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Dive Bars and Beers

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  1. #21
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    "Hiya back Jimmy," Circe gleefully greeted Quick as he joined the gaggle of gals, plus Kid. She actually threw her free arm over the Winter's shoulder, cozying up to him readily. "You know these ladies Jimmy?"

    The cheer faded as he brought up the car. She'd rather not admit to failing, "Uh, not now I ain't Jimmy. Kinda need a garage and tools to do that and I ain't got those no more," Circe shrugged her as she finished answering. Hopefully none of the mortals would ask why she didn't have them anymore. She took a sip of her cola to stall and think of excuses.

    Circe gave Kid a joyful smile as he spoke of his and Viola's sibling status, "And you seem to be a poet too," she frowned, "I hate poets," then laughed, "I kid you Kid. Hate is too strong a word. Don't care for it though," she then looked between Viola and Kid, "Well so long as she can kick your ass you're safe enough. Though Viola," she looked to the big sister, "I see nothing wrong with a friendly brawl between sibs, but how regularly do you have to educate him?"
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

  2. #22
    Cynthia Weiss's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Hot Goth)
    (Mask of Tranquillity)
    New Identity
    (Elise White)
    Cynthia Weiss

    Nosferatu Curse:
    The fowl scent of toxic chemicals follow Cynthia wherever she goes. Everything from Ammonia to Sulphur seems to cling to her.


    The Cynthia was not used to crowds anymore. Most gatherings like this usually dispersed when they got within a few feet of her and got a whiff of the smells coming off her. Was it the mix of perfume and ciggarette smoke chocking out the bleach-like scent? The goth sank a little in her chair, the strangeness of the situation was starting to get to he.

    Thankfully the words of Alessandra stopped that sensation from becoming overwhelming. "Yeah. True. Feels like its gonna take a while before I really feel like I've really settled in though." She admitted, sitting back up.

    "I think I'll just stick with a beer thanks." She was gonna regret drinking anything at all. The mental images of what comes after were unpleasant. Her fingers drummed against the table. "So... What brings everyone out tonight?" She asked.

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  4. #23
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Now things were getting interesting. Her kid brother and he was called ‘Kid’? If that wasn’t a nickname or fake name than she didn’t know what was. But it was all good to her, she had a false name for being around breathers. Made business much easier.

    A tattooed hand was raised in a quick wave to Kid.

    Then she smirks to Viola, “Nothing wrong with that. Always good to get those things figured out these days.”

    When she mentions whiskey, Ale will get one ordered for her. Whiskey wasn’t a bad drink, she’d had her share of fine whiskeys over the years. But that shit was unpleasant coming back up, beer was easier.

    And the other Italian was Mary, which was kind of generic and not over Italian at all. But hell, whatever worked for her.

    A sly grin was offered to Mary, “I could be psychic and am just choosing not to expose myself. Cause then people always get too interested and ask all kinds of questions.” She was, of course, joking. Her Clan didn’t have psychic powers. Turning into animals and being able to rend flesh with horrendous claws? Yes. Read minds, nope.

    “Cars like mine don’t just fall into your lap. I started with only a jeep wrangler. Was great for getting out in the woods, but that was about it.” Oh, and pulling the doors off bunkers to get traitors to the Domain. “And she didn’t look like that when I got her. She’s had some work done. Didn’t do it myself, cause I’m not very mechanically inclined, but money well spent.” She nods.

    And it sounded like Mary worked on cars, which was cool, not that she’d let the woman touch her car. But good to know.

    Chuckling, “Sure, one step closer.” Why not? She’d probably never see the woman again.

    Looking from Mary to Viola, “Personally, I’m more amused.” And then she shrugged. Not much made the Savage wary when it came to breathers. Especially this one, who looked harmless.

    Then James came over, and a smile and nod was offered to him.

    It was amusing to listen to Kid talk about Viola. She’d always wanted a sibling, more so to take the pressure off her, but it also seemed to form a real connection between people. Maybe she longed for that bond? Was hard to say with her.

    She then laughs, not saying what she found so funny, and drinks her beer. Maybe it her thinking that Kid got the social grace and friendly genes while his sister was more gruff and not socially gifted. But she wasn’t saying, only laughing and enjoying her beer.

    Regaining her composure, “Well, everyone will tell you they’re harmless. But very seldom is that actually true.” Those were the ones you watched.

    Looking to Cynthia with a nod, “That’s true. It always seems to take a while to get settled into a new city. Hell, I think I still have some boxes unpacked at my place.” It was true, she hadn’t unpacked fully. With their Kind, you never knew when things would turn sour.

    “For me, I need a night without dealing with work or business. Didn’t feel like hitting the range, so the bar was next best thing.” But work and business would always find her. The Reeve was always on the job, looking for threats to the Domain. And being part of a life of crime, it was a life that never had any rest.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  6. #24
    Viola Jones's Avatar

    Viola Jones

    Hunter in the Darkness
    Purity ●● | Cunning ●


    Viola nursed her beer and noted that Mary liked to talk.

