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Spring Time Coffee!

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  1. #31
    Liam Gelt's Avatar
    (7 feet tall; not fond of low ceilings)
    (Lean but well-muscled)
    Spring Mantle
    (+1 to Pres/Day)
    Liam Gelt

    Mien: Liam's skin is hardened into a bark-like armor with pine cone-like ridges throughout. His hair is made of pine needles that act a bit like a hedgehog's quills; standing up when agitated or smooth when calm. His eyes are a deep amber and his tears appear to have the consistency of sap until they leave his face.

    Mantle: The scent of pine sap in a close radius, his needle-like hair ripples occasionally as if tugged by a light breeze.
    Combat Stats

    Def: 2 (Dex/Wits)
    Armor: 0/0
    Initiative: 5
    Speed: 12 (w/ Fleet of Foot)

    Ogre Seeming Bonus
    -Add Glam to Str pools (1 per Glam)



    Liam mentally facepalms; of course Sarah had offered free drinks for Freeholders! Oh well, the road not taken. His ogreish mind was more tooled towards the immediate, and he was genuinely interested in getting to know Andrew. His eyes brighten at Andrew's question, but he's beaten to the punch by the pretty boy in the coat.
    "Acting? Hey, nice! You look like you could be the next Keanu Reaves! I'm kinda in the same boat of trying out new things; but with bartending instead of acting. As long as the ceiling isn't too low."
    He liked this Chris guy; he seemed like he could be a Spring if he wanted to with his cheery demeanor.
    Liam is pleasantly surprised at how casual John is with the Mundies. He wondered what it must be like to be able to blend in as easy as he did, compared to Liam's height or Andrew's bulk that hinted at the monstrous power hidden behind that smoke-thin Mask.
    Andrew in construction wasn't too much of a surprise: he looks like the kind of guy who enjoyed putting his strength to use as opposed to keeping it up for show.Speaking of show: hearing Seraphina's plans for a fashion show sounded like a lot of fun.
    "I wonder if they offer a Big & Tall segment?"
    "That's awesome! And movie night sounds like a fun time as well. I'd be down for some comedies myself".
    It helped to have something to laugh to and people to laugh with; joy was quite the healer in his experience.
    Hedge Patrol V: (Fast Reflexes 1 via Pledge)

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  3. #32
    Ram's Avatar

    Attribute (Strength)
    (Barrel Chested)
    Merit (Arcadian Body:Str)
    (Huge Arms)
    Attribute (Dexterity)
    (Bull in a China shop)
    New ID (Andrew Sarcacious)
    Mantle (Summer)
    (+1 Athletics, Sounds of Battle)

    Six foot, barrel chested, and didn't skip leg day. Ram is a muscle bound behemoth. His face and body are scarred from numerous injuries and his movements look stilted with pain occasionally. Still, his craggy face does soften occasionally.

    Ram looks like he could knuckle walk if he wanted. His arms and chest are enormous. More akin to a gorilla than human. His skin is an amalgamation of stony hide with fire cracks running through it and pieces of Fey machinery grafted at the joints. Segmented pieces of metal are bolted to run down his spine legs. Wood covers his skull with willow leaves providing hair, while curved bone horns sprout from the foliage.


    Ram worked at trying to get up to speed on what was being talked about. “She’s an excellent seamstress. Helped tailor a thirft store jacket to fit me,” he said, raising a salute to Sera with a wink. Though when the topic turned to bad memories, he softly cleared his throat and took a sip of his drink. She seemed to be self doubting again with ‘maybe someday’ as an excuse. He didn’t push though. He’d done that enough already with his news.

    The mention of curse words made him laugh again though. “Yeah, not a lot of room for polite conversation when you’re a soldier,” he agreed.

    Ram gave a quizzical look at Chris’ explanation of their acting career. It definitely sounded like how actors talked on tv but the Render could have done without all that stuff about storytelling. Or was that Changeling code for the Wyrd. He looked to John and Sera for some sort of guidance again.

    “So are you television, movie, or theater?”
    Were there other kinds of actors? Commercials? Would it be rude to include that as a category?

