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(ES1704) A Court without a Crown

71 - 80
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  1. #71
    Alexander Brown

    The mountain-man left, and the raccon-girl soon followed. The latter seemed like the quicksilver type, but if Green left, it could mean he didn't perceive the new arrivals as a threat or a nuisance to be kicked out of the joint. He'd never admit it, but it also was kind of relieving to not be constantly assauleted by the cold aura that surrounded the stony giant.

    He didn't intend to participate much in the party-organizing going between Lucian and Sera, even if the man's "lovable rogue" attitude and the woman's voice were enticing to witness. That was Spring talk, after all. He certainly lacked the wild imagination needed to make this event truly memorable and besides, it might be seen as rude to barge in on the subject, being of another Season and all that jazz.

    But there was still Goldwater, the big question mark in the middle of the room.

    "Not a big deal. And I appreciate the honesty."

    He sipped his drink for several very, very long seconds.

    "But since we are being honest like that, I'll just note that the rest of the people here doesn't seem too overjoyed to see you... some don't recognize you at all. I wonder why." If at all possible, ALexander said that with the intention of the others not hearing. They might take offence.

  2. #72
    Changeling ST's Avatar

    This closes on the 30th!

  3. #73

    Sasha gave Green a wave as well as he departed. She wondered if the Mountain's offhand comment meant he didn't have much faith in the matters at hand. One problem was solved, but did another start? It would have been the same result whether the Spring court had a meeting about it or not.

    At the mention of the Darkling's name, her lips pursed in thought. Without thinking she sighed and muttered. "I miss Daniel." She sighed momentarily before refocusing on the present.

    A Luau piqued her attention. "Did you say Limbo? It's been ages since I've done it, but I think I'm up for a challenge like that."

    The Dancer was indeed flexible... and sometimes competitive. She was fairly positive she'd ace that contest.

    Her violets shifted to Alexander just as he'd called a spade a spade. She'd be truly interested to hear the reply from Charles as she waved goodbye to Morgan. The Onyx too wanted to depart, but considering things were still a little shaky, it was her duty as a Sovereign to stay until everyone left.

  4. #74
    Mhairi Ankaa's Avatar
    (Quiet Confidence)
    Striking Looks
    (Mesmerizing Eyes)
    Autumn's Regalia
    (Autumn Mantle)
    (Contacts, Status)
    Mhairi Ankaa


    A slim girl, with raven black hair and grey-blue eyes. She likes wearing silver nail polish.

    Her skin; like moonlight captured. Quicksilver drips from her fingers, burning up before it lands. Motes of fell fire escape her eyes. In her hair, a galaxy, forming constellations which mimic the sky, changing with the Seasons.

    Fear made manifest, Autumn's Regalia embraces the Wisp, as if she is Dread's most blessed daughter.
    Pledges & Other Things


    Autumn Queen Oath

    Plot Stats

    Fairy Floss
    Defense: 3 +1
    Heath: Willpower

    House Call
    Defense: 3 +1
    Heath: Willpower
    HS Choker+1 Defense, -1g. Sparation3 -1g


    Ask-wee-da-eed Telluric

    Mhairi waves at her Paladin as the raccoon steps out, leaving for what would be her last Freehold event.

    "I miss Daniel too." there was just something special about the Darkling, he just set you at ease, and he was an awesome dancer. "I hope he's alright." like many, he'd left without word, or notice.

    The Springs talk parties, bonfires in the woods and possible luaus, and Mhairi couldn't help but smile. It had been forever since she'd been to something like that. "Oh! Kabobs!" a luau needed kabobs.

    Just trying to be helpful, and correct me if I'm wrong West Yumyumcrow But Lucian PiggySaysWhat can now up his Venue status to 1, and place his Court position as Monarch, and Woland Alexander Brown AwakeOrangutang you need to Swear the Freehold Condemnation to Lucian before this wrap up on the 30th or you'll have to wait until the Summer Solstice to become a Pledged member of the Freehold!
    Currently Just a Simple Shade Shard~

  5. #75
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes
      The Plunge!, Break Grapple


    Treasured Nix

    Nodding to Lucian, well, her King now. “Oh yeah, privacy is a must! Certainly there are places around the city or even on the outskirts that could be used or rented out for such an event! And I’m sure it wouldn’t cost much if there was a cost, I can make some phone calls and see what I can come up with.” Certainly there was a way to make this happen.

    Grinning, “See, if you’re talking about a bonfire in the woods then surely we can turn it into more of a party. We’re not loud party animals, but a luau under the stars? It’s happening.” She wanted it to happen, and would do what it took to make it happen.

    “Oh, Twister is easy enough to get. And yeah! A scavenger hunt?! Haven’t had one of those since I was little! That would be fun to incorporate into a luau.” Maybe one of those big chain stores, or hell, even a second hand store could have a copy. “As for prizes, I’m sure we can put our heads together and come up with something that both fits the theme and is affordable. I have a few ideas.” They could make it work.

