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  1. #41
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    "Photographs helped cheer 'em up," at least those who hadn't had their head bitten off. Though she really couldn't say hey the bitch was a cannibal, so only some got catharsis out of it. It wasn't something to dwell upon. "Ya beat a helpless pup, my temper tends to just blowup." Circe shrugs at this and it was honest truth. The angry cat target had been a mundy. And it was hilarious. "I have a low bar for justification, and yes Sofia." She nods to her at the mention of corrupt cops. Though this was a dfifferent situation, "There inability to do it was a concern. Ecoli is an odd way to spell justice, buuttt in this case, it worked."

    She didn't doubt that Sofia would see justice dealt out to certain folks if they irked her. Some lines are not crossed.

    "Ha!" She barks a laugh as the talk of Hollywood's glamourous retelling of fairy tales. She had first had experience of how a real fairy's tale goes for people. The True Fairies were less Tinker Bell and more Pinhead. Okay, some hobgoblins looked and acted lack a malicious, easily bribed Tinker Bell, that was true. That and she actually read some of the original stuff. She wasn't educated, but learning about your enemy from survivors' stories didn't take a lot of smarts. "Grimm is a great way ta label the original fairy tales. Most having endings like that horror writer guy, Love something. Like, did ya know what happened ta Ariel in the original? Melted to death and never got the boy."

    Yes, they were fucked up to read to children. As a changeling Circe finds it is a justified dark story to tell to children. If a child runs in fright from one of Them instead of going ooooh I'm going to get a wish, then good.

    She turns her attention back to Sofia on the talk of the suits. "Actually, I find it easier if you are making them custom sized instead of universal." That and she might be accidentally Hedgespinning them a bit. "Just best to include a zipper, not buttons or ties." Then back to Mason. "Trains," she bluntly adds, "Rails are hard to get a hold of, ya know?"

    As for a Magnum Opus? A final work? "A final project? Oomph," she winces at that. Crafty time was fun time second to shooting time, "That doesn't sound fun. I mean, if there was something I was going to make and stop at that, uuuh, hmmm." Circe rubs her chin in thought. What things? Realistic? Oh, no she wasn't gonig to talk about the gun options. She had another idea from a old movie she watched. "A certain suit Robert Downey Junior rocked, starting in like 2008. It was gold and red. I'd love to Iron it out from prop to fully functional."

    She looks to Sofia, "If I can pull it off, I'd be happy to seek you out as an investor and split the profits. Certain there'd be a market for such a Marvel-ous fashion statement. Though, being compared to the Iron Lady would be bad, and Iron Maiden could get a lawsuit."

    She then looks to Mason, "Do you have your own ultimate design for a tomb stone? And as I have established, don't let current feasibility be your limit."

    Didn't get the joke about shipping? Oh well, "That is fair, and no derail. Can't ply your trade with ocean graves. Not unless you take up scuba. Though we ain't discussed that suit with our fashion talk." Circe sees an opportunity with Mason again as one word sticks with her. She grabs it. "To be fair to the Titanic Mason, going Brazilian can be painful," she sends him a smile. "But is required to pull off certain attire. Fortunately not sharp suits. And I agree with Sofia. You should get a nice suit to rock," she nods to Sofia, "Even just as treat. For a sharp dressed man can go to the Z Z Top in any event."

    As for stopping fists with your face? That was easy. "Do avoid that experience. Can't recall my last time during a boxing lesson," she suddenly gets all chipper, "Someone got a uppercut KO." Circe sips her tequila and drops her tone back to normal. "I got a gap in memory, but I'm pretty sure," she shakes her head, "It wasn't me."

    She sips her tequila and finds it empty. Well, she'd slow it down for a bit. Make sure not to get blackout.
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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  3. #42
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    high Speech
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Paradox base: 2


    At the end of the day the laws of governments are flawed, so a little vigilantism here and there cant be any worse. Heck striving for some truer sense of justice might even be a good sign. 'You and many, I would wager Mary.' I'd much sooner scourge than sacrifice animals, and not just because of the efficiency. 'I've heard of such of course, and don't doubt some are. Corrupt and ineffective.' Agreeing with both. 'But I guess by reporting you at least get an idea based on if anything happens.' There's got to be a few decent ones out there I'd hope.

