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A Night at the Jazz Club

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  1. #71
    Dominyk Prise's Avatar

    Dominyk Prise


    “Perhaps” He said conceding the point. But at the thought of not showing long term relationships he smiled. “Just how many of my books have you read, Doctor? And perhaps you need to take some time out of your life to read series romances. Or just one in particular. Maggie Shayne’s Wings in the Night series is by far one of the most well written Vampire-romance series. And I hasten to say that the longevity you seek is therein, mostly because of the series aspect of it.” He lifted some of the drinks.

    “I did recommend her work to Lady Miss Villiers, But as to the exact wording of your question: It is difficult to write a story without conflicts, simple lovers quarrels and such are not exciting enough to hold readers to a page. So, since the majority of romances end with them living ‘happily ever after’ as you say, it is because the author has passed the climax, moved through the denouement, and the rest is epilogue.” he shrugged, it seemed simple. Why was everyone hung up on that anyway.

  2. #72
    Matamune's Avatar

    Alfred Coldwell

    Pre 2 (Timid), SL 2 (Honest)
    Mastigos, Apostate

    Michael's smile grows even wider at Dominyk's reaction.

    This man is fascinating. Obviously, capable, but so hasty...

    "Oh, I was not speaking about your work in particular, but about my experience with fiction in general." - he makes a motion to rub his chin in thought before cutting it short realising he has drinks in both hands. - "Well, it does make sense. I suppose, it's hard to incorporate a lasting relationship into a fiction story... I'll be sure to read the book you recommended, Mr. Prise."

    It's always fun to see just how much off-the-mark fiction writers are when trying to imagine what our kind is like.

  3. #73

    Taking a seat, the Savage smiled at the Gangrel Priscus. "Thanks! How are you tonight, Dillon?" he said, taking the seat. It was weird calling him Dillon, but such was his will at the last clan meeting; he wasn't going to go against his Priscus's wishes and be all formal if the Deputy didn't want that sort of thing in public.

    He listened to Kiko, but made no commentary, simply paying attention. Holy, this girl talks a lot. And bouncy people make me nervous, like they're up to something.

    At Martha's exclamation and applause, he smiled sheepishly at her exuberance, an awwww shucks for a moment before his composure kicked back in. "Thank you, Miss Villiers. It's quite a fun way to make a few bucks. And you're very welcome to call me Jim, if you'd like," he said with a smile. Martha was always very formal, but he preferred to be called Jim in amongst Kine. It wasn't that he was concerned about the Masquerade, per se, but Kindred formality at a jazz club while they were all having drinks and whatnot seemed a bit odd.

  4. #74
    Dillon Connery's Avatar

    Onward Christian Soldier

    Regent of Valencia
    Reeve of Sacramento
    Bishop of the Lancea et Sanctum
    Priscus of Clan Gangrel
    Aspect of the Predator

    Sacramento ••••
    Lancea Sanctum •
    Gangrel ••••

    Blush of Life active in public
    AotP disabled in Court


    Dillon smirks to Jim. It's just slightly sarcastic, but genuinely amused. "I'm.. uh, enjoying the show." His eyebrows pinch together in that way that suggests he's not sure what he's seeing, as he glances to Dominyk and Mike over at the bar. "All of them."

    Their cousin is, of course, Kindred, so a little eccentricity could be expected. He hasn't quite figured out Prise, though. Maybe he's just a weirdo. Or a Con. Or maybe it's a writer thing. Who knows?

    "Really though, nice job."
    Dillon nodded his head toward the stage to indicate the music, which he honestly liked very much. Looking back to Kiko, he grins. "Being a Pediatrician is pretty noble, but I couldn't really keep you entertained in a conversation about medicine. A love of libraries... and real, honest-to-God paper books, though, will go over well at this table." He looks to Martha for a reaction. He still hadn't gotten her to explore something with that Auspex touch-trick of hers, yet. The thought of what emotions or images someone accidentally left in a book after they read it fascinated him. The hazel gaze lingers on her for a moment, wandering something else. What, he doesn't say.
    Be polite. Be courteous. Show professionalism. And have a plan to kill everyone in the room.

