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Rope Class

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  1. #11
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    It would be rude not to pay attention to what was being said. So she tried to follow along, really, she did.

    When Katya pointed out spots on Vivian, Ale’s eyes followed. It was important information, and it seemed a lot of things could go wrong if things were done incorrectly.

    Hearing and learning where arteries and veins were was filed away for later use. Who knows, maybe she could test a few things out on a rival or something.

    When she began explaining the rope terms, Ale copies her Cousins movements, holding her own rope ends side by side. Her hands then move after Katyas, finding the mentioned section, the “Bite”. Once she has it, she looks to her Cousin to make sure she had it right.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  2. #12
    Vivian York

    The Daeva’s attention was fully on Katya. She stood there like model waiting to be posed. Her eyes followed the Gangrel’s exampling as her fingers pointed up the length of her arm, and then back to the end. A watchful eye as she moved over her body but not touching it. A seemingly intimate dance of appendages without a note of touching yet. Foreplay to her eyes and the sense that beckoned touching.

    The anticipation had been stirring within. Their Beast mingled with the demonstration and the wait for the rope, it had a delicious pleasure about it.

    A slight concern as the surgical scissors came out. She wasn’t that sadistic, was she? Then relief as she described the reason. Vivian was not about to have a live version of Hellraiser.

    Her lips pursed when ‘bite’ was mentioned. The Deava’s snicker held deeply within, the irony was far too much to let slip and have it ruined in case any Kine were paying attention.

  3. #13

    Once Ale finds her own bite, Katya reaches for Vivian's wrist, gesturing with her head for Ale to grab the other wrist. She holds Vivian's hand out in front of her as she lays the Bite over her wrist line.

    "So now we'll do a single column tie. The Bite goes over the column, which in this case is Vixen's wrist. Now we'll take the two ends and run them through the Bite." Katya does just so, holding up the ends for Ale to identify and then slides them through the Bite, the first wrap around Vivian. "We don't want to pull this too tight, just snug enough. I'm going to wrap the ends around the wrist again, now I have four ropes lined up." she holds Vivian's wrist out to point to the four strands of rope next to each other on one side of her wrist, on the other, the four strands are separated by a second Bite. "Notice that I have a second Bite here, I'm going to run the ends through this second Bite to give me a loop." Katya talks slowly as she waits for Ale to mimic this,pulling her ends through and holding out the second loop that results."

    Again Katya waits for Ale to finish before continuing. She takes a finger and slides it under all the rope bands. "Now I take my finger and slide it under the rope. This is so I can pull the ends of the loop under each strand. Be sure to hold onto the loop because when I'm finished.." she is quiet as she waits to pull the ends under the strands, holding onto the loop that is now smaller after being pulled under the other ropes. She takes the running ends and pulls them through the loop. "I pull my running ends through the loop and ta daaa." the loop shrinks until it finally tightens around the other rope that has wrapped around Vivian's wrist, however, because the ends were pulled under the bite first, the actual knot does not touch Vivian's wrist at all. Holding it out in front of the two women, Katya gestures to the knot. "So the reason I had you go through that complicated motion is that now, with this knot, Vixen can pull all she wants and the knot will not tighten around her wrist and cause harm. Go ahead and give it a try." she waits for Vivian to do so and test the knot herself before continuing. "Make sure the knot is placed above the thumb because when the rope is pulled on, we don't want it pushing into the nerve bundle over Vixen's thumb and cause damage."

    She holds onto the rope ends and pulls Vivian's wrist gently as she holds it in place. "This is the beginning block to other knots in bondage, and it can be used on a wrist, arm, torso, thigh, hips or ankle." she looks to both of them to see if they have any questions.


  4. #14
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    With the gesture of the head, Ale reaches out and gently grabs Vivians other wrist.

    Her eyes eagerly watch what Katya does, as she carefully listens to the instructions. While watching, she begins to copy what she sees, there were a few brief moments where she pauses, looking down at her own work and making subtle corrections. Once she has her own loop, she smiles, pleased in her work thus far.

    And now it seems to get a little more complicated. Her eyes follow the movements, while her hands work the rope. As she pulls the ends through the loop, she was relieved to watch the loop shrink and mirror Katyas. The explanation made sense, though her own use for the knots would not be the same.