    A flicker of excitement crosses his face and he sits forward as the talk turns to literature and folklore. 'Oh yes the originals.' Nodding now more vigorously at Mary's example. Some are more accounts of horror than caution. 'Perrault's tale of red riding hood. Stay on the path or get eaten by the sly wolf, with no one coming to save you. Or Basile's sleeping beauty. Unspeakable acts to those who can't protect themselves.' Not going to expound on that in good company. 'And of course the German brothers who brought them all together.' And adapted most of them a little.

    The blunt reply was surprising. Maybe that was rude it ask. 'Do you not like trains Mary?' Regardless I don't she'd hesitate to poke in a similar way. 'Hard to get hold of you say.' Yeah not exactly a common purchase. 'Not a work around for that?'

    A quick shake of the head. 'A magnum Opus isn't a final work. Just the best. The one you dream of. The one to be remembered for.' As props go that would definitely get you remembered for actualizing. 'Now that is definitely ambitious and I think a war crime?' Half joking not wanting to be dismissive or her project. That suit equates to basically a private military force. 'And yes being compared to Thatcher is never a compliment.' Oh she might not have meant it that way.

    As for my own? well I can burrow from the profession for that. 'No one stone would ever suffice. No, every monumental mason worth his salt made a crypt. A place where each induvial part is its own masterpiece, and combined they are something greater. A place that stores the memories and lives for many generations dating back, as far as it can go. For what is greater than the legacy of one life, but the legacy of many from start to current.' A hint of fervour, more than a hint of passion for the work. That the crypt would have more in common with a library and reach back to Atlantis, well sleepers don't need to know that.

    'Well I'll try to heed the advice.' Looking to each. 'But sometimes I would wager it can't be avoided.' And can it really be worse than burning muscle mass or frying nerve ends for mana? 'Well I guess that where the phrase taking it on the chin comes from Mary.' His smile good natured, taking the opening for a joke but not wanting to be mean with it.

    And then Mary gets him again, her jibe and smile bringing the red right back. How does she do it so effortlessly? 'I wouldn't know. But I'll trust you've done the leg work to speak to such.' The lack of commitment to the bit merits a the weak response, from the flustered necromancer.

    He shakes his head using a frown to try and hide that Mary got him good, not to any great success on his part. 'Letting someone choose my attire would be ...' Maybe better than enforcing my paradigm on their expression, depending what inspired them. 'I was going to say a nightmare, but actually there might be some appeal to it.' Am I actually considering getting a tailor? 'Although suits are only for business, black tie and new shoes do need a reason why.' Easing up enough to start Chuckling. Now this is a topic I can jam with, nice choice Mary.

    He gives Sofia a nod. 'Yes there is.' But looking none to happy about it. 'Plaques are the death of honest sculptors, masons and engravers though. Most are done by machines.' And while some in my circles may see that as fine, I don't. 'I work by hand, no machines or electric tools.' And some magic to make the work more true.

  4. #43
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Dark eyes seem to darken at the mention of beating a helpless puppy, “See, that’s where I draw a very hard line. I have a special place in my heart for dogs, having one of my own, and I would burn the world down to protect him and other dogs.” From her tone, she sounded serious. Because she was, in fact, serious. Anyone touched Cain, and survived him, would have to survive her. And no one survived her. “Some times the police are needed, but some things require a more,” pause, “personal touch.” And she was always happy to provide it.

    Chuckling, “I grew up with the originals myself, the ones with the true endings that stick with you.” Shrugging, “Never been a fan of making things appear nice and warm when reality is not. Does everyone a disservice when life slaps them in the face.” Sugarcoating things were never her thing.

    “Oh, the pieces I have made for important business meetings are custom, right down to the color and cut. But my usual clothes aren’t tailored, though leather is a bit more expensive to have tailored and made, but worth it.” Only real leather would do for her. “You have something against ties and buttons? I find ties add a little something to shirts and skirts.” Yeah, she wore skirts.

    Oh, now they were talking business? “Well, if you want to come to me with a business proposal, I’m talking costs laid out and profit, I’d be willing to listen. I’m not investing in something if there isn’t something for me to gain.” Business was, well, business. And she was in the business to make money.

    “She has a point, a well-dressed man, or woman, can go places. Taking that extra time to care about how something fits and looks on you gains favor.” Just walk in Elysia for Court and you’ll see some of the best dressed Kindred.

    “So you’re going for something grand and fancy?” least that’s how it sounded. “Good for you.” The unlife of a Kindred didn’t afford them the chance to have a headstone or crypt. She did have a place setup should she need a long nap, but that was completely different.

