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(C)Law and Order!

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  1. #1
    Victoria Stamford's Avatar

    Lady Reeve Stamford
    Lady Reeve Stamford

    Presence ••• (Dominant)
    Striking Looks •••• (Intense Gaze, Stunning)
    BP •••
    Status (Invictus): ••
    Status (Domain): ••••


    On the door is her name and beside the door is a suited man in a gimp mask standing stiffly. When the women approach the door he moves and opens the door to allow them to enter. The office had sound proofing so it wasn't until the door is opened that the soft sounds of classical music drifted out of the room.

    Victoria sat in her office listening to Tartini Violin Sonata in G minor over her smart phone's docking station. She sat behind a wooden desk the size of a small runway and a couple of book cases were to either side of the desk along the walls. There are several steel shackles affixed quite solidly to one wall for feet, wrists, neck, and waist. It never hurt to be prepared. Then in an alcove near the door sat a couch with a couple of chairs which Victoria was pointedly not occupying. In front of her desk were no chairs, only a rather nice throw rug that took up much of the center of the room.

    There was a combination laptop tablet with the screen powered off to one side of her desk. She sat with her hands resting on her desk staring at the door, it was as if she had known exactly when they were coming. She wore a pair of leather pants and boots, with a cream colored blouse and sturdy leather jacket. She sat silently her visitors to settle in and speak.

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  3. #2
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The drive over to see Victoria was an extremely long ride for her. She kept replaying the events of the evening over and over, wondering what she could have done differently. Could she have stopped the train wreck before it started? Would Konrad and Katya actually stepping in beforehand effected the chain of events?

    She pulls the Torino into a parking spot, turned off the engine and briefly laid her forehead on the steering wheel. Would this be the end of her own Danse? Would she be driven from the Domain? Was everything she was working for lost?

    Too many questions and not enough answers. Getting out of the car, she grabs a hoodie, not sure how her clothes looked. Did she really care right now? Not really. Her guns were removed from their holster and locked in the trunk.

    Katya will find her leaning against the car when she pulls in, her hood up and hands in her pockets. Would this be her last evening spent with her cousin? She didn't know, but won’t say anything, and will just head into the lower part of the Nox, making her way to Victoria’s office.

    Once the door was opened for them, and she was inside, she lowers the hood and takes in the office. Simple, yet elegant. She wouldn’t expect any less from the Lady. The classical music was soothing, but did nothing to lighten her mood.

    Her Beast, despite the beautiful music, screamed in fear. It told her to screw owning up and to just run! But the Savage steels her nerves against the fear.

    Bowing respectfully, “Reeve Stamford, thank you for meeting with me on such short notice. Miss Harding decided she wanted to attend as well, I hope that's ok.” Greets the Savage, her tone somber, eyes haunted.

    “I wish this meeting was for a different circumstance, but it isn’t. There was an incident at our,” she says with a nod of her head towards Katya, “family meeting and it needs to be addressed and handled accordingly.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  5. #3

    Katya's drive is a bit more hurried than Ale's as she is trying to play catch up. After helping konrad clean up the ash piles and bits of viscera and blood that had been spilled as well as any other evidence of violence going on in the church, she hopped in her car and tried heading out as fast as she could without violating any traffic laws. The speed in her driving prevented her from thinking too much about what to say or answer to but that was perhaps for the better.

    When she gets out, Katya spots Ale and gives a silent nod to her to signify she is ready to head in. Comfort for the undead was different for kine. The idea of everything being all right was a lie, Katya knew it and she knew Ale did, all taht she could do was clarify facts and offer perspective as to what led to them all acting on impulse.

    As she steps in, the music is ignored as Katya adjusts to the anger in seeing Victoria, the anxiety of the stronger Reeve pushing her emotions towards blind aggression. It's when ALe speaks that Katya is able to calm herself down and nod "Good evening Reeve Stamford." as she lets Ale introduce her.

