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Rats in the Sewers

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  1. #81
    Sidor Grigoriev

    "It does not matter either way," Sidor said, moving towards Conner. "It is not her."

    All the calculations fell into place, like ashes on the water. Yes, there was something he had been missing, and that was simply it. No one reacted with such calm when faced with someone they had torpored. Fear was natural. Rage was natural. A great spread of emotions, or even cold composure, would be natural. But to ignore the person, as if they had never met them... well, there was only one logical conclusion.

    That this woman had never really encountered Josephine Powell, beyond perhaps a chance glimpse. That this woman ergo, was innocent.

    The house of cards fell, and his composure froze as he focused on memories. Yes, Dirge had been negligant- because she had been living within a Necropolis. That fit. That made sense. Of course, if an individual had moved away from the surface and made the choice not to emerge, then yes, yes they would be negligant. What had his bait caught?

    No matter. A second attacker who fit a similar profile. That was not impossible. Unlikely, but not impossible. A Mekhet, perhaps, or another Nosferatu... or someone who would be favoured by the destabilising of the Domain's Clans, and had learnt the talent of shrouding themselves.

    I have been wrong before, the Russian thought with dry, bitter humour. Yes, I am not infalliable, and sometimes the dice come down against me. Perhaps that is all this has been. A reminder not to fall back into the ways I swore I would forsake to Otets. How I miss Sverdlovsk... No wonder I have suffered here. How much of it was my association with Anton.. and how much did I bring on myself, out of my culture, my own world? No matter... No matter, now. I have yet my character, and I know how to admit my fault. I will correct it now.

  2. #82
    Wolven Pryde's Avatar

    Dillon Connery
    Onward Christian Soldier

    Potency •••••
    Protean • (Down in Elysium)
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good Looks)
    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••
    Adrian Isaacs

    Gnosis ••
    Presence •••• (Center of Attention)
    Striking •• (Eccentric)
    Fame ••• (Guitar Hero)
    Silver Ladder ••
    Sacramento ••


    Russell will allow himself to be the last one out again, as he casually slides the sunglasses up his brow in the darkness. Getting a better look at the surroundings and the Haunts therein with his permanently Auspexed eyes, they slide over everything, enjoying the absence of both bright lights and the protective plastic lenses. They settle on Dirge for a curious moment.

    "Nice song."

    And with that, he drops the specs back into place and follows the others out without a sound.

  3. #83

    Josephine turned swiftly when Conner gave the indication for them to depart the sewers. She felt angry, unfulfilled: they had set out to complete a task, something tremendously important and it had gotten them nowhere. Even worse, now they did not even have a suspect. She slipped her hands into her pockets, fingers curling into fists.

    She knew the reason for her ire. It was quite simple. The good doctor had sought revenge in their evening deed, and it had all come to nothing.

    What a damned waste.

  4. #84
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    And so the Bloodhunt for Dirge falters, with questions raised...
    Scene End / Great Scene, thanks everyone!
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

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