    Taking a sip before responding, “Unfortunately, it cannot always be avoided. Just try and learn from it.” Best you could do.

    At the reply to Mary, and the flush, she had to laugh.

    “I say it’s worth it to try at least once. Stepping outside that comfort zone of your own clothes and taste is a bit unnerving, but fun and worth it. Plus, what do you have to lose?” have some fun.

    Pointing to him with her glass, “And that’s what separates the true artists from those simply in it for the money. Handcrafted takes passion, and above all, talent.” Not many had that.

    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  6. #44
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    "Cazzo, sì Sofia." She nods quickly, "Fines don't balance out hurting a dog. That cat was fine too, it won." Well, she wasn't going to dissuade or persuade Mason regarding the cops. She had foes that they'd not help with, same as Sofia. It was a moot point. Though good to know that if she ever shot up a dog fighting ring, it wouldn't be one paying tribute to Sofia. She refrains from mentioning fuck around and find out as justification.

    And it looks like the mundies weren't in extreme danger thanks to Disney. "Teach a lesson, even if scary, seemed to be the idea. Lots of stories of old are like that, but now it is always happy joy joy ending," her tone is mocking. "And the tacky messages badly mixed in. Often with a stupid talking to the camera moment thrown on the end."

    "Uuuh, no?" She looks at Mason. "I have never had a bad experience with trains." She takes a moment then realizes what it is. "Logistics of making one and then making tracks? Yeah, no. Sounds like more work than fun."

    A war crime for making a superhero suit? She doubts it. "I'm fairly sure it is NOT a war crime if I am ONLY selling to the Pentagon," Circe smiles at Mason. That was how it worked as far as she knew. She turns to Alessandra, "Well, I'd fly in with the suit to show off both the power source and suit. Guarantee generals that think war drool for the latter, those that do logistics for the former. Juuuuust don't know much about the science books, oh ho ho ho! But dreams are nice."

    She giggles when Mason says a certain word. Crypt. "Sorry, sorry," she waves her left hand, "First time I heard the word crypt, it was followed by keeper. That puppet had a ghoul of a time with puns." And may have influenced her young self to affect her post-Arcadia self. Wait, the Fairest freezes up and blinks. Not from a forgotten memory, but from insight. A surprising insight into her character now that she'd lacked before. Circe relaxes as she gets it, "I think I have had an epiphany about my punning habit," Circe nods slowly as she figures things out. This was an unexpected insight. "Thank you Mason. Also explains why his grave was full of other stuff, it was a crypt. Not a grave."

    Circe nods before getting back to the discussion. "Cool that you have monumental plans for crypting. I'm sure it'll look awesome and be roomy. Any special features? Traps to counter a future Doctor Jones?"

    Circe nods as the talk goes to leather. Though she has found that Briarwolf hide was much better than cowhide for quality jackets. Mundane just didn't cut it in comparison. The Larcenist turns to Sofia when she asks about badness of buttons. Circe stretches her arms out, leans forward, and then moves her arms up in a wide circle to reach behind her back. "Tying like this, is difficult. Figure buttons can get stuck," she then moves her arms in reverse, popping them along the way, "Zipper easiest. Not as pretty, but as I said, I use the utility suits for durability, not fetish wear."

    "Indeed Sofia. That sharpness can help though a tailor could only custom make a new tie Mason, not shoes." She shakes her head in the negative, "You see a cobbler for costum footwear. Not the pastry." On the subject of letting others choose your attire, Circe had an opinion on that. "I find that if you gamble, it is EASY to dress outside your comfort zone."

    "Too right Sofia," she agrees, "Artistry is all about making it on your own instead of just prefab trash." Circe did have a question for clarification to Mason however. "But, uh, how by hand to you go Mason? I use some power tools and a soldering iron instead of just a forge. Do you use, like, hand drills and crank operated tools?" Circe asks Mason as he claims to work by hand. How much was her question. She knew of wide variety of crank operated tools that power tools have replaced because, well, Hedge doesn't have outlets. Going old school on the tools was important to setup workshops in the Thorns. Wyrd could bullshit a lot, but for Circe it seemed to work better with tools than without. She eyes Mason's arms, "I have a forge, so I know what the old ways get your arms jacked."
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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  8. #45
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    high Speech
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Paradox base: 2


    You know I don't think she's kidding. 'What breed of dog do you have Sofia?' The tangent trying to reduce the intensity of the topic. 'Any other pets?' Widening the question to address both.