    Ale presents an introduction and when she falls silent, Katya picks up the rest so as not to waste anymore of the Reeve's time. "It happened between Brittany Hastings and Luca Bonnano, I don't know if you'd met him, he had missed the first Court within the Deep Kingdom. Regardless, those two had an argument, I do not know how it started as I was outside at the time, but in their arguing, Brittany humiliation from it sent her into a rage. She attacked Luca and while we tried to hold them back, she eventually killed him. Still within her rage, we tried to put her into torpor, but instead," a nod goes to Ale "She fell at Whip Antinori's hands, but we were all doing what we could to put her down. It was not out of malice, but an unfortunate accident. Nevertheless, we acknowledge the wrongdoing of this action towards the domain hence our desire to meet with you this evening."

  6. #4
    Victoria Stamford's Avatar

    Lady Reeve Stamford
    Lady Reeve Stamford

    Presence ••• (Dominant)
    Striking Looks •••• (Intense Gaze, Stunning)
    BP •••
    Status (Invictus): ••
    Status (Domain): ••••


    When Alessandra spoke about the nature of the meeting, Victoria sighed lightly and clicked a device and the music stopped. It was just getting to her favorite part, apart from the dramatic conclusion that was, with the series of rapid trills after which the piece earned its name. However, interruption and inconvenience was the norm in domain business.

    The Reeve was actually a little surprised that they came to her what looked to be directly after the incident. Not many would have done so, and instead would have tried to hide the fact that any crime had been committed. It said a lot of their character or at least their fearful respect of the office she held, Victoria wasn't sure which. The news was certainly grave and she wanted to sigh again when news that it started because of wounded pride or the heat of passion.

    The Ventrue studied each person in turn with an intense unblinking gaze, her face an unreadable mask. There was no blush of life in her appearance, no steady breathing or flush to the skin, there was only the pale reflection of death in her eyes and the chalky skin of a beautiful flower clipped at the peak of its bloom. A life cut short.

    "Ok, since you were not present at the beginning Miss Harding perhaps Whip Antinori can enlighten us as to the series of events that lead up to the fateful conclusion of the destruction of two kindred? If we could start from the beginning it would be appreciated. I would like to fully understand the context of the fight and then what actually happened during the fight...in detail. It goes without saying that lying would be...ill advised,"Victoria finished in a hard emotionless tone.

      1 success, Katya aura read
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-08-05 13:21:13 Victoria rolls 6 to Aura Perception int+emp+auspex - BP + Composure (10 Again) 2, 9, 7, 3, 5, 7 1 success
      2 successes, Alassandra aura read
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-08-05 13:21:32 Victoria rolls 6 to Aura Perception int+emp+auspex - BP + Composure (10 Again) 8, 8, 4, 2, 5, 6 2 successes

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  8. #5
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    As Katya spoke, and Victoria stopped the music, Ale steeled her back for whatever might come.

    She nods her head, as she looks into Victorias eyes, hands clasped in front of herself,

    “Of course. The meeting started out with Priscus Konrad informing us on finding a tracking device on his van, this lead to Miss Harding and Miss Hastings taking a moment to check theirs as well. When Brittany returned, Luca proceeded to make pointed jabs at her. Perhaps he sensed she was the weakest of us there, either way, he began trying to get a rise out of her. It seemed to stem from her making a small joke about something, it was her way, she would try and lighten the mood. When I saw that she was beginning to lose her control, I attempted to verbally stop them both. Miss Harding wasn’t back yet from checking her car, and Priscus Roth just sat back and said nothing. They kept going back and forth, I hoped our Priscus would step in and put them both in their place, but before we knew it, Brittany frenzied, Luca her target. In my opinion it was what he wanted. Once the fight began, Priscus Roth called for us to subdue her. There were many attempts by both myself, and Miss Harding. She threw us off numerous times before someone made a stake, I’m not sure who. The staking was unsuccessful and before we knew it, Brittany extended her Claws and made Luca ash. At this point, it was a breach of the Masquerade, and there was another attempt to restrain her so Priscus Roth could stake her. He failed, she threw us off again, and I made the decision to extend my own claws and attempt to do enough damage to her for her to fall into Torpor.” Her eyes never left Victoria. “I failed and didn’t realize my own strength and she fell to ash. I then made the decision and voiced it to the others that I wanted to speak with you immediately and own up to my actions. Miss Harding then reached out to me to say she wished to be here as well.” She wasn’t lying, but there was pain mixed with anger in both her eyes and face. "I also wanted to say that I have no issue with allowing a Shadow, or any Kindred with the ability, the chance to study my aura for lies or deception." she knew what she did was wrong and wasn't about to lie.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  10. #6