    That accent might be doing it for her, but that chattering....Viola didn't know if she could take all that chattering.

    "Both." Viola says to Merry when she's asked about Kid. Her eyes turn to the Cahalith. "But annoyed works better." she pulls another long swing off her bottle and knows she'll need the whiskey soon. "Look at that face. You tell me." Viola says to Mary, leaving it not really answered. They hadn't really gone into it. Not with her not wantin' Alpha, but with none named and no totem...they were just calling themselves a pack.

    The pretty boy at the bar comes over, and Viola should have realized that they'd be getting one more body when Sophia seemed very, the more the merrier. This definitely wasn't her fucking night.

    She glares harder at Kid and moves to steal whatever remained of his tallboy. With how free he's been with his drink before, Viola don't put any effort into it, and honestly she didn't want it, but still. Depriving him of whatever remained was all she could do....for now.

    The goth skunk is a little more taciturn, and that, that wins her points with the Rahu. "Drinking." Apparently. Because even if she'd been trying to swing a night with the inked beauty, her nature didn't allow for her to extend those attempts with so many near. But, but Sophia hadn't said she was barkin' up the wrong tree. Viola twists her flat lips into a smirk as the Italian orders her that whiskey. When it arrives, she raises it in a silent cheers to the women who'd gotten it for her and takes a sip.

    Maybe when the crowd thinned they could....talk.
    Meninna Rahu | Primal Urge ●● | Heath: | Willpower: | Essence:

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  8. #25
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    Alessandra's psychic answer got a grin and a nod from Circe: "Well, that is fair," though she was amused at the woman's story about her car. The Fairest had learned the hard way about letting others do work instead of doing it yourself. As for stepping stones of friendship, "Yay to that then."

    Viola's answer got a bark of laughter from Circe. "Spoken like a true sibling," she found that answers to be most amusing. As for Kid's face, Circe could think of any number of remarks to use. Some would insult Kid, others Viola. She settled for something else, a hug smile upon her face: "Ooooh, good answer."

    As goth girl asked a question Circe deigned to answer: "Eh not much. I just need to unwind from the job and this place was nearby. Plus, drunk watching is fun." The prospect of a shooting range was interesting, though Circe would have to get a membership. It was cheaper to just walk into a Trod and let loose.
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

  9. #26
    Quick's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Boyish Charm)
    Winter Mantle
    (Hush of snowfall, stray flurries)

    Quick is crowned with an ostentatious arc of hair that resembles a jagged bolt of lightning. He is very lithe and slightly taller than his Mask appears. His skin is a very pale shade of teal, and is covered in tiny filaments like cracks which glow an orange-red. The tips of his fingers and toes come to points, and his shoulders have hard, jagged projections growing from them.


    "Well, Mary likes to call me Jimmy." he points out to the other guy - Kid, apparently - and gives Circe a warm smile. "James works too." Kid sure has a lot to say. With Sophia chiming in on the subject, Quick can hardly resist. "So are you? Harmless?" he baits, seeing if he can get a rise out of him.

    "I've only met Sophia. Everyone else is new. To me."

    "Garage, huh? Know anyone who might have one?"
    He poses the question mostly to Circe. But if any of these others had connections, maybe she could use them. Quick can't remember if he'd ever seen Circe deflate like that. Cheery or loud and heated. But that? Maybe he's just grasping straws. Being a new Winter doesn't make you a shrink. And she probably didn't come here to talk about how bummed she is over not working on her car.

    "Relaxing. Taking a night off. Whatever you want to call it." He gives the goth girl a shrug. What was her name again? Ella? Elly? Elise. Right. Quick blinks a few times. "You?" He takes a moment to take another deep drink from his beer.

    The mean looking girl with the short haircut... Quick doesn't know where to begin. Or even if he should. She just seems irritated. Probably at Kid. He's been doing a fine job of heckling her. Probably just that. "That's the spirit!" he offers to her short, clipped answer. "Let's all keep doing that. Drinking." Well, almost everyone. Sophia seemed to drink pretty sparingly, if the night at the club was any indication.
    Elemental: Levinquick
    Wyrd ● | Health | Glamour | Willpower

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  11. #27
    Kid's Avatar

    Distinctive Voice
    (Pleasant Drawl)
    Eidetic Memory
    Trained Observer

    Hunter in Darkness


    "A poet? Me?" He gives Mary a mystified look and then bursts into laughter. "Oh hell no." Recovering himself. "Just a talker is all. But good one."

    With that, he turns to the Goth, Elise, with a crooked grin, "Tonight? Nothin' special. Just lookin' for fun." And I've found it his twinkling, blue eyes seem to say.

