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(The Nameless) A Cry For Help

(The Nameless) Driving Hazard
Mar 15, 2021 - Apr 19, 2021
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  1. #21
    Katherine Port's Avatar
    Status (Network Zero)
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    Katherine Port
    Katherine Port Scenes

    "Maybe your van could be better than my Ridgeline... the truck bed is smaller than a full size truck. It seats four. I'm all for taking the van if its best for the job."

    "Monty, you OK on fronting the first aid kit costs?" She looks to Monty. "I did some Googling, and it added up quick. Hence why I didn't get as much as I wanted, and only 2 Celox kits in my backpack."

    A smile to Tasi as she replied to Kate's thanks. "Small stops to finetune our communication sounds great. I agree with Tasi on getting vehicles. I'm a wuss when it comes to cold, so I want a vehicle with a reliable battery to keep the heater up for us. Not hiking in exposure land."
    "Nice." She says to Will as he explains the circles and optimum roads. She studied the green routes for several moments, trying to memorize the best routes in and out. "Okay, I'm trying to memorize this."
    Kate made a note in her moleskin notebook to get a copy of this before they moved out.
    She nods to Lucas' idea.
    "I'm down for partnering with whoever. And Lucas, did you mention someone being in charge? In case we find ourselves in a bad situation."
    "Now we shouldn't go in like a SWAT team, okay. But Monty, I do think we need to be prepared to shut something down if its hurting people or has hurt people. From what I see by what everyone here has gathered, something dangerous is happening." She addressed her friend Monty in a conversational voice, firm but watching his eyes to communicate that this came from concern, and no negative emotions on her part.
    "And if you are concerned about being recognized, perhaps we should look into concealing your identity a bit and keeping you away from locales that would have cameras. I am sure all of us don't want to be connected to this at the end of the day, so we can all do that as much as possible."

    A lot of missing tourists made her think that it wasn't a bad idea to have a plan if something tried to eat them.
    "I'm guessing the internet is going to suck out there. I remember the rural area in Ohio where I hunted for a minute, it was like being back on dial up. I'll bring a hotspot." And Kate went about ordering two of those with rush delivery. No chances for a botched or defected piece of machinery when they were going to be isolated and alone.

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  3. #22
    Quatermass's Avatar


    Quatermas can only stop and stare, open mouthed, at Tasi Morgan when the Hunter starts talking of acquiring furs - like, man, she's just lost an arm!

    Shaking his head quickly, he looks over to both Monty and William.

    "Um. Yeah. Ozob... He's like way down the list. Waay down. We gotta get eyes on the town first. Eyes on Microsun. See whats happening. I mean, that footage was zombie apocalypse material. Are the townsfolk safe? Is the shit confined to Microsun? Then we find out what the hell is happening and get the word out. Finding this Ozob guy and putting him to the Inquisition is... well... thats a last resort. And I bet he's the kind fo rich bastard who won't have a clue what has just happened, and probably won't care if he sees a profit in it somewhere."

    He turned to Lucas.

    "I kinda like Lucas idea. We split up. Drive there separately. Heck we can even try to work on our comms... Comms? Comms! Just like Tasi says while we on the road trip. And Monty, if you want to fly out there, you can. Maybe do that and set up a rendezvous point for us -or do some preliminary scouting if that suits you - for when we all meet up."

    "What do you say? I'm for the drive, if you need to put it to the vote."

  4. #23
    Tasi Morgan's Avatar

    Half the Fun is Risking Scars
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    Status (Compact Ashwood Abbey) 1

    That's why she said if, silly boy. She shakes her head, then smirks as Lacus no. Lucas. Lu-cas. Lucky Lucas breaks in preventing her from voice her thought, "Oh, I see how it is Lucas. You just want me for my doughnuts. And here I thought we had something special." she places her metal gripperhand on her breast, over heart, face a light look of playful brievement.

    Monty puffs up and Tasi is ready to unleash her fury, (that asshole owes her an arm and murder is more fun anyway!) but Kitty Kate speaks up....Tasi hadn't expected the blonde to do so. Especially against another Zero. Maybe they weren't all soft voyeurs who couldn't party.

