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Jurisdiction is Somebody Else's Problem

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  1. #31
    Jmiland1's Avatar

    ”You’ve got some balls. Following us all day, then asking us to throw an innocent man under the bus,” Rizzo says, jaw clenched. ”You happen to have a reason why I shouldn’t run you in, smartass?”

    There’s been something off about Eddie—something under the surface, more than just his odd behavior. Now that Tim has a chance to actually study the man he’s slowly beginning to get a sense of what it is. The dramatic announcements, the clearly planned speeches, the sheer giddiness: Tim gets the feeling that this young man is overjoyed at playing Secret Agent. Like a little kid playing dress up, only this is For Real, and Eddie loves it. He gets to be James Bond. Or maybe Blofeld.

    Tim can see it in the way his smile widens, and the way he closes the folder and sets it aside with deliberate care. ”Oh believe me, Agent Rizzo, I have several,” Eddie says, spreading the other folders in front of him on the table like a hand of cards. “For example. Agent Simmons? An unfortunate situation with that young woman, Miss Monroe. You saved her life only for her to take it later. Quite sad, isn’t it? And it’s put her family through a terrible ordeal—just starting to heal from her abduction and near murder, and now this on top of it.” He opens one of the folders, flipping through the pages inside. “Her mother was recently diagnosed with depression related to her loss, but the family can’t afford the therapy. It seems the funeral costs have put a strain on the Monroe’s finances. I wouldn’t normally make this offer but our research seems to indicate that this case is quite important to you, so—if you like—if you were to help out—I could take care of the family’s situation. Health care. Funerary debt. Gone.” He flashes his smile, closes the folder, and looks to Frank. “Agent Rizzo? I have an inducement for you as well, if you’d like?”

  2. #32
    Player of the Month
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    Special Agent Timothy Simmons suddenly feels like he wants to vomit. Stephanie Monroe, blond haired, blue eyed University of New Orleans senior, French major who wanted to become a teacher. Was on scholarship, parents were hard working middle class, she dotted on her younger brother, nice girl everyone had liked, just like the other 9 victims of the Crescent City Killer. Only she never became victim number 10, Tim's skill, a bit of luck and a pair of bullets from a Glock managed to save her. What happened while the three of them were trapped down there gave the hardened Special Agent nightmares, the poor girl had taken her own life to end the pain. That had been more than good people like the Monroe family should have ever had to deal with in their lives, Tim had hoped that they would have been able to move on but he had never thought about the financial stress they could be under.

    He's tempted, really tempted to take the deal. For about half a second. "Frank we still in America?"

  3. #33
    Player of the Month
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    Tim doesn't give Frank much more time to respond with anything more than a quick nod of his head before opening his mouth again. This guy, this little weasel, had followed them around and now had the gall to sit across from them and invoke the name of those who had suffered because of the evil of others? To try and get them to drop a bridge on an innocent guy in order to protect some government insurance firm? That didn't sit right with Special Agent Timothy Simmons.

    "Eddie if you know that much about us then I am sure you've read a good deal of my family history and think you understand what that means. Let me inform you of something you might have missed. On December 8th 1941, one day after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, an 18 year old kid by the name of Timothy Simmons walked into a Buffalo, New York Post Office and enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. After basic training he went off to join the 1st Marine Division, fought at Guadalcanal, Cape Gloucester, Peleliu and Okinawa and made Staff Sergeant by Okinawa. Saw all kinds of hell, caught Malaria, saw his fellow Marines cut in half by Japanese machine guns and artillery, fought through some of the worst battles of the war and was able to keep going because he was fighting for something worth fighting for. Worth dying for if it was needed." He pauses for less than a second to take a quick breath.

    "After the war he came home and had a son, Alexander Simmons, who followed in his dad's footsteps joined the Marines when he was 18. Got sent to Vietnam, the 1st Marine Division, about two weeks before the Tet Offensive. His unit got sent to Hue and he won the Silver Star for rescuing a fellow Marine who was wounded and would have died unless he acted. Alexander Simmons didn't want to go to Vietnam but it was either join the Marines or get drafted by the Army so he made his decision and despite hating the damn war, he was stilling willing to risk his ass for his fellow Marines because he knew it was the right thing to do. He survived his tour and made it home and had a son, me." Tim's mind wondered if his words would possibly have any effect on the man in front of him, from Eddie's demeanor so far the Agent doubted that they would but well when you're on a roll.