    Then Alessandra speaks up with a bit of wisdom about appearances and realities, and Kid lifts his tall boy in a mock salute. "Truer words, Sophia. Truer words." He gulps his beer. "And the other way around? That's true too. They'll tell you they're as deadly as the plague. And then what? Roll right over, that's what." He says it all with a merry grin on his face, but something about his tone of voice says he's had a bit of experience. He winks at Viola, as if to say: I like this one. Like she needs his approval.

    When Viola directs others to take a look at his face, Kid puts on his most innocent expression. And then gives his tallboy up without a fight when his pack mate grabs for it, expertly ignoring her glare. "Ain't much left but spit, but you enjoy it, Sis." It's true, the can is nearly empty. "You mind getting me another, maybe? I'm fuckin' thirsty tonight."

    "Jimmy, it is then. Nice to know ya," he says to Quick, his eyes fairly flashing. "Oh yeah, harmless as they come. An angel in the flesh, really. Big ol' puppy dog." Lies. Lies. Lies. But who's counting? "What about you, Jimmy? Any major crimes or misdemeanors we should know about?" Clearly joking.

    Eyes back to Viola, now: "So, what about that beer?"
    Meninna | Cahalith
    WP: Essence: Primal Urge: ●●

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  13. #28
    Cynthia Weiss's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Hot Goth)
    (Mask of Tranquillity)
    New Identity
    (Elise White)
    Cynthia Weiss

    Nosferatu Curse:
    The fowl scent of toxic chemicals follow Cynthia wherever she goes. Everything from Ammonia to Sulphur seems to cling to her.


    "I'm still waiting for a few things to get delivered over here. Might go a long way to fixing that." Cynthia told the Reeve as she leaned against the table. A beer was delivered to the table which for the most part was just sitting there in the goths hands.

    She looked up at James and shrugged. "About the same reason really." The responses from the others were about what she was expecting. She did look over at Kid with a raised eyebrow. Her gaze jumped around, from Viola then back to Kid again. A bit of a smile crept up from the sides of her mouth. "Oh? What kind of fun is that?" She asked innocently.

  14. #29
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The corners of the Savages lips turn up into a smirk, clearly amused by Viola and Kid. Dark eyes turn to his face, appearing to study it, “Eh, I could go either way.” She said honestly, taking a drink. “I’ve been fooled by an innocent face before, won’t happen again.” She says with a wink and laugh.

    What a stare! Snorting, “That’s one vicious glare you got going. Best sleep with one eye open Kid.” Another chuckle. The Reeve was in a good mood tonight it seemed. Look at her being all friendly to the breathers!

    The raised glass was repeated with her own beer glass. This Viola was an odd one, and she wondered why so much anger? Or maybe she just had a rough outer shell, which was a possibility. Or not a people person. She wasn’t sure which, not that it really mattered to her.

    Smirking to the other Italian, “That it is! Nothing like watching people stumbling around.” They usually made for easy pickings if you really needed a fix.

    Nodding to James, “Think that was night our friend Mary was hunting for rabbits or something. If memory serves me right.” Shrug. Wasn’t your typical night in the park that’s for sure.

    Looking to Mary, “If you need one, a garage, I might have a couple numbers. Not saying it would be free, but I might be able to help.” If she was nice.

    Laughing at Kids words, “Here’s to that!” glass was raised again. “I’ve found it to be more true with guys who talk big but can’t back it up. Especially against a girl. For some reason, not a lot of guys think a pretty girl can throw a punch.” A half assed shrug, “But the look of shock they give you from the ground is priceless!” oh she loved that. Or when she’s a better shot than a guy at the range, those were good too. “Hence, always best to assume someone is stronger and can throw a better punch.” Glass was raised.

    As the beer was successfully grabbed, she laughs, “Let me get you another one.” She offers, and if accepted, orders him another one.

    A snort then, “Sorry if I don’t buy the whole harmless crap.” Seen too much.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  16. #30
    Viola Jones's Avatar

    Viola Jones

    Hunter in the Darkness
    Purity ●● | Cunning ●


    Drinking. Yay. Everyone was fucking drinking and they all decided that this bar, on this night, at this fucking table was the way to go.

    Fucking hell.

    Viola downs the rest of the whiskey, setting back to the table none to gently.

    Her dead(ly) eyes turn to Kid once more and she feels like she ought to throw the spit filled the tallboy can at him.

    Probably wouldn't do her any favors with Sophia though.

    "What beer? It's just your spit." Sure smelled like it too. She doesn't pit up the can like she wants to, but she does position her fingers in front of it and flicks it. Maybe with enough force to do something behind it. Maybe not. But she was sure Kid would be happy with her restraint.

    After Kid's look and then nothing from the Skunk Viola thought that was it. But this. Now. Fuck. Kid's probably going to be smelling a foul as the Skunk in no time flat.

    At least Sophia seems amused by all this. Viola knew she as hell was not, and for the first time she was seriously considering someone else's opinion on her mattering. Or else she would have said 'fuck it' ten different times already and stalked outta here.
    Meninna Rahu | Primal Urge ●● | Heath: | Willpower: | Essence:

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