    "Or you could shave, or dye your hair, or wear scarf. Or I know, maybe not announce you're Monty Pennington with every other breath." a comes that same overly sweet, oh so innocent voice, mouth finishing in a small o, while she bats her eyelashes up at Monty. Alas she cannot hold the expression for long, and her smirk grows as a laugh escapes.

    Listening to Nickel and Dimes. Quartermaster. No. Wait. Quartermss, what a silly name. Speaking Tasi nods along, she has friends like that. Well, "frends".

    Both hands human and flesh and inhuman and fakedesigner are raised. "I've already put in my vote for a drive, I'm not leaving my chainsaw behind." she says, there's a force and a bite, eyes a little wild, they can watch her face relax as she takes a breath, to finish with a simple [color="#8D5ACD"]"Lovelies~"[/coplor]

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  6. #24
    William Reed's Avatar

    High Performance Driving
    (Twitch Reflexes)
    William Reed

    “Yea, recon. Black Bagging was the end point, not the start.” Should go without saying but here we are in the hand holding phase as everyone else plays at criminal. Even if they didn’t see themselves that way that’s what they all were. It would be nice if he could just walk in a diner and blow off a bloodsucker’s head though, if only. He dreamed hazily as the conversation continued. “Carousing sounds like it’s definitely Monty’s bag.” He couldn’t help but chuckle.

    Monty happened to be exactly Will’s type of asshole. He was the talent, Will was used to dealing with talent, it was his everyday life. If Monty had started complaining about make-up and hair he might get a little nostalgic. “The fuck you think we’re here for Monty? We gonna hold hands and talk out our differences with the monster? Nah. Don’t worry though Monty, your hands will stay clean.” He said with a smile. “ ‘Sides we need intel first if possible.’

    “Well, there goes our element of surprise.” He said while thumbing at Monty as he made a reservation in his own, actual name. “Hey Monty, you might have missed the whole kumbaya, communication shit at the BBQ but you don’t want a murder? Maybe don’t give up the ghost, yea? Not like our names weren’t on a guest list to an event he attended.” He backed up Tasi but he was the level headed one this go around.

    He rolled his eyes and brought his hands up to his face with a groan. Others talked about what vehicles to bring but he was driving down with Moxie regardless of what decisions were made, Monty wasn’t the only one who could make decisions for themselves it seems. “Just filled with surprises today Kathy, maybe my first impressions were wrong.” Ok so it wasn’t cold blooded murder but the fact she was willing to go the distance was more than Will was expecting.

    “Way down your list maybe QM, Ozob is the one behind everything there. Him and that fucking Relic I’d wager, yea we need more intel but that bastard shouldn’t be a LOW priority. Why? we want him to go out get another relic and repeat this?” Playing to people’s sympathies usually worked right? “Sounds like we’re in for a drive, if there’s no more prep we should pack up and head out. Radios should work on the road too but we should get CBs if we’re going to caravanning a lot.”

  7. #25
    Lucas Boucher's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    Lucas Boucher

    To Monty's concerns, Lucas simply points to Katherine.

    "Agreed. The intention should be to defend ourselves as we investigate the town and it's people. No one is Seal Team Sixing Ozob."

    Which in hindsight was what seemed to have been said in the first place? Shhh, Lucas totally knows what he's saying. Probably.

    "I doubt the resort next to the target is going to run to Ozob with every reservation to be cross referenced from an auction that happened months ago."

    Will and Tasi didn't strike Lucas as the paranoid types, but Lucas doubted this was going to set off any alarms. This is why they were riding separately. Rich people travel places. Especially ski towns in Colorado in the winter. Ever heard of Aspen? Your rich friends have.

    "So, first objective is eyes on the town. Get a lay of the land first hand. Second is locating the idol, starting with a scouting trip to Microsun. Third is finding a way to deal with Ozob. Sound acceptable to everyone?"

    Maybe murder wasn't the first choice, but Will was right about making sure Ozob stayed a priority. Just like Quatermass was right that it shouldn't be the top priority. With that out of the way, Lucas turns his attention to the bringer of doughnuts.

    "I suppose the company would also be desirable. Long drives are just a nightmare when you're by yourself."

    Tasi smirk? Meet Lucas smirk.

    And with the circle of smirk complete, Lucas rises from his seat. With a sip of his coco he scans the group.

    "So are we ready?"