    He silently grinned at talk a movie night. He didn't add much since his own experience with the cultural juggernaut of film was still severely lacking. "Never underestimate the power of movie nights to bring people together."
    Render | Strength 6 | Mantle 1 Distant sounds of battle

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  5. #33
    Eulogy's Avatar
    (City Hall)
    (Emergency Services)
    Eulogy Main

    The sound of chattering teeth accompanies a scent of chemical sanitizer and fresh earth when Eulogy makes his will manifest.

    During Vulgar will working the sound of teeth becomes a overpowering rattle of bone on bone. The scent turns putrid as that of decaying flesh, The clean scent of sanitizer becomes a fetid miasma of gaseous stench.
    Active Spells

    Spell Tolerance: 0/2
    Active Spells: 0/5

    Dedicated Magical Tool
    A Bone Wand that measures thirteen inches in length from tip to tip. The bone is of an unknown origin and is intricately carved with runes and symbols. The wand allows an easier connection when working Death arcana

    On Eulogy

    Cell Phone
    Pepper Spray

    Has access to

    Make-Up Kit
    First Aid Kit


    "The movie of course. Demon Knight is an often overlooked classic with masterful performances by both Jada Pinkett and Billy Zane. Add to that it had one of the most influential soundtracks of the nineties pairing such wonderful bands as Filter, Megadeth and Pantera with horrorcore pioneers the Gravediggaz and the industrial madness of Ministry. Almost a perfect album, I am sure I still have the C.D. laying around somewhere." Mordechai replied to John.

    Mordechai nodded as he was introduced to Liam by way of John.

    Mordechai's eyebrow lifted slightly at Kaze's job description. I Fraggin knew it!!!!!!!!!!!! He IS a bloody model. Mordechai was hard pressed to keep the smile from his lips at his personal revelation but when his time came he followed Chris' lead and explained to Andrew "I am a Mortician by trade with an emphasis on public education." He kept his statement to the large man short since he was pretty sure the rest of the gathered people were not interested in rehashing a subject they had already discussed.

    Mordechai became lost in his thoughts. His consciousness receded to the depths of his mind palace and his eyes became unfocused. He held his coffee cup in both hands the warmth of it glowing though his fingers warming him, creating a feeling of comfort that was increased by the natural surroundings of the shop.

    He came back to himself suddenly realizing that he had not been paying attention to a large portion of the conversations. I hope I didn't miss anything important. trying to avoid embarrassment Mordechai played it cool and hoped no one noticed he was ignoring them.
    • Member of the Caretakers.

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  7. #34
    Kaze's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (An Extremely Fit and Healthy Glow)
    (Disconcertingly easy to talk to and open up)
    Toxin Resistance
    (+2 vs drugs, alcohol and toxins)
    New Identity(Steven Chojun Trueheart)

    Nimbus. The sound of rushing wind and flashes of lightning surround Kaze, and his clothes and hair move as if he is in a windstorm.
    Monthly Rits

    Monthly Rits Spell Cloaks Spells do not show unless scrutinized
    Transform Aura pot 1 (Aura is as a Sleeper)
    Organic Resilience (Life Mage Armor 2e) pot 3 ( Armor 2; Defense 2 + Higher of Dex or Wits)
    Body Mastery pot 1 (x2 rate healing Bash, Letha, Agravated; +1 success on all extended and instant rolls to resist diseases, poisons or drugs; +100 years lifespan)

    Scene specific spells: in mini-sheet 4
    Scene Specific

    (Portrait) Portrait of an Angel
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 5
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [1]Transform Aura[M]
    [2] Supernal Vision[D]
    [2] Organic Resilience[M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)

    (Bad House) The Return
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 9 (Dex 6 from Honing the Form)
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [4] Honing the Form
    [3] Organic Resilience Aurora's Life 5
    [2] Body Control [M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)


    Kaze smiles at the friendly, familiar dynamic among John, Sarah and Liam. Andrew is an interesting puzzle, like he's not sure about him and Mordechai, and Kaze isn't sure exactly what it is that Andrew isn't sure of about them. Like...are they one of us kind of vibe. Interesting. He feels like kind of the definition of being in a group is knowing who else is, and who isn't. Otherwise...it's more like a high school thing, like, I just want to hang with the popular kids, so I have to wait to see who they like before I can figure out who I can be nice to. Maybe it's just that he's so big, and feels like an outsider because of that?

