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(1110) (Imperial) Jennifer, Conner and Ariana

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  1. #11
    Ariana Donovan

    Recognizing the voice Ariana smiled to respond. “Good evening Mr. Rodriguez, Mr. Grigoriev and Ms. Powell.”

    Her eyes inquisitively turned to Josephine. “Was there some sort of disagreement with the sidewalk?” The Lordess winked to note she was kidding. “The both of you look fantastic. You as well Bane.” She said looking to Ricardo for a moment. The Hispanic Lord also chose his costume well.

    Ariana could not help but laugh, enjoying how everyone was playing up their costumes. Although Conner had no mask on, perhaps the paint was taking on that role.

    “You know, I am half expecting Batman to walk in at any time.” The Harpy smiled as she shook her head.

  2. #12
    Ebon Reaper

    "Good evening Ms. Donovan, Mr. Greyson." Ricardo then offers OOC greeting to the others. "Good evening Ms. Hazelton, Mr. Drake." He saves Sidor for last as he doesn't want to get in the middle of their car spat. "Good evening Mr. Grigoriev, Ms. Powell." That totally broke the feeling of immersion. For one night, he wanted to pretend he wasn't a different kind of monster. Then again, he reminded himself, he wasn't that different from Bane. They both had anger management issues, strength fueled by an addictive substance, were the only Hispanics around, and were hated and feared by humanity. Come to think of it, he seemed to be a bit better off then Bane in the last one. "Thank you Ms. Donovan. I also wonder if anyone would dress up as Batman. Do we know any millionaires?" He joked. The Lord assumed some members of the First Estate were fabulously wealthy.

  3. #13
    Jennifer Hazelton's Avatar
    Seneschal, Baroness Notary, Priscus of Nosferatu
    City Status
    Invictus status
    Presence (Lady)
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Jennifer Hazelton

    Nosferatu curse: A voice that withered like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise


    "Mr. Grigoriev, Ms. Powell," Jennifer brightened as she spotted fellow Nosferatu joining them.
    "- as I don't hear any sirens outside; I'm assuming no one was critically injured upon the side walk." She smiles.

    She gives Conner a surprised glance as he launches himself over.
    "Oooh, plastic surgery." The Nosferatu gives Castor an impish grin. "I'm sure that you'll snatch that offer right up."

    Still smiling, Jennifer includes Ariana with her enjoyment of the in - character banter; glancing over to admire the Harpy's costume again.
    "I am also expecting Batman to swoop in. Perhaps some of your associates are causing mayhem some where."
    Nosferatu Curse: Jennifer's voice withers like a snake sneaking through the grass, plummeted like an old man's nearing his demise.

  4. #14
    Conner Greyson

    "Hello Banezy break anything or anyone lately" Joker/Conner says as he unplugs one of the tubes on Banecardo, "Have you had your tubes checked lately big boy."

    "We have the Lady Bat, and its good to see her up and around."
    Jokonner gives the Batennifer a leering look. Conner's research was paying off, Alan Moore's Killing Joke was a interesting read as well. "You know Banezy boy, we have a lot in common, Winning Personalities, Sense of humor, Paralyzing a flying Rodent. You know, the important stuff."

  5. #15

    Castor pulls out a fifty-cent piece. "Want to flip for it?" He offers a deranged grin in response to the Jokonner's question.

    As the others approach their is a sense of claustrophobia. So many people moving in so fast. "Good evening everyone." Castor's voice is his natural Southern drawl. "Costumes look outstanding."

    Then clearing his throat, and readjusting his tie. "Now where is dear old Batboy? It seems no one invited him to the party." He does his best impression of TLJ's Two-Face. He'd only seen the movie once, so it isn't on par with Jokonner's accent.

  6. #16
    Sidor Grigoriev

    "I guess he's too cowardly to show his face, so he sent the girl instead... to psyche us out," Sidor said, in an approximation of an American accent. "We'll show him. I can outthink his every move."

    It was about as bad as an average American doing a Russian accent, and sounded sort of like Texas and New York had had a horrible bastard child who couldn't pronounce his Vs and Ws properly.

    "Also, Poison Ivy cannot parallel park to save her life,"
    he added. "It was embarrassing."

  7. #17

    Happy-pants...? An incredibly amused expression freezes on Doctor Powell's face, and she cracks a quick grin. I would pay quite a lot to hear Sidor addressed as that in Court. She gave a more easy-going nod than usual to the other's, offering a friendly, "Hello and good evening," to each.

    She might still be getting used to modern film, television and comic book conventions - but she had gleaned enough in the days leading up to this night, to realise that they had all managed to portray themselves as Batman characters. On some level, the Haunt was rather pleased that she was able to identify and name them all. Sure she didn't know the point to all the characters - although the in-character attitudes being thrown around were certainly telling, but small steps were sometimes a good thing.

    "And Hush, should be glad I didn't throw him from the car," Josephine grinned pleasantly.

  8. #18
    Ariana Donovan

    Shaking her head at her fellow Lord. “I do not know any possible millionaires that would pose as Batman. Would that be slightly, obvious?” She smiled joking with Ricardo.

    There were reasons Ariana was not an actor, and she was not about try it further than she already had. Not to mention, when she had watched a few Joker and Harley moment’s on Youtube, she was not about to disturb Conner, the Joker… or Grey, whoever it was. The Lordess only laughed and avoided eye contact with Conner, even though she was chuckling at his impression.

    Even so, it was still funny as she continued to laugh. Ariana quickly glanced at Sidor’s attempt on an American Accent. “Have you been watching the show?” She asked with humor in her voice. Looking to Josephine she shook her head and smiled. "At least he would have been pre-bandaged."

  9. #19
    Sidor Grigoriev

    "It's your own fault, Ivy. Too much time staring at your plants, and not enough watching the road," Sidor replied, in his terrible, terrible accent. "I did watch the show, actually. It was good. Entertaining." Very American. But still watchable. Perhaps I am going native.

    Perhaps I am just... relishing the rarity of this moment. How long will it be again before I can have the pleasure of moving amongst the living without being a breach?

  10. #20
    Ebon Reaper

    Ricardo hastily plugs the tube back in. "That's how she stopped me last time, Joker." He said gesturing at Batgirl/Jen. The Hispanic was of course referring to that awful movies known as Batman and Robin. "I've preformed some upgrades since then."

    He smiles back at Ariana and nods, but like Sidor no one is able to see his smile. The continued bickering about the car keeps his attention, until something else catches his eye. Ricardo sees a very tasty Ms. Pack Man (@Pumpkin ) talking to the literal CEO in his Clan (@Eltacolibre ). He glances over at them. Once the Batman rogues gallery dispersed, he planed on go looking for them.

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