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Bloodhunt: Be Vewy Vewy Quiet, We're Hunting Deptuies

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  1. #11

    Wilhelm, likewise, greeted Victoria with a smile. Though he refrained from the once over. Mainly for appearance's sake. Though, you could make out quite a bit out of your peripheral vision when Auspex was utilized. "No, I believe this is everybody." Of course, he had not expected Conner to be here. But it must have been O-Yama who invited him, and he obviously was not expecting anyone else.

    He waited a few seconds to see if there were any other objections or suggestions to his proposed course of action. When none came, "Then let us hunt." And after a quick check to ensure that his gear was properly obfuscated, he led the group toward the address that his connections had provided him. Though he did not go straight to it, just within a short walking distance. No need to appear overly suspicious

  2. #12
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    The group arrives at Sacramento university; it is well into the night, and only a few people are out and about. Although Wilhelm has a building and room number, it's soon apparent that a directory is needed. Lights are on in common areas of the larger buildings.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  3. #13
    Conner Greyson

    Conner looks around the Campus, his keen eye site looks out to commons area and keeps his eyes open for anyone that looked suspicious. Well more suspicious then your average college student.

  4. #14

    Wilhelm waited for everyone to arrive before speaking. "He lives in [insert building and room # here]." Of course, there was no guarantee that he was in his room at the present moment. "Tracking him down without arousing suspicion might be tricky." He took a moment to look over the group. Twist and Victoria could undoubtedly pass as women dressing up for some event/party or another. Besides, when confronted with a pretty face college-aged men often seemed to forget such important things as caution and common sense. The men...for the most part looked as though they were about ready to beat the ever-living tar out of something. Which, admittedly, was what they were intending to do eventually. But it was unlikely to garner them much help from the student body.

    "Hound Twist and/or Harpy Stamford are probably our best bets to approach any students and ask questions without raising undue suspicion. Mr. Greyson and myself could easily accompany them while obfuscated." Hatori...as welcome as his presence would be once it came time to confront MacAntaghee he was not entirely certain where he would be useful in as delicate a stage as they still found themselves in. And he looked to the man to see if he had any ideas.

    Perhaps depending on what ruse they had to pull inside he could be passed off as the ladie's Pimp?

  5. #15
    Conner Greyson

    Conner looks to his Priscus and the Ladies, "Perhaps it would be wise for one of us to stake out his room?" Conner volunteered the idea. "One Could Obfuscate and keep eyes upon it?"

  6. #16
    O-Yama's Avatar



    O-Yama nods to Wilhelm. "I have no way to cloak myself completely from sight, but I can try to keep to the shadows near a back entrance. If someone should approach, my family's blood power can strike enough fear in them to make them turn tail. I agree that the Prisci would be best to garner information for us."

    When Conner proposes his idea, O-Yama shakes his head in agreement. "That is wise, would you care to handle that, or would you prefer it Priscus von Schusten?" He asks, turning his one eye on the Priscus.

  7. #17

    Wilhelm took a few moments to ponder the various suggestions. Conner's was certainly an excellent one. O-Yama's was good too, with a minor alteration. "It would probably be unwise to frighten everyone who approached the back exit." It was a residential building, after all. "But if Holland is tries to run for some reason it seems likely that he might take that route, and I doubt you would have any trouble subduing him were that the case."

    As for O-Yama's question, Wilhelm did not even have to hesitate before responding. "I will accompany the Hound and/or Harpy, if there are no objections." He briefly considered reminding Conner that discretion was key here. But the other man was Mekhet as well, it was doubtful that a reminder would be necessary. "Shall we move out, then, or are there any other suggestions?"

  8. #18
    Conner Greyson

    Conner nods to the group at large and turns and makes his way to the Dorm. Conner, after checking a map of the campus that was posted, heeded toward the dorm. As he walked he ducked behind a building and enshrouded himself. His goal when he arrived was to follow someone in and hopefully get into the stairwell to make his way to the third floor.

    5suxx to Cloak of Night

    3rd Floor

  9. #19
    Victoria Stamford's Avatar

    Lady Reeve Stamford
    Lady Reeve Stamford

    Presence ••• (Dominant)
    Striking Looks •••• (Intense Gaze, Stunning)
    BP •••
    Status (Invictus): ••
    Status (Domain): ••••


    Victoria shook her head in the negative regarding objections to the plan. It seems quite acceptable and capitalized on everyone's strengths. "No, I agree it sounds like an good plan. Do we have a cover for why we're here if asked?"

  10. #20
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    Twist nodded her agrement to the plan. Sadly though she didn't have an answer for what their cover would be. Not only had she never gone to college, such a concept didn't exist when she has been mortal enough to attend.

    She glanced at those around, "Surely it cannot be that inconcievable that two attractive females would be searching for a male?"
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

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