    "Now if there was one thing I learned from my dad and granddad it was that there are certain values that have made this country great. Problem is there are a lot of people out there who don't give a damn about these values, who only care about things like money or other bullshit, and who laugh at those who actually believe and try to live by the values that got this country to where it is. Still Eddie somebody had to make a stand at Gettysburg, had to hit the beaches of Normandy and all those islands in the Pacific, had to march for Civil Rights and to make sure that the ideals this nation was built on were put into practice. You want to put the blame on an innocent man and let a guilty party get away with the murder of a child because your boss is afraid of a lawsuit?" He just keeps going

    "What happened to the Monroe family was awful. More awful than you can comprehend. The Crescent City Killer, the New Orleans agencies that failed the family, all the crap that people like Frank and I devote our lives to preventing, these things are the product of choices like the one you are asking me to accept here. As bad as the Monroe's situation is, and I do truly feel for them, the thing that caused their daughter's trauma will not ruin anymore lives."
    Except maybe mine. "Yet you ask us to forget about the family of that dead child and ignore the danger to others in the future. No Eddie, I cannot accept your deal." The Special Agent finally stops, his piece said.

  4. #34
    Jmiland1's Avatar

    Eddie has pushed himself back into his seat and looks about ready to climb over the top, if need be. Tim thought he was keeping himself under control but more than a few eyes have turned towards the booth and patrons are muttering to one another. Connie watches from by the register, jaw half-open and bubble gum forgotten.

    So maybe that came off a bit intense. But on the bright side, that smile got wiped off the chickenshit's face in a big damn hurry.

    "I. Uh," Eddie stammers, closing up the folders with shaking hands. He picks them up and gets them into the briefcase before turning to the two agents and trying again. "Tell you what. Think on it. Think on it. Offer stands. I'm sure Agent Rizzo could use some help with his mortgage. Agent Warren probably wonders what happened to her parents. Things like that. You could all use help, all of you. That's what I offer, that's all. Nothing more. Just help, you help us, we help you." He's sliding from the bench, sweat dotting his brow and upper lip. "I'll, uh. I'll get the tab. I keep my promises."

    Eddie stands and straightens his tie. "Just think on it," he repeats. "Enjoy your coffee. I'll be in touch." He heads to the register and drops a bill in front of Connie, leaving in a hurry and without another word.

    Rizzo's eyes are down, focused on his coffee.

  5. #35
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    Tim just sits there for a second attempting to calm down, he's able to get himself back under control but part of him is still angry at the creep for the attempted bribe. "Guess I got a bit excited, sorry Frank." He says quietly to the older man next to him. About this time Tim notices that the waitress is watching them like they were a couple of weirdos. Tim waits until she comes by with another coffee and says to nobody "Damn Cal Berkley kids, no respect for the troops." Hopefully Eddie could be passed off as a college kid who managed to piss off a pair of establishment cronies. When she leaves, Tim drops a dollar bill on to the table and looks at Frank. "I think we should inform the SAC of this." He says quietly.

  6. #36
    Jmiland1's Avatar

    Tim's explanation seems to be accepted fairly easily. "Those college kids," Connie says as she tops off the coffees. "I swear, there's no respect for our boys overseas, it oughta be a crime." Some of the tension bleeds out of the room. Whether or not they bought the story, the big scene is over, and that's enough for people to relax.

    Frank, meanwhile, seems to have lost some steam. It takes him a few seconds to respond to Tim. "Yeah. Yeah, we probably ought to. Boss ought to know." Frank's voice is flat, as though recovering from something. "You, uh. You made the right choice, kid."

  7. #37
    Player of the Month
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    "We should probably get back to the office, I bet that whoever put "Eddie" up to his offer won't be happy that we've turned down his offer." Having already left his tip Tim exits the booth and walks out of the place.

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