    And then Sasha chimes in about limbo, she positively beams, “See? People are already interested in this. And sounds like we have a vote for kabobs! Which I mentioned making a couple months ago and still haven’t! Sorry about that.” She needed to write things down, her memory really sucked.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  6. #76

    The Blightbent chuckled mirthlessly at Alexander's observation. "If some don't recognize me, it's probably because I've been gone for... close to a year if not quite that. And if others don't like me, that's no skin off my back. Could it be my joyful personality? My endless optimism? It couldn't possibly have to do with my absence. And they wouldn't ever take affront at my sweet nothings. Take your pick, there's probably someone angry at me for any one of those reasons. I'm under no obligation to be pleasant. I'm here to fight our former captors and die trying."

    The Elemental rose to his feet before downing the rest of his drink. He'd spent enough time sitting there, it was high time he actually attended to the only reason he had attended this Spring fling.

    "But that's enough about me. Tell me, who do I have to swear to this time? I didn't see anyone bearing a crown when I walked in, who do have to swear an oath to then?"

  7. #77

    Lucian loved to hear that distinct sound of people jumping on board the party train. He raised an eyebrow as Mhairi and Sasha mentioned a lost Lost. He himself was a convert from another Freehold, so he couldn't talk much about drifters but it was a shame they seemed to lose so many. Still, he was here for the present. He lifted both his hands up, "A luau it is!" He grinned at hearing Seraphina's eagerness to help plan and set it all up. "That would be sweet, Sera. I'm sure, if we have to, we can get a nice deal along the line. But we'll make it happen."

    He gave a pause as he thought about his new title and it didn't feel right not having a full court. "Speaking of being a party planner. We'll set it all up together, but you gave me the crown. Let's be honest. So, how about we give the luau a little pomp to it too. How does in honor of Seraphina, Spring's new Joyeux sound?" His head tilted and he smiled. She didn't seem eager for big titles, but she'd already helped to make his entrance here a delight. If she was willing to help to make this party a splash, all the more fitting for helping to spread the cheer. As Goldwater stood and called out for who to make the pledge to, Lucian added, "At least give it some thought. Duty calls." He beamed at finally getting to use that line for once.

    He stood up and turned his veiled gaze on the Blightbent, "That would be me, as of today. Since you're a repeat customer, you should already know the script. Make it for the year, or until Summer gets it's own business sorted. I'm not a stickler." He looked to Alexander who, if he had to bet money, he would be seeing attending to said business when the time came. At least that was who had his vote of the Summer showing so far. "Let's make it a double, yeah?"

  8. #78

    As the Wyrd of the crown failed to take root in his mantle, Lucian’s heart froze. Pride born forward with no knowledge of the Desires of those around him caused Spring to shrink from him as vulgar. His eyes went blank and the ripple of his features turned to stillness.

    He took from his jacket the white rose pin. He looked to Seraphina, “You will have to do this on your own. I have nothing to nurture the soil.” Though he could not well a smile, his lips did soften from his tight reign for a moment. “I know it will suit you better. All you have to be is true – that is the beauty They cannot touch.” Something he could never do.

    “Please, forgive me.” He gave a bow of his head to everyone and walked out into the night.

    Lucian exits the scene and Venue

  9. #79
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Closing tomorrow! Get your final post(s) in!
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  10. #80
    Mhairi Ankaa's Avatar
    (Quiet Confidence)
    Striking Looks
    (Mesmerizing Eyes)
    Autumn's Regalia
    (Autumn Mantle)
    (Contacts, Status)
    Mhairi Ankaa


    A slim girl, with raven black hair and grey-blue eyes. She likes wearing silver nail polish.

    Her skin; like moonlight captured. Quicksilver drips from her fingers, burning up before it lands. Motes of fell fire escape her eyes. In her hair, a galaxy, forming constellations which mimic the sky, changing with the Seasons.

    Fear made manifest, Autumn's Regalia embraces the Wisp, as if she is Dread's most blessed daughter.
    Pledges & Other Things


    Autumn Queen Oath

    Plot Stats

    Fairy Floss
    Defense: 3 +1
    Heath: Willpower

    House Call
    Defense: 3 +1
    Heath: Willpower
    HS Choker+1 Defense, -1g. Sparation3 -1g


    Ask-wee-da-eed Telluric

    Lucian all smiles-smolders, but maybe in the moment, Mhairi missed how the Wyrd failed to respond to his words, maybe thinking that since it wasn't the Equinox that it was still alright, but still the Antler Crown failed appear, and Mhairi gnawed upon her lip.

    Fell-flames flicker, dancing about the room, she frown as Lucian makes his inelegant and dramatic departure, and worries.

    Was the Seasonal Cycle well and truly broken? Were they in danger? Were They coming?

    "Charles." Mhairi calls. "It looks like there's no body for you to Swear too."

    Mhairi wasn't going Back, and she damn well wouldn't let any other of the Lost that called Sacramento home be Taken again.

    But if the Cycle was Broken....well, Mhairi knew, something was going to have to change.
    Currently Just a Simple Shade Shard~

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