    That gets a grin. 'Yes indeed, Reality is certainly more of a fantasy in modern stories.' You have no idea how messed up it is. 'Most of the stories these days seem to be about young inexperienced chosen ones, overcoming ... impossible odds.' The sentence trails off slightly as a parallel is drawn. Huh. Only the power of friendship sure isn't going to get us anywhere.

    He mulls over the point about being well dressed. 'True. But if going places is the goal, casual goes unseen more than a tailored suit.' Besides robes don't tend to have either benefit. 'But for when I do get dressed up, I go more for waistcoats as the additional garment over ties myself.' Chipping into that stream of the conversation.

    Did I just get a Pop culture reference past Mary? well dam. 'Ah I see. Yes if its more effort than its worth that can take some of the spark out of it.' He grins. 'Have you ever been on an old steam train?' Now those take some making I would wager.

    Mary is teasing, at least he is fairly sure she is. 'War crime or no, what's the selling price on dreams these days?' Plenty get thrown away for nothing, I wonder what part that has to play in the lie? 'Because dreams are more than nice, they can with effort become reality.' Goes back to what Sofia said, work your arse off and you'll see what happens.

    'As for mine. Well there's still a lot, and I mean a lot of work to go to get from a smattering of headstones in my front room to a full blown crypt. But I will.' Or die in the attempt, but hey ho, done that part once already. 'And yes of course it'll be trapped to high heaven.' Not that it'd stop an determined Acquisitor. 'But telling people about your traps isn't smart.' He wags a finger. Nor is blabbing about ghosts and wards to sleepers. 'That's how crypts are opened up and become crofts.'

    A quick range of emotions, confused, bemused settling on a gentle smile. 'Your welcome Mary, although I can't say I know exactly what I did.' But epiphanies of the self can't be bad. 'I hope this doesn't mean less puns?' swiftly followed by an internal groan. Why did I set her up like that.

    Still thinking that commitment over. 'What do I have to lose indeed.'

    Smirking, he takes his first drink in a while. 'I know what a cobbler is.' Try going to Savile row, all under one roof. 'It was a reference to the song lyrics from a sharp dressed man.' Which is what I thought you were doing?

    He nods. 'Yes I do. I'm far from the worst Sculptor around but stone needs a high level of precision, that varies based on the type of rock your working with. Otherwise you just smash it, and that's useless.' He looks about as strong as you'd expect a man of early thirties to be, he certainty isn't ripping out of the coat. 'Chalk, weaken with a hand drill and then small precise strikes are what's needed.' There is a world of difference between my workshop and a quarry. 'The sanding to. Use a machine or do it to fast and you create a glossy finish that stops the waterproofing from being able to set in deep, swift but with care is how you do it.' Otherwise your stone isn't going to last all that long when exposed to the elements.

  9. #46
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    A nod as Mary spoke, “The old, original ones had the right of it. But the whole everything gets a happy ending does the world a disservice. Sure, it’s nice to imagine things always work out, but, that’s just not life. Best be prepared from an early age.” It was how she had been brought up. But she had been brought up in a crime family, she saw the hard realities of life.

    Chuckling, “A lofty goal Mary,” raising her drink to the exotic beauty, “I wish you luck with it. And if anyone can pull it off, I expect it will be you.” Tossing a compliment to her. Mary might be loud, but the Savage knew she knew her shit. That is if rumors are to be believed.

    Now she knew the word crypt for other reasons, and if they knew what she was, they’d agree. “You know, I forgot about the keeper! They should bring him back; I remember him being quite entertaining when I was younger.”

    Watching, “Ah, well, I always recommend having someone to tie it and untie it, makes it easier and well, a bit fun.” Being playful or flirting was not something she had ever been good at. But didn’t mean she couldn’t try and see.

    “I have a Rottweiler, got him a couple years ago and been my best friend ever since.” Sure, best friend, in a way. “And no other pets. I grew up having dogs, and they’ll always have a special place in my heart.” As dead and unbeating as it is. “How about you?” her Savage nature gave her a special bond with animals.

    Nodding, “That’s true. And it’s not impossible, I believe anything is possible. It’s just unlikely and a lot more difficult than they present it.” There were those would have said she beat some odds…being a member of the Invictus and Prince.

