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1510 Formal Court

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  1. #11
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Cayce Josephine -- give me a roll for Frenzy/Predator's Taint versus 3 Successes. Been playing long enough to know better, harbinger of feathered death or not :P
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  2. #12

    Checking his cufflinks is as much a ritual as it is a distraction for David Regan. As he is led into the formal Court proper, the Shadow envisions himself as a man facing execution and walking death-row to face destiny in the face. Staring at the carved in gold chitin of the scarab beetle, the man hopes that he can divine some truth from its frozen maw. No whispers of hidden knowledge is forthcoming from the inscrutable insect, no answers come.

    All too quickly, the path runs out and David is faced with the club – or rather, is faced with Beasts wrapped in vermillion, suits, a sweet confection of a gown, and statements of belief.

    Anger simmers and burns in David's breast like a hateful sun and the Shrike shrieks in his ear demanding red death, blood, and ash. Every single one, parades themselves around hoping to be noticed, hoping to be protected, and hoping to be there when he falls. Reserve and Anger make for strange bedfellows in David, and it would certainly knock others off guard. The Shadow's temple and jaw set, tension building, as David goes through great lengths to contain his anger; disregarding the thoughts filled with violence that was born from rage's underlying fear.

    Fear keeps them here, it keeps them in their pressed suits and fine dresses.

    The fear that David held when he first began to attend these functions has fallen away. It is a memory that is dying a slow, painful death; one that will never be given a gentle eulogy. It has morphed into a different type of fear. Into a dread that one day, everything he has will be stolen by someone younger, nimbler, hungrier: by any of the Kindred he sees in Court. Maybe that is really what the Beast rages against. The thought whispers across David's consciousness as he realizes he knows what each predator here is capable of. Thoughts of violence are continued to be ignored and the beast slinks back into the shadows of the mind, ever vigilant.

    The darkly funny bit about all of this, is that none know just how strong the predator going by the name David is.

    Cutting a sharp silhouette in an inky-blue suit and matched with his customary Egyptian Blue tie in a meek four-in-hand knot, David has also finally lost his souvenir from the sewers. Presentation matters, as Johan has always said and it is more than just the suit one wears and the symbols on display.

    David offers a deep bow first and foremost to Asa Clarke. Following that is a bow for the Seneschal ( sumthingpositiv ), then a stiffer acknowledgment of Keeper Villiers. Weaving his way through court to Vivian York 's side, David offers again “Congratulations, Whip.” The rest of the ever widening circle is offered a polite nod, “Everyone, good-evening.

    -1V Blush, -1V to heal that pesky 2B David still has

  3. #13

    To Vivian, Katya answers "I am also doing well thanks, I just wanted to be sure to congratulate you on your newly appointed role.." Her pleasant smile fades and she is pulled from her cognitions for a brief moment.

    Like a turnstyle in a shopping mall, one new beast after another enters the room and Katya's face twists into a horrid look of pain and rage as she compartmentalizes each new Demon, some familiar some not. Some of them her beast views as immediate threats due to their martial prowess and wants to bring about their destruction first, others she thinks about riding after forcing them to their hands and knees, a mountain of bodies to stand on.

    The voices of everyone brings Katya back into focus, reminding herself that she knows better and should be used to the presence of alien beasts, or rather, shouldn't she be used to her own Demon pulling for control?

    She responds to greetings in order, starting with Konrad Roth as she bows her head to him "Good evening Priscus Roth." her eyes match his for a brief pause, wondering how he has managed since disposing of Cody and if that defiance he had towards her still remains. Just then the other member of her family arrives to which Katya smiles and says "Good evening Whip Antinori, it's good to see you."

    Past Ale, she spots Josephine donning the feathers that she had notoriously heard about before. She nods her head towards her and says "Priscus Sterling." keeping her greeting brief as it seems like the Lord of Lords wished to keep to herself for the time being.

    Then she is finally met face to face with a member of the Domain who she had not met, Diana Barnes. After she introduces herself Katya nods in return "Well it is good to meet you as well Myrmidon Barnes. We should set aside a time to chat before the night is over and get better acquainted." she wonders when she was nominated as Myrmidon, if it had really been that long she had not spoken with this woman.

    At the sight of Asa entering Court, her thoughts are interrupted so she takes the time to offer him a long bow of her head, making sure her paid respects to him are seen before he turns to speak with Josephine. Katya rises again just in time to see David join the group to which she nods toward him and says "Good evening Priscus Regan, I hope you are well this evening. "

  4. #14
    Phoenix's Avatar

    Gabrielle came a bit later to court. She wanted to hunt before coming to the reunion but had little success scoring blood. As time was running out and not wanting to arrive to late, she decided to abort her attempt and get to Knox as quickly as possible. She was dressed in fashionable club clothes, though nothing to rivals the more wealthy kindred there.