    He nods just a little bit at John's sympathetic nod, just enough to show he notices it, when he's talking about the whole memory thing. Like, you got to own the bad ones too, or else they own you. Seems like they have some kind of connection about losing people or just being alone or something, which, weirdly, the mortician seems totally tone deaf to.

    Kaze grins at John's attempt to deflect people being appreciative of what he's choosing to do to help kids. "Aw, c'mon. It's literally for the kids. That's pretty awesome!" Kaze exclaims, not letting John totally off the hook. "I mean, we can't just act like it's just a job. It's pretty cool." He says in a reasonable tone, still grinning.

    "Thanks! I am pretty excited about it." Kaze says to John when he congratulates him on the acting job, potentially short lived though it might be. "I mean, whatever happens, it's just...making it real, you know? Like, this is really happening!" Kaze says, laughing. "Blow up or flash in the pan, either way I'm game for a go!"

    "Nope. I have a lot of people who can vouch for me." Kaze says sincerely to Sarah. "I'm a pretty optimistic guy, for sure. But I don't just say things to be nice. I really do mean it." He says when she deflects about the fashions she designs and the prospect of having a fashion show. He notices her smirk, but doesn't comment, perhaps correctly guessing that she can see Jennifer is already 'more than a friend', no matter what she is and the fact that he really doesn't know yet.

    "Thanks, Sarah!" Kaze says, glowing a little at her praise and congratulations! Wow, she's really something else! It makes him really want to succeed just for more of that! He smiles. Yeah, he could see himself becoming a regular here, though he really does want to bring Jennifer with him, for the fun of it and maybe for some protection as an anchor to his feelings around Sarah too!

    The movies they seem to be agreeing on are not his cup of tea, and probably not Jennifer's either, but he's still going to come if they announce it, definitely.

    "So, Sarah, is it okay if I ask what causes you are into?" Kaze asks. Some people like to do their thing anonymously, or could just be sensitive about stuff like that. "I mean, not to be nosy; if you don't want to say, I can respect that."

    "Oh wow." Kaze says, grinning when Liam says he could be the next Keanu Reaves! "I mean, I don't know about that, at all, but he is pretty much my role model!" He admits.

    "Bartending? Cool. Do you, like, do parties?" Kaze asks. "One of the new things I have been trying out is drinking. I never did before, and, you know, I'm just trying it out socially, never drinking alone or anything," He explains, "But I notice it makes a big difference how good the bartender is at mixing or pouring!"

    Kaze nods and pays attention when Andrew is describing how Sarah customized a used jacket to fit him. That is impressive! Then he says he's a soldier. That's interesting. "My grandfather was a Marine." Kaze says. "What branch were you in?" He asks Andrew.

    Kaze cocks his head and grins when Andrew asks whether he acts on television or movies or stage. "None of the above!" He exclaims. "I mean, technically TV I guess, but it's a show they're trying to sell to Amazon, so, you know, 'streaming'." He explains. "It's kind of cool because if they buy it, even if it only goes like, one season, it'll be on Amazon for anyone to discover and watch for, basically forever!"

    "Right?" Kaze agrees eagerly to Andrew's sentiment about movie nights being rad and bonding!

    Mordechai really gets into detail on the movie and music he likes. Nothing at all that Kaze can really relate to, but it's still cool how into it Mordechai is.

    He nods when Mordechai lifts an eyebrow at him, and then smiles when he describes being a mortician.

    He notices Mordechai seem to kind of zone out, but it looks like a good thing, like he's just relaxing. It kind of looks like maybe he's been under stress for a while and is just now starting to decompress. Common Grounds seems like that kind of place. He's tempted to take a look with Supernal Vision to check the Resonance here, but maybe another time.
    Spells: Monthly Rits Transform Aura (aura appears to be a sleeper) Spell Cloaks (See mini-sheet)

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  9. #35
    James Turner's Avatar

    John Campbell
    New Identity
    (John Campbell)
    Rigid Mask
    Trained Observer
    Perfect Stillness
    James Turner

    Skin pulled back tight against his frame and a ghostly white, eyes and mouth sucking and empty pits that appear to be without end. His shadow a deep black that seems to be driving the body instead of the other way around.