    “Oh, if you’re going to be unseen, then yes. But if you’re looking to impress and draw some looks, tailored all the way. With the right tailor, both are even possible.” True story. “A waistcoat? There’s a look you don’t see very much these days. A classic if you ask me, always looks good and put together.” Without going overboard.

    Laughing, “That is a good point, why have traps if you’re going to tell others? Fair play.” He was getting more and more interesting as the night went on.

    “Speaking of sculpting, is it something you do for others? Meaning, do you take commissions for something not to used with a headstone?” was she thinking of growing her collection? Of course!

    Refilling her glass, "So aside from headstones Mason," putting the bottle down, "and creating billion dollar suits Mary, what does everyone do for fun or as a hobby?"
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  11. #47
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    Puppy news was interesting thing to ask indeed. She is paying attention to that topic. "Rotty's are such sweeties. Dogs love me," Circe's tone quickly goes from cheery to flat as she says, "But they never obey me."

    As for fairy tales going Disney, she shrugs, "Old are more educational. But I guess it doesn't sell well with the parents when the child with the wooden sword challenges the dragon and gets roasted." After a moment she adds, "That sounds like a Family Guy cut-away actually."

    "I will endeavor to achieve something close to if Sofia," she assures her. She probably could make something similar with the right Hedgespun parts. Mostly dragon bits and bigger on the inside storage for fuel and munitions. The biggest hurdle is harvesting the parts.

    The Summer Queen has to ponder Mason's question about trains. She wasn't actually sure. She didn't know if the hobgoblin train had been steam powered or had been something more unpleasant. It was probably screams of agony, blood, or teeth instead of coal. "I don't think it was a real steam engine," she admits without details. The mundies didn't need nightmares.

    "I LOVED Cryptie and that they added Billy Zane in the movie," she tells Sofia with genuine mirth. "I'd totes Go Fund bringing Cryptie back. Murderously funny fella." Circe gives a chuckle. She didn't see it on airing, but Internet was a thing. When you miss a couple decades, you try to get the highlights of things. Cryptie and been a welcome, entertaining distraction. The gore had been close to accurate for a few times too.

    When Mason admits to trapping the crypt. Classic. "Fair enough, though maybe watch Cryptie to get some ideas for decoys. Or riddles. Double traps are even, well, better or worse by perspective."

    Circe then gasps and recoils form Mason, "Less pun? How dare you sir?" She cries in faux horror before laughing.

    Waistcoat? Okay, she recalls those mostly go with some styles of tuxedos these days. "Indeed," she nods about it being a rare sight, "Right up there with cloaks. Save cloaks be more, uh, dramatic. I blame Star Wars." Circe nods to herself sagely. It made sense to her.

    And she nods as he explains stonework. It is quite different from leather. And much more than smithing or Hedgespun. Those you can recycle. "Smithing is a little more forgiving." Which was true. "You ruin something, well, melt it down and start again. And again. And again." It could be a whole thing sometimes when she wanted it just right. "Scrapping is harder. Sifting the molten metal types apart is hard to pull off, by a lot." It might actually be entirely reliant upon her Hedgespun forge for that. Maybe she won't have to use her funds for the Freehold or work and eventually get the option to spend her money on one.

    "I am looking into engraving, customization, and scrollwork on metal as a profession," Circe freely admits to Sofia and Mason. She was actually doing that. "Though turns out that'd be niche unless yer a gunsmith. Also it is a career plan, not a hobby. Like saying cardio is a hobby. Cardio is just training the ultimate backup plan oh ho ho ho." She finds that joke always funny. And true. "Coding. Coding is my hobby that leads to a power. And fragging bitches."
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

  12. Likes liked this post
  13. #48
    Chambers's Avatar
    Good time management
    high Speech
    Meditative mind

    Nimbus: Ghostly echo -- the sounds of the forgotten dead can be heard.(Voices, knocking, scraping so on)

    When vulgar the whispers and scraping Amplify to screams, nails on chalk board and slamming doors

    Status: Mysterium: 2
    Spells and Magic

    Active spells: (0/6+0/1)

    Spell Tolerance: (0/3+0/1)

    Personal Spells:

    Vulgar spells cast in ():

    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0
    HP: 0/0/0/8
    Willpower: 6 - 3/3
    Mana: 5/12

    Bike,Street (Armoury p.138) (Cost .)