    Many kindred were already there and the presence of so many beasts made her nervous, especially considering previous episodes that happened before, like the one with Daniel fleeing their presence in the library. Her own beast was pulling her in opposite direction, angry at some and wanting to kill them, and filled with terror and the sight of others.

    Discussion were already under way and she took a brief time observing who was there before deciding who she would want to join. She also wanted to quiet down her own beast before doing that. There was an unknown vampire she hadn't met before though considering how expensive his suit seemed to be and the poise and air power emanating from him, she guessed he was very high ranked in the domain, who knows, maybe the prince himself.

    She decided against meeting him and will keep her distance, the only thing that she'll do is bowing to him if he happened to look at her.

  5. #15
    Josephine Sterling's Avatar


    After decades of feeling the insistent caress of instinctive malice, and feeling the seething wash of centuries of writhing memories as they marched backward into the past, Josephine had become inured to what the Kine thought of as atrocities. Even as her eyes passed over her truest friend, beautifully bedecked in a luxurious swathe of scarlet trimmed with gold, that familiar impulse curled along her dead spine like the trigger fingers of a death squad as they splattered human lives against brick. As her dark gaze passed over Diana Barnes, the Court's freshest ingenue, she felt the thrill tasted by so many on death row as they'd spotted their newest playthings on darkened streets or through half veiled windows. Even Roth, her hidden ally, greeted her sight with the perverse desire to slay him, just as an assassin hiding behind a uniform and badge might blow away the life of a man because of his dark flesh.

    For the space of a glance and the time it took for her lashes to descend and rise again, Josephine felt it all, a surging vortex of malicious intent and bloodlust. In that moment, she felt as every dictator, murderer, and cannibal ever had. Understood them, as one understood themselves in the face of a dark mirror. Such was the Demon, the sliver of Hell that had been embedded in her heart, and the hearts of all the Kindred around her.

    Of course, such an instance of impulsive desire was fleeting, even if understanding was not, and so it was with a calm face that Josephine turned towards Asa Clarke as he approached.

    Asa and Josephine continue here...

      7 successes, Frenzy resisted
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-10-03 15:57:00 Josephine rolls 12 to Resist the demon! (res3+comp3+elysium3+WP) (10 Again, WillPower) 9, 10, 6, 1, 4, 2, 8, 10, 10, 8, 1, 8, 4, 6, 4 7 successes

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  7. #16

    Another month in Sacramento had come and gone, which meant that it was time to once again convene with his fellow immortals to pay lip services to peers, and respect to his Graces domain. As it was a formal court, attendance was mandatory, an unspoken dress code also seemed to be in effect, the shade stalkers would be wrapped in their finest, beguiled for the evenings affair. Richard however wasn't as well off as some of his counter parts, still he shows up tonight wearing a collared shirt with a tripped burgundy tie.

    His slacks were fitted with suspenders which matched the tie and his beard was lined move closely to his face for a cleaner look over all. Tonight he opted to experiment with himself, until now he always took precaution before arriving at court, he made sure that he was well fed, he tried to not show up too early, he kept his outfit comfortable, and he typically give himself a short moment before heading inside, this time though he chose to cut straight to the chase, he ripped the band aid off and walked right in. At first, everything in his mind had seemed to remain intact, but soon the room would turn red and begin to rumble as screams of terror and war wracked his brain. There were those who triggered a feverish hunger in him, Diana in particular. His fangs grew sensitive, aching with desire. He begins a slow, intensive stride towards her and the cluster of other preditors. If he could just manage to strike quickly enough maybe, just maybe he would be able to savor watching her disintegrate into ash before calamity ensued, he would he make amends in the after life for surely the other savages would seize the golden opportunity to shred him and be thanked for it. A morbid thought indeed, one certainly strong enough for him to levy self preservation over gratification. He pauses at the group to pay his due respects, "Seneschal Harding, Keeper Villiers, good evening." He says with a polite smile and a nod of his head. For Konrad, a normal handshake instead of the informal greeting they would normally share, fitting for the evening.

    He then lays eyes on the breath taking Vivian York in a stunningly fierce red dress. He takes it upon himself to great her individually, it was important to him that he pay more mind to his family members, less he risk finding himself on Juans bad side yet again. "Whip York, a good evening to you as well. I have to say that you are killing it in that dress tonight." From the corner of his eye he notices that Prince Clarke had already shown himself, if he should happen to catch the big man looking anywhere in his direction he doesn't hesitate to disregard any conversation in favor of sending a respectful as a recognition of authority.