    John nodded along glad someone had asked her which ones she'd been involved in, saved him from having to do it himself. "Yea, a surprising amount of work involved in picking a good charity. I didn't realize how often I'd be interacting with them in my position." He knew they were involved he just didn't realize how often he'd have to hound them for patients.

    John was ok not touching more on the bad memories bit. He knew he had plenty, he figured most of the other Lost here did as well. They brought some of them back with them and more for future terror. They would never be without their scars. They had plenty of other times to go over them later in like company. Sometimes work came up in unexpected places though, head shifting and then looking up at Liam. "If you ever see anyone that needs real help don't be afraid to send them my way ok." And he meant it, it was part of the reason he was working on his license now.

    "Can't believe I missed that one when I loved the TV series, I'll have to check it out at the very least I'm sure I can find the soundtrack. I'll have to look to see if there was a vinyl at some point. I'll have to bug you for other suggestions sometimes, I haven't quite got up to more recent film in that vein unfortunately. So what drew you to the Mortuary?" He'd understand if it was a bit too heavy a topic for now to be tabled for later.

    "What can I say you listen to wise counsel." He laughed as Sera grew more interested in having the event. Waving at Chris as he said it was for the kids, not thinking he'd been talking to John. Though the second bit had caught his attention, trying to accept the praise for what it was and not shrug it off. "Thanks." He didn't doubt the man's words on his optimistic nature as it practically oozed off of him, but doubting he was as honest as he said. Don't you try to be that honest John? Keyword is try.

    He kept an ear on the bit with Ram's military history, wondering if he'd have to run interference or not. As the conversation slipped back to the movie night thought, he did shrug off the praise about his movie knowledge casually. "If it's an 80s comedy with Bill Murray you're set, it's that easy but thanks it sounds like fun."

    Goes by the name: John

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  11. #36
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes


    Treasured Nix

    “Bar tending huh? Well, you’ve come to the right city for that! There are a variety of different bars, some themed, some more dive, you have your pick. Good luck! And when you find a place, let me know, I’ll stop by.” And drink soda, but, still, supporting her Court.

    Chuckling, “It’s still a new venture, so I’m sure something could be worked in.” if someone wanted something that is.

    Sapphires look down at her coffee as Ram praised her, “Aw, thank you, very kind of you to say.” A grateful smile offered. Maybe someday she would see that she had a gift.

    Sipping her coffee, she observes the conversation as it flows.

    Then nods to Ram, “They really do!” she had to agree, and was now looking forward to hosting a movie night.

    “I don’t think I’ve heard of that movie, but it sounds like you really enjoyed it. I’ll have to look into it.” She was always looking to expand what movies she enjoyed.

    A soft smile to the actor/model, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And even if it doesn’t work out,” which she doubted, “you will still gain an important experience from it. Then you can learn from it, and try again.” Everything needed a bit of effort.

    Nodding again, “Of course. I focus on women’s shelters and help with clothing, food and resources to get them back on their feet. I really enjoy it and love seeing the women blossom, become successful and gain confidence.” The smiles as the women found themselves and learned who they were was always rewarding. “So most of the charity events I host here go straight there, one hundred percent.” She was passionate about that.

    “That is so true.”
    She says to John, “There are unfortunately some terrible ones out there who do not help the people at all. Then those who are in it for the notoriety or tax right off and it’s just heart breaking.” You had to pay attention.

    Looking from John to Ram, then back to John, “Ok, you two really seem to know more about hosting movies nights, so I’m going to be picking your brains soon.” A smile.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

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  13. #37
    Liam Gelt's Avatar
    (7 feet tall; not fond of low ceilings)
    (Lean but well-muscled)
    Spring Mantle
    (+1 to Pres/Day)
    Liam Gelt

    Mien: Liam's skin is hardened into a bark-like armor with pine cone-like ridges throughout. His hair is made of pine needles that act a bit like a hedgehog's quills; standing up when agitated or smooth when calm. His eyes are a deep amber and his tears appear to have the consistency of sap until they leave his face.