    Smoking, Pipe

    Blue robes with slate grey accents and Trim.
    Combat Stats

    Speed: 9
    Initiative: 5
    Defence: 2
    Armour: 0

    Paradox base: 2


    He nods. 'And there's the crux, spot on Mary.' He sighs at the state of things, not at the common sense of what Mary has said. 'Its all about sales and money.'

    'Now that's a breed that has criminally unfair reputation.' At least they did in the UK. The talk of instant friendship does make him smile. 'And a more loyal friend I'm sure you couldn't find.' Then shaking his head. 'None for me, the closet I get is feeding the local wildlife now and again.' The change in tone is notable and he quirks an eyebrow. 'Any reason in particular Mary?' Not that I'd know the first thing of controlling dogs.

    He's only vaguely aware of this brand of crypt, it not having been big in his area off the world. 'I'm going to sound uncultured now. But unless its Punch and Judy I can't say I know much of any puppet show. Care to tell me about it?' And I'm not entirely sure that seaside show wasn't just a fever dream.

    Wait did she just? If so it was subtle, but I see an opportunity here. Eyes move slowly from Sophia to Mary. 'What do you think Mary? Sophia's suggestion of having someone on hand to make it more fun, on point?' Eyes move back to Sofia. Before settling into his seat and taking a drink to try and background himself from this part. Hopefully that will get Mary flirting with someone else.

    Although to that he can't help but laugh right along. 'Well I'm glad for that.' In truth ... yeah I am. A little surprised by the small bubble of gladness he felt.

    He shrugs. 'I have no need nor want to stand out, I'm content just going about my business.' And not getting any more eyes than needed on me, less even if it can be managed. 'Although if I did.' He points at Mary. 'A cloak might just be the way I'd go about it.' I could defiantly rock a cloak right?

    Sofia's question caught him off guard and finishes his drink, pouring another to think it over. Could I? should I? the tablets are a supernal duty. The gravestones help with family trees. Would it be right? 'I haven't to date. I could I guess.' He does seem hesitant. 'Although I fear I would lack the usual passion that the craft brings.' But different projects could serve to improve my own skill, my own understanding. 'Did you have something in mind?' I can at least hear her out, and if it was just a hypothetical then no loss.

    He watches as Mary talks shop, smiling slightly, rather taken with it. 'Every craft has its own hurdles and surprises. And fewer seem to practice them every year. I hope I can see some of your work one day.' Actually in fact that might hold the answer to a very different problem. 'Its good to see they aren't ready to die out just yet.' That people existed who still clung to ways less imbedded in the lie, gave him some hope.

    Another question to mull over. Practicing magic and studying the occult probabaly not good ideas to mention. fortunately. 'I've been really getting into my cooking lately.' And getting good at it to. 'That and part time studying for my degree in philosophy.' Often a hit or miss subject. 'What about you Sofia, when real estate and restaurants don't take up your time, what do you do for fun?'

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  15. #49
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “Aren’t they though?! Cain is such a mommy’s boy!” she says with a laugh, fondness in her voice. “Sorry to hear that Mary, dogs can be complicated to figure out sometimes, based off how they were raised and what they’ve experience with people. I raised Cain from a puppy.” So all he knew was her. And her Vitae, but that was a different topic for a different crowd.

    Smirking, “Then it’s simply actions meet consequences. Shouldn’t fill a child’s head with tales so tall they forget common sense.” Sounded easy enough to her. But then again, she’d never poke a dragon with a sword, fire wasn’t her favorite thing.

    “Then I expect to hear a extravagant tale one day.”
    Because those were the best after all.

    Thoughtful for a moment, “I thought there had been talk about them rebooting it? Maybe I misheard.” She doesn’t pay complete attention to those things anyways. “But if I misheard, then someone needs to get the ball rolling and get it done.” Sounded like the cattle really enjoyed the show.

    A chuckle, “Cloaks are just impractical for soo many reasons. One being getting in the way if you need to defend yourself, and two, you stand out. Unless it’s Halloween.” Then anything goes.

    “Coding as a hobby? Can’t say I’ve come across that one, but if it’s fun for you, which it sounds like it is, then awesome.” Computers and her had a weird relationship. She could use one for the basics, but that was about it. It was much better to outsource for that.

    “I have to agree Mason, and I blame that on the media and how some people raise and use them. It’s really too bad, because they’re huge teddy bears.” Helped she could communicate with Cain.

    An eyebrow raises, a show she knew about that a cattle didn’t?! “I’m going to let the resident pun and media queen fill you in.” because, well, she didn’t want to.