  8. Likes Yumyumcrow liked this post
  9. #17
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Her Beast is a mixture of feelings with each new Kindred that appeared. It wanted to rip out the throat of the pastel colored woman for challenging it, it quivered in fear from the stronger Beast of Vivian. The man in blue caused no reaction, which was a welcome feeling.

    Seeing the extended hand of the Barbie, her own hand reaches out to shake the offered hand.

    “Alessandra Antinori, Whip of Clan Gangrel.” Responds the Italian with a friendly smile.

    When her eyes see the Prince enter, she dips low into a formal bow, showing her respect.

    “A good evening to you as well,” she replies, “We can speak now if you wish.” She offered.

    When the Kindred in blue was addressed as Priscus Regan, Ale was finally able to place a name to the man she had heard quite a bit about. Her Beast sniffs for a Beast from the man, but finds none.

    “Priscus Regan, a pleasure to meet you. I’m Alessandra Antinori, Whip of Clan Gangrel.”

    Smiling to Katya, “You as well Seneschal.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  10. #18
    Juan Cordoba

    October, the time of harvest, and changing of the seasons. It was time for a change in appearance. Wearing a burgundy suit Cordoba descended down into Court.

    The mass of Kindred riled up an angry hunger. Well dressed, walking, talking pieces of food. His jaw tensed as the memory of enjoying food gave way to phantom tingling of long dead salivary glands.

    Shaking off the diabolical desires, Juan adjusted the cuffs of his shirt. The Priscus of Daeva bowed to His Grace Asa Clarke. Then a bow of respect to the Seneschal, Katya Harding. Eyes spotted Martha and Konrad in proximity. He would be civil for appearance sake.

    Vivian York was the center of attention. As a Daeva should be, Juan thought to himself in self-congratulations.

    As if drawn like iron to a magnet, he approached the ever growing crowd around Vian "Good evening Whip York, Priscus Regan, and Mister Black," the Priscus smiled in greeting, "Such elegance and sophistication." He complimented to Vivian. "And that dress is simply marvelous." Smiling to the scarecrow of a man, "Priscus Regan, you're dapper as always." Finally to Richard, a nod of approval, "Now, that is a unique choice, Mister Black," Juan raised a hand outward toward the suspenders to indicate what caught his eye. Far enough away as to not be rude, "Well done."

  11. #19

    Katya turns to the group of kindred she had been speaking with and says "Excuse me, I hear my name being called."

    Before leaving the group, she is again halted by the sudden presence of two other kindred that, while familiar, still exude a presence strong enough to halt her in her steps, causing her to tremble with anger. It's when the red haze clears for a brief moment that she recognizes Richard and smiles to say "Good evening Mr. Black, I hope you are well." With her mind cleansed of her Demon, she recognizes Juan bow to her and she returns a bow of her head as well. "Priscus Cordoba, it's a pleasure."

    Once greetings of the new arrivals have been made, Katya joins This discussion

  12. #20
    Martha Villiers's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Asa's entrance prompted Martha to dip an immediate and respectful curtsy.

    Pain stabbed through her thigh stump and she gripped harder at her cane.

    There were too few legs on display and her eyes locked on to those of the Seneschal.

    Her Beast turned and twisted and she imagined dreadful things happening to Diana#s and Katya's legs...dreadful things...

    Gripping her cane even tighter, she watched as Vivian flattered Diana and teased with a display of flirtation.

    Her hands went briefly to her hips in an almost theatrical akimbo display of impotent and petulant jealousy.

    The Beast made sure sharp pain stabbed through her crippled leg and hip once more.

    The evening had not gotten off to a good start.

    Nodding her delight at seeing Diana, however, Martha tried a smile.

    Sweet smiles were soon offered to Katya, as a curtsy followed too. A respectful nod to David, Juan and Konrad followed and even Josephine was offered a respectful nod and shy smile with a cheery nod to Gaby and Ale following.

    Although the Feathered Angel almost certainly meant to bring doom to a friend, there was no reason to lower the tone of the Elysian Field too much.

    Suddenly Court was beginning to look busy and events could easily take a turn for the dramatic.

    "Good evening, Mr Black!" she smiled sweetly to Richard as he greeted her, hearing the various congratulations offered, Martha joined in with her own.

    "Indeed..." she offered a smile to Vivian, "congratulations, Whip York!" if she sounded sincere, it's because she was.

    Leaning hard on her cane, tiny Martha rubbed at her crippled hip, briefly imagined Katya, Vivian and Diana in Daisy Dukes and a bubble bath and turned her attentions to make sure all was well and sound within the Elysian Field.

    At any moment she expected a hostile encounter with Erika's minions.
    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

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