    "Nor do I." Katya adds to Alessandra's willingness to have her aura scanned. "While I did enter towards the end of the argument, I can admit that I took Priscus Roths' attention by explaining to him that I had found no tracker on my car and that we should notify the others. I can't speak for him, but I didn't expect her to fly into such an uncontrollable rage so abruptly, otherwise I might have intervened. Prior to my leaving, Luca seemed more interested in Priscus Roths' failed attempt at obtaining the Harpy position than discussing about those who placed the tracking device on his van. Before I left to check my car, I expressed my concern with discussing the tracking device rather than analyze what went wrong with Priscus Roth's bid. Clearly when I left, that caution was ignored by both Whip Antinori and I. I only bring this up merely to support that there did seem to be a bit of hostility in Luca's dialogue with everyone." Katya doesn't like placing blame on someone else, but it was odd that two attempts at steering the focus of the meeting to more important matters was ignored. She couldn't exactly blame Konrad for not doing anything, what was the point if Luca had an agenda?

  11. #7

      1 success aura perception resist
    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-08-07 18:35:20 Katya rolls 4 to Comp+BP (10 Again) 6, 10, 4, 4, 7 1 success

  12. #8
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Date Action Roll Result
    2016-08-07 18:39:50 Ale rolls 5 to Resist(Comp+BP) (10 Again) 3, 2, 7, 7, 5 failure
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  13. #9
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Automated Resistance isn't rolled, but subtracted from the dice pool. If four dice are subtracted from Victoria's roll, it remains a Success.

    The roll for Alessandra will also be successful after subtractions are made.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  14. #10
    Victoria Stamford's Avatar

    Lady Reeve Stamford
    Lady Reeve Stamford

    Presence ••• (Dominant)
    Striking Looks •••• (Intense Gaze, Stunning)
    BP •••
    Status (Invictus): ••
    Status (Domain): ••••


    Wow...just...wow, Victoria thought to herself in disbelief. There is so much fail in that series of events I don't know where to begin. I think that the correct term these days is fail.

    "I honestly expected better out of the two of you," Victoria began chidingly. "So clan Gangrel loses forty percent of its membership in a single night because an unacknowledged poacher decides to bear bait and stir up trouble at the clan meeting?"

    Victoria sighed audibly at the situation and adjusted her hands on the desk as she leaned back.

    "When Miss Hastings frenzied not a single one of of you tried to beat her into torpor? Unless you know what you are doing staking is a poor choice. You all instead decide to try and wrestle a frenzied gangrel...with claws... and hope to pin her and get a lucky shot? Not a single clan member of yours carries around ANY weapons? None?! The prince is the only one able to grant destruction in this domain and your clan's gift only ends in one outcome and that is final death. So all of you just hope that either kindred do not attack you or that no one finds out about it if they do? A gun...a knife anything would have done damage to her and beat her into torpor. Hell, you could even beat the shit out of her with your fists from the sound of things and how long the fight lasted. Well if I ever want to take out a clan I know gangrel is the one to pick cause none of you carry any weapons. What do you two have to say for yourselves?"

    The Ventrue was calm and collected as she looked at the two women before her. However given the switch in her register during the conversation it was clear that she was far from pleased.

    Can i get a color coding for your emotions in the aura please for anyone that Victoria's roll beat? VtR Core: p. 120. Victoria is concerned with emotions and if there are any black veins in the aura of either kindred.

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