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  1. #361
    AlphaSkullReaper's Avatar

    Welcome! I hope you find a home here, in the mage venue.
    Thanks! Currently in the process of trying to formalize a Mage Submission, hopefully my relatively lacking knowledge (and intense Google/Wiki Searches) will let me make something decently alright!
    Call me Mat!

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  3. #362
    ReubanBrightwood's Avatar

    Verity Carmen Scenes

    Hi! Welcome in

    I'm the Mage venue ST , it's great you've reading up, I'll take a look at your submission pronto.
    Reuban Brigh

  4. #363
    LadySin's Avatar

    Yamiho Lillich
    (Adamantine Arrow)

    Her mien is the one single thing you either always dreamed to see or never wanted to see. Flawless or porcelain skin, a small tail, wings whom sometimes seems to be there and sometimes not, sometimes complete other times with perfect holes in them. Clothing that seems to be made from a metallic form of wood gazes over her body just precisely hiding the areas that needs hiding and enhancing her beauty and allure.
    Her head crowned with small horns that seemingly grows out of a tiara made by the same type of fashion. Long enchanting hair that seems to be woven and spun like gold that only could exist in a fairy tale and moving to always be in the exact right spot.
    Ornamental feathers clinging to her hair and clothing just behind her back, long ears adorned with earrings and markings.
    Eyes that seems to sexually devour anyone whom she gazes upon even if she doesn't even try.
    Her combination of being a succubus romancer makes to many details of her appearances hard to pin down but
    Yamiyo Lillich Scenes

    Hey! I'm Mat, nice to meet you people. I'm new to Mage the Awakening (or really all WhiteWolf Splats, I've only played an incomplete game of V20 and M20), but I've been reading up a lot on the lore and rules and whatnot!

    I hope that I'll be able to easily integrate into this community and that we can make a lot of cool stories in the future!
    Welcome Mat, I hope you will like it here, you are in good hands with Reuban for mage, and we have quite a few active mage players that I am certain will love to meet you in game.

  5. #364
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    Hi Mat,
    Welcome to the Venue! I'm glad you found your way here. Let us know if you have any questions

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