Because those who just wanted to enforce their paradigm on the fallen world, those who valued power for powers sake had a name and opposed the pentacle at every turn.
The general ignorance of this very crucial part of their society is starting to wear thin on the Moros. Bur he addresses Corn. "If it is a cabal that keeps the lex they can bring charges. But they should also have provided a way to cross their territory per the right of crossing. Did you or anyone spot anything like that?" Time to try and prepare a legal defense just in case. Aurora gets a smile in support of her actions, if he had to guess this was wearing thin of her to.
But a pleasant surprise as Eidolon speaks. "Well said Eidolon." Putting your hands up to admit to fault especially when result differed from intentions took some doing. "Although the Seers, Banishers and the like are not held under the lex's protections." The last thing we want is mages thinking they can't defend themselves. "We still hold to secrecy of course." That above all.