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Here, Onions, Onions, Onions!

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  1. #1
    Jack Falley's Avatar


    Jack smoothly drives his Corolla into a parking spot near the Tower Bridge. He reasons that the best Sight for the day would be one that assists in finding someone they didn't know, so he decides to pull up the Imago of threads of Fate being in the visible spectrum.

    Feeling the spell take hold, he puts the car in idle, rolls down the windows cuz it's such a nice day, and turns off the radio to play some TapTapRevolution on his new iPhone while waiting for the other Mystagogues to show.

  2. #2
    Ruby's Avatar



    Eyes and Illusions

    A family of Nimbus clouds drift lazily through the blue. Solar kisses rain down between their migrations and kindle God's fire in the nucleus of every living cell below.

    Today is a skirt day.

    Ruby parks her car a superfluous number of blocks from the Tower bridge, trusting in her favorite trick to remain off radar. Soul dimmed like the Sleeping, she walks calmly and briskly towards a tabloid plastered plywood box trying to be a news-stand. Jack should be...

    Her sunglass-shade eyes seek out a Soul, a spark, and find the crosswind.

    "Jack! Good mornin'! I hope you're well," A cheerful greeting under urgent circumstance. A wave that wastes no time.

    "We're a little close to Their poison, don't you think? Do you think he'll be here?"

  3. #3
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    OOC stuffs

    Aurum parked her black Honda some distance from the bridge and walked to meet everyone at the bridge. She wore a black bondage pants with hot pink highlights, a pair of sneakers, and a t-shirt with a pink skull on it. In her black hair she had some pink accents and her goggles.

    She walked with one earbud in listing to her MP3 player. She spotted the other two mages and gave a wave and a small smile. "Hey, guys."
    Fisher: Shaman of The Adamatine Arrow,
    5'8", tan, lean with long black hair and brown eyes. ||Presence: 2
    Supernal Vision / Organic Resilience, and Mana 5/11, WP 5/5.

  4. #4
    Jack Falley's Avatar


    Jack quits quickly out of the game he'd been playing when Ruby strolled up, then he hops out of his car to properly greet her and the close behind her goth chick.

    "Hey, Ruby," he says, equally cheerfully. "Hey Aurum. Doin' alright."

    He lowers his voice a bit before continuing, "I can't be 100% positive, as I only have the words of Orphan and Armstrong to go by, but they said 'Homeless-but-not-Homeless' frequents this park by the Bridge. That's all I've really got on him, I'm afraid... I wasn't able to ask for a description of him before the alarms started sounding.

    "At the very least, I'm hoping Fate will guide me if he's not the only bum around..."
    Jack finishes

  5. #5
    Ruby's Avatar



    You know what? The black and straps and goggles don't seem to bother Ruby much anymore. She's still not excited about the way Aurum presents herself, but at least she's consistent, defined.

    "Good morning Aurum, it's good to see you. I hope your studies are going well." Ruby welcomes Aurum into the conversation so that she can hear Jack's rundown.

    "Oh, I always thought you'd spoken to him yourself... well, I think luck will help a great deal in finding this gentleman. He was... he Sees the Invisible Truth, right?" Didn't Animus once say something about a crazy Mage near Tower Bridge?

    "Could be easier to spot if he shines." Ruby glances at the busy chaos of the Quiescent, their dim lights easy to overlook.

  6. #6
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    Aurum smiled in greeting to Jack, "Hey Jack." Then still smiling she turned to Ruby and replied, "Studies are going well and I'm still alive so no complaints."

    The small goth winced when she heard the information they had to go off. Nice looks like we have to hope he sees us and is a chatty type or we luck out.

    "Owch, that's all we got to go off? Well hopefully we are using someone else's luck and not mine. I don't have much good luck lately it seems."
    Fisher: Shaman of The Adamatine Arrow,
    5'8", tan, lean with long black hair and brown eyes. ||Presence: 2
    Supernal Vision / Organic Resilience, and Mana 5/11, WP 5/5.

  7. #7
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    SRSLY. Is the plan to sit and chat at a park bench until it rains cluebats and onions?
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  8. #8
    Jack Falley's Avatar


    "Unfortunately, yea, that's all I got," Jack says with a frown and tone of apology. "Let's go ahead and get looking," he says, politely ushering the other two along with him towards the Bridge.

    On the way, he forges up the Imago of some more luck, this time with helping him be less socially inept in drawing information from this homeless-looking guy they're searching for and feels the spell latch on somewhat weakly.

    It's a buffer, anyway
    , the Enchanter thinks, mentally shrugging knowing that it didn't really matter how powerful that particular spell was.

    Perfect Moment (Get info from Onions)

  9. #9
    Ruby's Avatar



    A serious measure of concern overtakes Ruby, clearly Jack hasn't put much thought into how they were going to do this. Now it seems, his intention is to walk headlong into the bounds of their enemies' most terrible weapon.

    "Jack, stop. We haven't thought this through yet. Last time someone tried to get close to the bridge, people died." Oh, yes. She's heard.

    "Do you think they'll hesitate to cause a car accident, or a chemical spill or something if they find out we're snooping around? We need to be careful, and we need to be aggressive."

    Like a switch-flick Ruby enters planning mode, listing orders like groceries.

  10. #10
    Ruby's Avatar



    "Jack, we need something to recognize this man with. I seem to remember that Counsilor Animus spoke with a man similar to that some time ago, made a big deal of it. How about you call him, get whatever description you can get?"

    "Aurum, need you to be our eyes. Sweep out along in front of us, careful as you can and watch out for anything suspicious. Folks have gotten shot at before, so keep careful eye on roofs and windows, and don't you dare get out of my sight."

    "I need to get a better look at the Ley, let's move towards the biggest artery we can. Meantime, let's all start thinking of ways to draw this man out to us, safer than stumblin' looking for him."

    Ruby takes one quick moment to assess the contents of her purse just in case. She pushes aside her taser and the photocopies of Theo's sigil laden charts to pull out her phone.

    She looks up at her Neokoroi expecting expedience and elbow grease.

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