    And while she had questions about knots that would hold someone and cause discomfort, this wasn’t the time.

    “Seems pretty straightforward, and you’ve explained things really well.” She compliments.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  5. #15
    Vivian York

    If she would say she didn’t enjoy being on display, she would be lying. Vivian was quite enjoying being their model or volunteer this night. She watched the Savages with intense eyes, following their movements and how the rope smoothed upon her flesh like a silken touch. Invigorating, or she was that hard up for such a thing. Nevertheless, enjoy she did.

    The Daeva’s smile was soft and inviting. She held her tongue to say something witty at certain points, for it was not her show. Again, her Blood taunted her to do something more. Her eyes flicked to Ale, how she mimicked that of the demonstrator.

    It was stimulating in a different fashion. On occasion, a shiver ran down her back; a foreplay of rope began to slowly encompass on part of her appendages. Vivian pulled her hands and wriggled them a little. Katya was correct, they didn’t tighten, nor loosen so it seemed. The Gangrel was very good at her knots. Slowly her head shook the answer, but her body hoped for more.

  6. #16

    Smiling as she examines Ale's own work, Katya nods and says "Thank you. You did a good job as well." she tugs at Vivian's wrist cuff and says "Now Vixen is ready to play, we can tie her to a suspension bar, bed post, hooks, whatever we wish." she grins at her own joke. Then the smile fades and she leans closer to both of them.

    "But, for people like us, this might not be strong enough to hold us down. So, we'll try a two column knot. Let's undo these knots." Katya begins pulling Vixen's knot loose, given that it wasn't meant to be tight, it comes apart within minutes. She then steps aside to grab a blanket and lays it on the ground. "A two column tie involves both both limbs, so I'm going to demonstrate it on Vixen's arms, and then Mina I'll have Vixen lie down on this blanket so you can tie her legs."

    Katya takes Vivian's arms and holds them out in front of her. With rope in hand, Katya takes the Bite and wraps it around both arms. "So like before, we want the bite to go around both columns. Same thing, run the ends through the bite here and now we'll take the rope and go against the bite in the opposite direction." after wrapping the bite around both arms, Katya creates four strands, or coils, a top and bottom set. Once finished, she holds up the two ends.

    "Now we go across all the strands, and go through the second bite we've created." she points to the second bite that is attached to the first, pulling the ends over the top stands before pulling them through the newly created bite.

    "Now I'm going to wrap the ends around both the top and bottom strands of this rope and then bring the rope through the loop." The rope travels around the first strand and then the second before sliding through the loop. Katya pulls on the end but not to where Vivian's arms are touching. "I want to avoid pulling this too tight, I just want to pull it to where i have enough length on the end because I'm going to pull them apart..." she does so and then slides one of the ends under the top set of strands. "I'm going to run one end under just the top coils and then pull it back up to make a simple square knot." like tying a shoe, the other strands interlock once before being pulled to cinch together the entire knot.

    Katya pulls on the tie and says, "Like the single column, I can pull this ends and it won't put too much pressure on her legs and do damage. Again, I can suspend her against a hook or I can tie her to something else. With both arms tied, she has less strength to pull on and break free. Ideally, I usually make this knot with their arms behind their back as it make it harder for them. " obviously "them" is kindred and Katya decides to do a Vampire Rope class 101 given her specific audience.

    "So now let's have Vixen lie down and let Mina give it a try." Katya touches Vivien's back and helps guide her down the blanket when she is ready. "Just view her legs as the columns and go from there. I can help fill in if you get stuck.


  7. #17
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    At the mention of the various things one could be tied to, she grins. She could see how this could be fun, and a turn on for some. Rather or not that included her remained to be seen. “Is what she is tied to usually at the discretion of the one tying the rope? Or would Vixen get a say?” she asked with a wink to the Daeva.

    She had kinda figured it wouldn’t be enough for a Kindred, but follows Katyas lead and undos the other wrist. That done, she watches the blanket be laid down, and the explanation of the next step. Well…seemed like the next step to her.

