Help:Google Chart
From Edge of Darkness Wiki
Google Chart
This is a very simple extension just for using google chart in your wiki.
You must learn the markup of Google Chart first. After that, everything is very simple.
For example, if you input the following code:
<chart chs=500x225 cht=p3 chd=t:1,2,6,4,5 chd1=Daeva|Gangrel|Mekhet|Nosferatu|Ventrue chl=Daeva|Gangrel|Mekhet|Nosferatu|Ventrue chtt=Clans />
Then you get: <chart chs=500x225 cht=p3 chd=t:1,2,6,4,5 chd1=Daeva|Gangrel|Mekhet|Nosferatu|Ventrue chl=Daeva|Gangrel|Mekhet|Nosferatu|Ventrue chtt=Clans />
By the way, you can also use this extension to create math formulas with latex markup.
For example, if you input the following code: <chart cht=tx chl=\LaTeX />, then you get a LaTeX logo.