    Mantle: The scent of pine sap in a close radius, his needle-like hair ripples occasionally as if tugged by a light breeze.
    Combat Stats

    Def: 2 (Dex/Wits)
    Armor: 0/0
    Initiative: 5
    Speed: 12 (w/ Fleet of Foot)

    Ogre Seeming Bonus
    -Add Glam to Str pools (1 per Glam)



    So the actor was a greenhorn (Liam chuckled at the inside joke) with alcohol? That was certainly a surprise. Though given his physique, he probably cared more for his well-being. "Hey, that's smart. The whole point of bar hopping is to have fun with friends...or strangers who become friends. Can't have fun if you're hammered". Liam realizes that some may disagree with that, but to each their own alcohol tolerance.
    Liam beams at Sarah's interest, "As long as there's room to work, I can fit into pretty much any setup". That and no costumes, but he figured that was best saved for another conversation. He had enough weirdness going on under his Mask without wearing anything else crazy.
    Hearing Sarah and James talk about their own charitable interest makes his heart swell; it wasn't often people with influence or power reached out to others to help, but both Royals seemed genuine in their passions.
    "Wow! That's...really cool. That's amazing that you get to help people out just from where you are."
    He realizes only too late the tears welling in his eyes, and quickly clears his throat.
    Damn Ogre brain! Think with your gut AFTER the meetn'greet why don't you?
    Banking on the generosity of his host/fellow patrons to not take advantage of a 7-foot tall man choking up, Liam eventually accepts his cup of coffee and takes a sizeable sip.
    Hedge Patrol V: (Fast Reflexes 1 via Pledge)

  14. #38
    Liam Gelt's Avatar
    (7 feet tall; not fond of low ceilings)
    (Lean but well-muscled)
    Spring Mantle
    (+1 to Pres/Day)
    Liam Gelt

    Mien: Liam's skin is hardened into a bark-like armor with pine cone-like ridges throughout. His hair is made of pine needles that act a bit like a hedgehog's quills; standing up when agitated or smooth when calm. His eyes are a deep amber and his tears appear to have the consistency of sap until they leave his face.

    Mantle: The scent of pine sap in a close radius, his needle-like hair ripples occasionally as if tugged by a light breeze.
    Combat Stats

    Def: 2 (Dex/Wits)
    Armor: 0/0
    Initiative: 5
    Speed: 12 (w/ Fleet of Foot)

    Ogre Seeming Bonus
    -Add Glam to Str pools (1 per Glam)



    So the actor was a greenhorn (Liam chuckled at the inside joke) with alcohol? That was certainly a surprise. Though given his physique, he probably cared more for his well-being.
    "Hey, that's smart. The whole point of bar hopping is to have fun with friends...or strangers who become friends. Can't have fun if you're hammered".
    Liam realizes that some may disagree with that, but to each their own alcohol tolerance.
    Liam beams at Sarah's interest; "As long as there's room to work, I can fit into pretty much any setup". That and no costumes, but he figured that was best saved for another conversation. He had enough weirdness going on under his Mask without wearing anything else crazy.
    Hearing Sarah and James talk about their own charitable interest makes his heart swell; it wasn't often people with influence or power reached out to others to help, but both Royals seemed genuine in their passions.
    "Wow! That's...really cool. That's amazing that you get to help people out just from where you are." He realizes only too late the tears welling in his eyes, and quickly clears his throat.
    Damn Ogre brain! Think with your gut AFTER the meetn'greet why don't you?
    Banking on the generosity of his host/fellow patrons to not take advantage of a 7-foot tall man choking up, Liam eventually accepts his cup of coffee and takes a sizeable sip.
    Hedge Patrol V: (Fast Reflexes 1 via Pledge)

  15. #39
    Slikana Senka's Avatar

    Slikana Senka
    mantle Spring
    (scent of fresh cut grass)
    (conversational Latin)
    fast reflexes
    (need somethin?)
    Slikana Senka



    Slikana enters the area with tentative steps dressed sharply in a pale blue button up shirt, well pressed black pants, and polished leather oxfords. He is carrying a leather bound book written in Latin and a journal filled with translations. Noting the company and interior of the coffee shop, he smiles and intones; "Hello; I do hope I am not interrupting anything. I was told that I had to come try this place's coffee and I see that the information was correct."

    With this said, Slikana observes the room and moves a little more into the shop and away from the door. He will smile at Seraphina shyly and nod his head in a polite bow of sorts.
    Spring mantle sent of freshly cut grass and newly turned garden soil.

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