    And the instructions begins again, and her eyes eagerly watch. Each direction is noted, and Ale thinks it would be easier to tie the legs at the same time, but this wasn’t her show. She only had to hope she wouldn’t screw it up too badly.

    The mention of tying the arms behind the back made sense. It would give anyone a hard time to break free. Then again, could it hold a frenzying Kindred? Something she makes a note to ask about later, in a more private setting.

    Once Vivian had laid down, Ale kneels by her legs, taking her rope in hand.

    Moment of truth, she thinks, and finds the bite in her rope once again. She wraps the rope around Vivians legs, pausing briefly to glance at her arms, looking at the rope that bound them. Her head lowers once again as she finishes the first step, holding up the two ends like Katya did.

    She then lightly pulls on the end, watching the Daevas legs to make sure it wasn’t too tight.

    Finally, she finishes with the knot, before leaning back on her heels and looking to Katya. Eager to hear what she had to say. In Ales opinion, she did a pretty damn good job.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  8. #18
    Vivian York

    All of what Katya listed was very appealing. Was it a hint for something of the future?

    Again she watched the ladies work. Vivian did her best to be a rag doll to let them move and tie her as they wished. Thankfully she enjoyed being confined no matter if it were ropes or a tight spot.

    She listened while Katya further explained and Ale worked with her. Molding the rope around her flesh was invigorating. A moving piece of artwork appearing along her appendages. Did the Savages realize how beautiful it was to be a part of such an expression of rope? That’s what it felt like to her.

    The Daeva obeyed when asked to lay down upon the blanket. Then Ale was taking a turn. Her smile still evident on her face, while watching her go through the steps Katya had walked through. Nothing had been too tight, but for fun, Vivian did pull as to demonstrate they were binding without being painful.

  9. #19

    Chuckling at Ale's joke, Katya says "Well outside of play, it would be at the discretion of both partners, but one the relationship between Top and Bottom is established.." she grins "It can be fun to surprise the Bottom with what you come up with."

    Katya folds her arms as she watches Ale try her best, she only leans down to clarify any questions she might have or spots she might be stuck in. Because she can go at her own pace, Ale does a fine job of mimicking the same tie that Katya did. By the time she's finished, Katya stares at the whole piece of Vivian tied up and Katya's mind wanders with other things she can do to the Succubi, particularly with Ale as her assistant.

    "Excellent Mina." she says as she touches the leg tie and test it's firmness. "Vixen's going to have a really hard time escaping us, meaning we could do lots of fun things to her like impact play, scratching, biting or candle wax."

    She stand to her full height, as if to forget that Vivian is tied up as she continues. "Now these are your basic ties that start you off to more complex work. If you wanted to get..rougher." she says with a raise of her eyebrow, "All you need to know is how to quick do a single column tie around the wrist and wrap the rest of the rope around them however you see fit." she says as she kneels down to grab the rope wrapped around Vixen. "This is cotton, but burns like hell if pulled hard and fast enough across someone's skin. Some people like this type of aggressive play and 'struggling' against their Top. The fun is in wrestling them down until they are tied." she says, thinking that Ale might find more use in using the rope in a more combative way than aesthetic.

    "Speaking from experience, having rope run across your breasts really fucking hurts but is a creative form of cruelty for someone interested in that sort of thing."

    While still knelt to the ground, Katya looks to both Vivian and Ale. "Any questions so far?"

  10. #20
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Of course she was pleased when her Cousin complimented her work and her smile showed that.

    The terms Katya used were new to her, impact play….candle wax? Her mind could wander and try to come up with what each entailed, but she figured she could ask about it later.

    When she kneels down to talk about the rope, Ale does the same, reaching out and running a hand around the rope. Noting that Katya was right, it would hurt like hell, and that info was filed away for future use. The rest of the explanation was a little weird, someone liking ‘struggling’ against someone, but, to each their own.

    Now the mention of using the rope on breats just didn’t sit right with her, and she absently glances down to her own. She just couldn’t imagine enjoying the burning sensation of rope on such delicate flesh being a turn on.

    “I have questions, but think they are best asked in private. But it seems like you could get inventive with various knots and positions. Is there one that seems to be preferred over others?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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