As Max turns away, a log on the fire shifts, collapsing a portion of the bonfire and sending up a spray of sparks and embers that wash the entire clearing in light. The Shadow Deputy instinctively throws up an arm and completes his turn to pursue the Frenzying Haunt.

In the darkness, a negative after-image slowly resolves itself into a final snapshot of the fiery clearing:

Glassy-eyed, blank faces stare in Awe at their Goddess' chosen avatar; a pale haired man with a hand thrown up, flinching from the fire. His other hand is holding a limp, bald figure with an eyepatch. Even in the negative, Max can see the man is a handsome devil, but dangerously so, a perception affirmed by the bright white points of Blood-darkened fangs. The Blood covering his mouth and chin shine on Max's retina, as if this dark angel is speaking words of pure light.

Max can roll Int+Com -5 to recognize the other vampire. The penalty represents only having seen him once before and having to use the image burn for reference.

End Scene