    As the eyes move back to her, she just shrugs.

    “I’m simply a collector of art, and if I can acquire a piece by a local artist, all the better. I was thinking a sculpture of the artists choice. Afterall, those have the most passion and fascinating story behind them.” Which was all true, she had quite the extensive art collection.

    Taking a sip, she thinks over what to share. “A few different things, I play piano and I pin butterflies. Afraid nothing too exciting.”

    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  17. #50
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    "I am the sort of dog person," she straightens up with pride, "Who, when confronted with a happy hound destroying furniture, will declare bad dog." She nods then laughs, "And as soon as the hound whimpers, I apologize for saying such, give them a treat and hug, and let them get right back to it." Circe shrugs, "I have a weakness for cute things. And doggos like your Cain are adorable. Thus," she spreads her arms wide for emphasis, "I don't have one due to inability to command. I have a friend with an adorable rescue mutt."

    She drops her arms back down.

    Commission a headstone, ha, Mason to make a statue? There are a few puns she could toss in for that, but she is curious if Sofia is serious or not. Though she has an opinion on stupid lessons having stupid results, "Stupid stories give stupid lessons, to stupid people, that, oh what is the phrase?" She isn't pondering, she knows it. "Fuck around and find out."

    "Most likely, extra hands on me would help," she says but unlike the mortals, she is thinking of it not as fetish wear. No, she is thinking of it as the under armor she has been using it as to keep herself from having to use too many Goblin Fruits. "But if I had an assistant, then I could go into the heavier, uh, sports for full contact. Really get on the heavy protective gear I gueeeeessssss." She pauses then looks between Mason and Sofia afew times. "Ooooh. The first type," a minor blush at her mistake. "Ha ha ha, my mind wanders. Yes, yes it would be more fun in that case to have extra, dexterous hands deftly doing the deed."

    Move on to the talk of craftsmanship. Try to ignore that she thought to much as a Summer and not enough as a Fairest. Hey, she was Larcenist, so not primary seduction in nature, thank you.

    "Mass production is cheaper, but handcrafted is the best way to get a masterwork," she nods in agreement with Mason. Though the really good stuff she'd not risk in the Hedge when it came to guns. Also why the custom work, better quality hand tooled parts more likely to resist the Hedge then parts molded by a machine. "Kinda have to be given that factories now actually do quality control."

    Circe tries to surreptitiously look up facts about Cryptie with her phone just under the table. Really? They made a kids cartoon out of that?! "Ain't heard that Sofia," she shakes her head, "There was a cartoon, but everything in the 90's had a cartoon." Money as Mason had pointed out before. "And I totally agree. They should bring him back, but maybe reruns first so that they don't screw it up like every other reboot."

    Sofia gets a smile nod from Circe. Was Circe going to pun? Talking about the puny corpse puppet? If you expect yes, then you are dead right.

    "Hmmm, I suppose we shouldn't crypt-tic about the details with you Mason. This ghoul is dead set on explaining." She smirks and works her mind. What were some more of Cryptie's puns? Oh yes, "Crypie was an hack-exilirating corpse puppet, that had the fang of puns through the 90s. Shame that the infestors in the show sent it to the chopping block, the Tales from the Crypt was a murderously good time." She had to get a few of them up. "The puppet was hilarious, but the show itself was a special effects and gore fest. Put the money into it and late night HBO, so the feds," she doesn't like that word, "Couldn't shut 'em down. Naturally, late night 90s HBO meant sometimes there was T&A still attached to a living body. Other times they bared all down to the bone," she laughs as she recalls something else from it. "I think, uh, Sofia? Do you recall if Schwarzenegger directed a few episodes? I think a few other stars were on the show too."

    Looking down at her phone, she raises an eyebrow in surprise. "Aaaand a comic from the 50s too. Neat."

    The Fairest smiles as she knows something that the mortal crime queen doesn't.

    "Actually Sofia," she had to correct the mundy. Circe had known a Summer fencer. An advantage to having opponents that melee still worked on, you learned the old ways even if guns are more fun. "I knew a sword fencer that could use cloaks to take a knife out of a mugger's hand." Circe often wore them too. Just to hide how much she was kitted out in. "Apparently is a sword style. I think throwing capes over people was part of it too, or she was just being a showoff."

    The advantage of being a Summer, you got familiar with fighting styles if you knew others Summers. Or just knew that everything could be a weapon if you try hard enough. Even a teacup.
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

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