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  9. #26
    Cayce's Avatar

    New Thread is Up! I'll close this after Monty responds, but feel free to enter the new thread.

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  11. #27
    Monty Pennington's Avatar

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    Monty Pennington

    Monty stared at the phone in his hand, a crease of worry crossing his brow. I wonder what that means? A resort that has their phone disconnected. hmm. He thought Monty quickly replaced his façade of nonchalance.

    Quote Originally posted by Kate:
    "Monty, you OK on fronting the first aid kit costs?" She looks to Monty. "I did some Googling, and it added up quick. Hence why I didn't get as much as I wanted, and only 2 Celox kits in my backpack."
    "Hmmmm, oh yes. I have a paramedic rated kit in the car I will grab before we go, but if you want another one I don't mind picking something up. If we can find a place along the way."

    Quote Originally posted by Kate:
    "And if you are concerned about being recognized, perhaps we should look into concealing your identity a bit and keeping you away from locales that would have cameras. I am sure all of us don't want to be connected to this at the end of the day, so we can all do that as much as possible." "I'm guessing the internet is going to suck out there. I remember the rural area in Ohio where I hunted for a minute, it was like being back on dial up. I'll bring a hotspot."
    "Being recognized is my whole point" He said with a smile. "But I take your point of crappy internet. I will have to remember to take some backup storage cards for my cameras. Thanks."

    Quote Originally posted by Quatermas:
    "I kinda like Lucas idea. We split up. Drive there separately. Heck we can even try to work on our comms... Comms? Comms! Just like Tasi says while we on the road trip. And Monty, if you want to fly out there, you can. Maybe do that and set up a rendezvous point for us -or do some preliminary scouting if that suits you - for when we all meet up."

    "What do you say? I'm for the drive, if you need to put it to the vote."
    Monty turned his attention to Quatermas and nodded . "I will travel with the plebs."
    He said deadpan but the glint of a smile sat comfortably in the corner of his eyes. "I don't want you all to think I am better then you or anything"

    Quote Originally posted by Tasi:
    "Or you could shave, or dye your hair, or wear scarf. Or I know, maybe not announce you're Monty Pennington with every other breath."
    "Oh dearest, I could walk into a room with a paper bag over my head and everyone would recognize me, that's what real fame is, I don't expect a model." he stopped and looked at her arm with a grimace. "Sorry, former model, to understand."

    When William interjected with
    “The fuck you think we’re here for Monty? We gonna hold hands and talk out our differences with the monster? Nah. Don’t worry though Monty, your hands will stay clean.” He said with a smile. “ ‘Sides we need intel first if possible.’
    He was quiet for a moment eyes down cast a considering. He responded with "All barbs a jokes and slights aside, I am going to lay my cards on the table and make myself super clear. I am here to publicly expose the supernatural. I am NOT on some fool hardy crusade to get myself killed or arrested. I get there is danger, I get that I am at risk I am accepting of that. I am willing to take all of the bad things that come from exposing the world to the evil that we hunt. What I am not willing to do is any of the things that the monsters we hunt do, I will NOT become a fucking monster. If any of you think that I will suffer a murder hobo, or any of you doubt my resolve in finding and exposing the truth, you can kindly fuck off now."

    “Hey Monty, you might have missed the whole kumbaya, communication shit at the BBQ but you don’t want a murder? Maybe don’t give up the ghost, yea? Not like our names weren’t on a guest list to an event he attended.
    Monty sighed "It's ok the phone line is down, which brings up a whole separate concern. I take your lesson though, Don't worry I will use my name to shield yours."

    He took a moment to smile at Lucas' comments "At least someone gets it. I want to stop off at a sporting goods store for a baseball bat or two but yeah I am ready, Let's go"

    Ok sorry for the delay, I hope I covered everyone's post, Honestly I was thinking my last post was going to be my final then a bunch of things had to be answered. Cayce : I don't mind buying first aid kits if you allow, I already have a paramedic kit on my sheet so I will get extra for who ever wanted if that is ok. Also I want a baseball bat for myself if that is ok. I am just going to bring what's on my sheet minus the car since someone else is driving me. I will post tomorrow in the new thread. Thank you

  12. #28
    Cayce's Avatar

    Excellent thread! Wish it could go on longer, but lets get to some action

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