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(New Year 2020) The Bar

Dec 31, 2020 : New Year's 2020
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  1. #21
    Tiny's Avatar

    Oath's Bastion

    Honor 2
    Wisdom 1


    "His own library? I'm already jealous of your fiancee." While tiny was never a devoted book lover like so many bone shadows could be, he certainly loved a good book. Or even better, a research paper. "That would be great, i'll have to whip up a date, but that shouldn't be hard." Lie. "Of course, that's why I'm here tonight. Well, mostly to celebrate Galina's birthday, but its good to get out of the study mode every now and then. There must be a balance in life, and i've always advocated hard for balance. And why are you out tonight? Celebrating anything beyond the turn of the year?" And balance had advocated for him, which was why he did that skinny dipping trip to Lake Eerie. Luna that had been embarrassing.
    Elodoth | Storm Lord | Primal Urge 1
    Grapes [/] [] [] [] [] [] [] WP (6/6)

  2. #22
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes


    Treasured Nix

    Laughing, “I’m sure he’d love to talk about it. Though to be fair, I have my own as well, though not as filled as his. He’s a bit more of a academic than I am, but we each have our passions.” But he was more impressive. “Perfect!” poor Rhodes, getting signed up for double dates left and right. “Oh, I couldn’t agree more! I took the semester off myself to focus on life a bit more. Though I’m still learning to find that perfect balance of work, school and personal life. So if you have any tricks, I’d love to hear them.” Smiling. “I’m a bit of a social butterfly and can always find a reason to go out. But it’s mainly to meet new and interesting people and celebrate. But now I have another reason to celebrate, a twenty first birthday is always a reason to celebrate! And it looks like she is having a blast!”
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  3. #23
    Tiny's Avatar

    Oath's Bastion

    Honor 2
    Wisdom 1


    Tiny laughs along with Sera, "A student with her own library? where did I go wrong in life? The best trick is seperation. Work at work, home at home, and keeping the two apart is the best. Level two is recognizing that it is impossible to truly seperate your lives like that, and to find ways to allow them to blend with each other at the edges. But its quite hard, regardless of how you do it." No easy way to keep a home life, a work life, and a werewolf life seperate.
    He orders another glass of wine, and doesn't seem tipsy at all. "So what are you studying? I did law, as I think you heard, but also world cultures."

    "Yeah, she's actually a trained Ballerina, so i'm glad to see she can cut loose, and Josh is...certainly enthusiastic." He tried to keep his smile down, but didn't succeed. He noted her waving them over, but he was just starting his wine, so he shook his head. And who wants to dance with an older man at a club?
    Elodoth | Storm Lord | Primal Urge 1
    Grapes [/] [] [] [] [] [] [] WP (6/6)

  4. #24
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes


    Treasured Nix

    A shrug with a warm smile, “I’ve just always been a bookworm, even as a kid. And I can never bring myself to get rid of any book I come across, so my collection grew into needing its own library.” Though he didn’t seem surprised that she had one, which was nice. Most were surprised when she spoke of reading. “Ah, so that seems to be where I’m going wrong. I can’t seem to leave work at work or school at school. Using down time at work to do some homework, and down time at home to do payroll and other paperwork. Maybe the semester off will help me move things around and put your words into play.” Though people were always telling her to slow down. “World cultures? Now that sounds downright fascinating!” she exclaims. “Nothing as noble as law I’m afraid, but interior design with a minor in fashion. I’ve been considering my own boutique down the road. And I’m considering another minor in history.” What can she say, she loved school. “But I’d love to hear more about world cultures sometime.” And she sounded truly interested. Mostly because she was.

    Eyes widen at the news, and she quickly looks over to the girl, then back, “Really? Such a talent!” then laughing, “He certainly seems into it.” It seemed like Josh just went out and had fun, not caring. Catching the wave over and the shake of his head, “Should get out there and join them! You only live once, need to have fun!” encourages the Nix.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

  5. #25
    Tiny's Avatar

    Oath's Bastion

    Honor 2
    Wisdom 1


    Tiny nods sipping the wine, "Taking time to prepare can really help and pay off later. If you pause and ask 'what do i want? How will I get it?' you'll find that a lot of messy problems become a lot clearer." How many times had insurmountable spirit problems been solved with that question? Too many had exploded because no one asked.

    "If you do well, i'll have to get a designer for my house one day. I'll look you up. I'm sure you'd design an excellent library."

    "I'd be happy to chat about the one time in history that gold became actually worthless because the king gave it all away." Well, that was unfair, Musa had only given away a ridiculous amount, not all of it.

    He smiles as she encourages him also to dance. He slugs down the rest of the wine, "Save me a water for when I get back please." And he moves to the dance floor.
    Elodoth | Storm Lord | Primal Urge 1
    Grapes [/] [] [] [] [] [] [] WP (6/6)

  6. #26
    Seraphina's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    New Identity
    (Sarah Jones)
    Mantle (Spring)
    (In Mini Sheet)


    Softly shimmering gold flakes catch the light whenever she moves, delicate gilded gold and diamond scales extenuate the rare greenish blue color of her aquamarine eyes. In the right light, or when her mood changes, her eyes seem to illuminate from within, it’s a very gentle glow. This is the ocean lives in Sera's eyes. The scales trail up to her temples and forehead. Her hair reaches down her back, brushing the ground, spun silver and emerald. Perfectly placed tiny pearls can be seen woven throughout her hair. Very fine diamond dust falls loose from her hair when she moves, reflecting rainbows from the light. The scales on her hands are dulled by the simple fact that her hands are translucent. There is an iridescent scale like skin that pulls delicately up from her ears. The membrane shimmers and has three curly points.



    Cherry blossoms gilded in gold bloom from her hair, tumbling down as a warm rejuvenating spring breeze gently kisses the air with the scent of freshly cut grass. The sound of birds singing can be heard as the wildflowers grow and bloom in vibrant colors where she walks, swaying and lively in the breeze.
    Sera's hands and lower legs are translucent while the rest of her has cracks

    A fairly tall woman, roughly 5'11 with long, wavy dark brown hair. Her eyes are an intense, deep bright blue, reminding one of sapphires. Her lips are full and her skin is flawless. With that perfection comes a body that men fawn and drool over, and women envy.

    Health Tracker

    Haunted House

    Hedgespun Items

    Tear dropped shaped pendant, form fitted waterfall jacket


    -3 to any rolls involving Presence
    Seraphina Scenes


    Treasured Nix

    He was full of excellent advice. Perhaps he had been there before, and those suggestions were what helped him.

    A warm smile at the compliment and a nod, “It would be an honor to design something for you.” He was such a nice guy.

    Without a chance to reply, she watches him head to the dance floor. Smiling and cheering for him! He had more rhythm than she did, and more confidence. She’d only danced once, years ago, with Mhairi and Ingrid.

    Finishing her drink, she makes sure to order enough water for the dancing crowd, plus a round of drinks, giving the bartender cash. Top shelf liquor only, she enjoyed the company, and wanted it to show. She tipped the bartender well, making sure each of the three got a bottled water and drink.

    But she had came for what she wanted, to be social and meet new people. Who she hoped to meet up with again soon. So, she leaves a napkin with an address written on it, her coffee shop. It was in beautiful cursive, with a note saying coffee and tea are on her!

    Quietly, she disappears into the crowd, and heads out to pickup dinner.
    Treasured/Nix Wyrd●●●●

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