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(Hedge Storm) Bringing Home the Bacon

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  1. #71
    Rust Mane's Avatar


    Rust realizes more, for one. Nightfall and Spartan were in the room.
    And second, things were not adding up to his assumption. Alice wasn't holding the crown. Al had just passed it to her. Nightfall would not have stood for such nonsense, nor Spartan.

    And Third, Giana was not behind him. He locks eyes with Nightfall, sending a look of worry and confusion. Next his gaze is in on Alice if shame and regret. "I, I am sorry. And no. I don't think those dresses would fit." Rust had let his anger jump his reason. A foolish mistake. One that could have burned the Freehold alive. But is had been well placed, there the crown of Sacramento was melting. "HOly fucking shit." Rust steps past Nightfall, approaching the table then a pulling back as if the Crown was a deadly snake.

    "I can't get close. What, What do we do?"

  2. #72
    Nightfall's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Bed Head)
    (Polychromatic, Treasured)


    Treasured Polychromatic

    Nightfall watched the water dripping, imagined the beads of water as salty tears on pale, perfect cheeks. Even though he knew that he would most likely be dead now, he couldn't help but wonder again at what would have happened if he had remained with the Court of Sorrows.

    He felt hot tightness around his eyes as he regarded the Crown that most likely signaled Katrin's death, thinking of all the looks she had given him, all the words never said. Some people, like Sam, waited their whole lives to be a martyr. Others, like Katrin, never seemed to have a choice. Finally, he felt a tear roll down his cheek, a gift for the Queen of Tears.

    "Get Bert," he said to Rust. "Get Bert NOW."

    Nightfall remained on the razor's edge of his grief, waiting. Waiting for Bert to take the Crown; waiting to see if he would have to let Katrin's death break him again.

  3. #73

    Spartan hears Nightfall raise his voice about getting Bert as he leaves the Commons. "Sending him a Message now." Spartan said as he exited the door and went into the Train station.

  4. #74
    Forn Clakes's Avatar

    A voice flows through the minds of those in the Commons, soft and inviting, coming from the melting crown itself.

    Grasp your memories, yes? Do not forget who you are.

    The voice of the stolen Queen is undeniable. It is the voice of Sorrow and bites the heart.

    From the walls around them, small branches of the Hedge have begun to appear.

  5. #75
    DrDog's Avatar

    Werewolf Lawyer


    sorry for delay

    At Nightfall's command, Al-Adin kicks off the ground and starts dashing towards the rest of Amtrack. He is bringing Bert here, RIGHT NOW.
    The Dog Draped in Resplendent Finery of Shrieking Spirits.

  6. #76
    Nightfall's Avatar

    Striking Looks
    (Bed Head)
    (Polychromatic, Treasured)


    Treasured Polychromatic

    Nightfall looked at Alice, the question clear in his eyes as to whether she had heard Katrin's voice.

    At the same time, his mind raced like a broken slideshow listening to the words, but not knowing which memories.


    His first fencing competition.

    Arguing with his father about football.

    The tinkle of laughter and pretty, pretty eyes that took his hand and led him...

    Running... just... running. Green, shiny leaves like bricks in a wall before him.

    The look on Al-Adin's face as he jumped through him, and his own silent laughter.

    A handful of salt, and three friends trying to keep straight faces.

    A Queen, asking for a kiss, and more.

    Red blood, as hot as the summer day, splashing onto his hand.

    They continued, a deck of cards being rifled unconsciously.

  7. #77
    Alice White's Avatar

    Alice White


    As she herd Katrin's voice, Alice stood there in surprise and couldn't help but give the crown another glance. She turned to Nightfall understanding the questioning look he gave her she nodded that she had indeed heard the voice.

    This hadn't been the first time that she had received a mental warning around the crown, and she found herself thinking back to that time in the four seasons when the crown itself had given her a warning. But, what did all this mean? Grasp your memories and don't forget who we are?

    She looked concerned at the branches from the hedge pushed into the room. "Um...Nightfall, the hedge," she said in warning drawing their attention to the branches. "We may need to flee here sooner than anticipated."

    The elemental watched carefully for any further growth into the commons where they were from the hedge.

  8. #78
    Rust Mane's Avatar


    Rust snorted, his eyes losing a certain focus and clarity. Whether mad or angry or both or neither... Who gave a shit? Vines grew up into his home. His den. Rust just accepted the new decor.

    The Summer King wished he knew who he was. But everything he knew was a contradiction. His Court, the Freehold, himself, it was to hard to keep it defined.

    The Crown was a contradiction. It was a false truth as it melted away. And Rust wished with every fiber of his being there was something his fiery hands could to do to stop the ice from melting. Like a child squeezing the life back into a dying rabbit. It was all a sick joke. And Rust was going to body slam the punch line.

    Without the Crown as the keepsake of his promise of Virtue, how could he keep the other back? Rust knew he was insane. But he was a mad man in control. And damn anything that threatened that balance.
    A harsh thought from a harsh man. When had? And how far until the edge came?

    Just how far would Rust fall?

    Would it hurt when the ground rose up to greet him?

  9. #79
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    (( Just a note: I was waiting on FC's return to post further... ))
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  10. #80
    Forn Clakes's Avatar

    The crown continues to melt, causing a puddle around Alice.

    The Briars continue to push into the sanctity of the Hollow.

    A ghostly image shimmers into existance, hovering over the Fairest's head. A halo of sunlight, bringing forth a new day, a crown that all can see.

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