    Blood Potency •••••
    Presence ••• (Disarming)
    Striking •• (Boyish Good looks)

  5. #75
    Matamune's Avatar

    Alfred Coldwell

    Pre 2 (Timid), SL 2 (Honest)
    Mastigos, Apostate

    By this point Michael and Dominyk have made their way back to the table with cold drinks in their hands.

    The Savage scholar settles the ones he has on the table:

    "No party can be good enough without some alcohol. I must say, you ought to be careful with Mr. Prise. Apparently I've entered in to a serious literary commitment and we haven't spent together more than a few minutes." - he grins in a benign way, indicating it to be a joke.

    Better not to be too playful with strangers...

    After sitting down he waits for a pause in Dillon's and Jim's conversation:

    "It's good that I finally got to hear your performance, Jim. I hope that you will hold me to my panflute promise one day." - he pauses for a moment as if considering something. - "You know, I have a very talented family. I feel that I seem somewhat droll in comparison to them."

    No need to mention that these guys are my family. That would cause all sorts of questions... Like 'you don't look anything like each other' and 'didn't you say you met only a few months ago'.

    -1 Vitae for food and drink consumption.

  6. #76
    Dominyk Prise's Avatar

    Dominyk Prise


    The fairest smiled, “The series is worth the read, if nothing more Lady Shayne holds to some interesting aspects of the encompassing lore; Twilight Phantasies is the first in the series, as a Doctor you might enjoy the character of Eric Marquand.” he said as he followed and placed his burden on the table as well.

    “The same series I recommended to you, Lady Miss Villiers.” he said for clarification, if anyone was paying the gentleman any attention. He lifted his own drink off the table and sipped carefully at it. “So Lady Kiko, you were saying how you were a librarian?”

  7. #77
    Martha Villiers's Avatar

    Martha Villiers


    Martha nods. Twin tails bob with excitement. Tiny Martha claps her hands in glee as Dominyk explains and she looks about to those near her. Filled with the sudden joy of the talk and buzz of the chatter and the companionship. To share this, she offered a happy to smile to those near her and clearly keen to keep listening to all the chatter unfold.
    Health: 8 Willpower: 7 Vitae: Safari - -1 Striking Looks +2
    Very English accent. Flaw: Limps badly - most of her left leg is missing. Eidetic Memory, Combat Aware'. Danger Sense. Trained Observer

  8. #78

    Kiko once more took a seat beside Martha going quiet herself simply listening giving the twin tailed lady a smile occasionally. Once Dominyk asked her a question she directed her full attention to him "I am an Assistant there yes. Mostly I deal with the Children's books, young adult section and occasionally the occult section. Well perhaps "Occult" isn't entirely correct mostly anyplace dealing with the strange and weird I enjoy. I'm strange and weird so it kinda fits" she grinned impishly

  9. #79

    Jim followed Dillon's gaze for a moment and smirked, equally uncertain as to what was going on. When Dillon complimented his singing, he said, "Thank you," before resuming listening to the conversation around him. As Redfill returned, he said, "Hey, thanks! How are you? We'll definately have to get on that," and smiled at Dominyk.

    The Taifa said nothing as Kiko said she was strange and weird, but he sort of had that feeling about the rather 'bouncy' little Asian girl. His mind, however, was focused on the occult section she referred to. Maybe Chris and I need to go have a look... Jim wasn't much of a thief, but didn't most Mekhets know how to hide things in plain sight...? Hmm...

  10. #80
    Dominyk Prise's Avatar

    Dominyk Prise


    “Oh, when did you start? I’ve been working there for some time now, and I didn’t know the half isle that contains our occult section managed to get it’s own librarian. And please, for all that’s sacred, tell me Laura hasn’t decided to replace me.” he said a bit shocked at the thought that she worked in the same library and the same positions he did.

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