Monty stared at the phone in his hand, a crease of worry crossing his brow. I wonder what that means? A resort that has their phone disconnected. hmm. He thought Monty quickly replaced his façade of nonchalance.
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"Monty, you OK on fronting the first aid kit costs?" She looks to Monty. "I did some Googling, and it added up quick. Hence why I didn't get as much as I wanted, and only 2 Celox kits in my backpack."
"Hmmmm, oh yes. I have a paramedic rated kit in the car I will grab before we go, but if you want another one I don't mind picking something up. If we can find a place along the way."
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"And if you are concerned about being recognized, perhaps we should look into concealing your identity a bit and keeping you away from locales that would have cameras. I am sure all of us don't want to be connected to this at the end of the day, so we can all do that as much as possible." "I'm guessing the internet is going to suck out there. I remember the rural area in Ohio where I hunted for a minute, it was like being back on dial up. I'll bring a hotspot."
"Being recognized is my whole point" He said with a smile. "But I take your point of crappy internet. I will have to remember to take some backup storage cards for my cameras. Thanks."
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"I kinda like Lucas idea. We split up. Drive there separately. Heck we can even try to work on our comms... Comms? Comms! Just like Tasi says while we on the road trip. And Monty, if you want to fly out there, you can. Maybe do that and set up a rendezvous point for us -or do some preliminary scouting if that suits you - for when we all meet up."
"What do you say? I'm for the drive, if you need to put it to the vote."
Monty turned his attention to Quatermas and nodded . "I will travel with the plebs."
He said deadpan but the glint of a smile sat comfortably in the corner of his eyes. "I don't want you all to think I am better then you or anything"
Originally posted by
"Or you could shave, or dye your hair, or wear scarf. Or I know, maybe not announce you're Monty Pennington with every other breath."
"Oh dearest, I could walk into a room with a paper bag over my head and everyone would recognize me, that's what real fame is, I don't expect a model." he stopped and looked at her arm with a grimace. "Sorry, former model, to understand."
When William interjected with
“The fuck you think we’re here for Monty? We gonna hold hands and talk out our differences with the monster? Nah. Don’t worry though Monty, your hands will stay clean.” He said with a smile. “ ‘Sides we need intel first if possible.’
He was quiet for a moment eyes down cast a considering. He responded with "All barbs a jokes and slights aside, I am going to lay my cards on the table and make myself super clear. I am here to publicly expose the supernatural. I am NOT on some fool hardy crusade to get myself killed or arrested. I get there is danger, I get that I am at risk I am accepting of that. I am willing to take all of the bad things that come from exposing the world to the evil that we hunt. What I am not willing to do is any of the things that the monsters we hunt do, I will NOT become a fucking monster. If any of you think that I will suffer a murder hobo, or any of you doubt my resolve in finding and exposing the truth, you can kindly fuck off now."
“Hey Monty, you might have missed the whole kumbaya, communication shit at the BBQ but you don’t want a murder? Maybe don’t give up the ghost, yea? Not like our names weren’t on a guest list to an event he attended.
Monty sighed "It's ok the phone line is down, which brings up a whole separate concern. I take your lesson though, Don't worry I will use my name to shield yours."
He took a moment to smile at Lucas' comments "At least someone gets it. I want to stop off at a sporting goods store for a baseball bat or two but yeah I am ready, Let's go"
Ok sorry for the delay, I hope I covered everyone's post, Honestly I was thinking my last post was going to be my final then a bunch of things had to be answered.
: I don't mind buying first aid kits if you allow, I already have a paramedic kit on my sheet so I will get extra for who ever wanted if that is ok. Also I want a baseball bat for myself if that is ok. I am just going to bring what's on my sheet minus the car since someone else is driving me. I will post tomorrow in the new thread. Thank you