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Covenant Heads' Meeting

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  1. #31

    Benton silently prays for the patience to sit through this meeting. The church? Maybe not, that's our sanctuary. Black thinks to himself as he considers where the Lancea should declare Elysium.

    "That all sounds fair to me, Prince Clarke. The Sanctum will need to consider the right place to hold our Elysium. We may take up the offer to use the museum."

  2. #32
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Asa imperceptibly shrugged. If Rahyna was going to have the Museum host five of the six Courts, that was her business. Why Black didn't declare the church Elysium, he had no idea. It seemed the Second Estate might be in dire straits. A shame Inquisitor Bella didn't survive the Lost Nights.

    "Before we move on to the Lost Nights, I'd like to go back to accountability. Specifically, a Mr. Giessen and a Mr. Hastipolis," Asa said, and looked at Jack. "Tell Giessen if doesn't stop spying on city officials as targets, I'll stop him. Forcibly. If you decide to condone his behavior, I'll have no choice but to consider it a Carthian insurrection."

    Asa withdrew a piece of paper from his breast pocket and slid it to Circe. "If Hastipolis doesn't learn to respect what is not his --specifically, my Elysia and my property-- and decides to decorate them again, I'll decorate my office with him. That goes for any such similar willful act of stupidity."

    "I'd like to think I'm a fair person," he continued, looking around. "These are fair warning. Any more nonsense from anyone won't be tolerated. Both of these acts demonstrate a lack of respect for the domain and it's officials. Neonates or little better, coming to the city, thinking they can do whatever they please, disregarding those of us who have kept this domain -- it won't be tolerated. I demand their respect as Prince, and as someone who has shed Blood for this domain, as many of the other officials have."

    Asa paused to look at each person individually. "And if I don't get that respect, I will cover the walls of every Elysia in Torpor'ed Kindred until I do. Or at least until their fear approximates the sentiment."

    Asa looked around to see if anyone had anything to say before he moved on.
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  3. #33
    Sweets's Avatar

    Rahyna quirked her eyebrow as Asa made his statements of accountability this was a side of Asa she had never seen maybe he was growing a pair after all she let the thought die and remained silent and waited to see if there was any other business to be heard before she rose and spoke of the business she wished to air to all those present.

  4. #34

    Black can scarcely suppress a wolfish grin at Clarke's pronouncement. It was good to know the Prince wasn't afraid of being feared. Torpor'ed kindred, indeed. Got to remember that one.

  5. #35
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    Circe scowls as she reads Hector's announcement. "This will be dealt with, Prince Clarke," she says.

  6. #36
    Jack Bennett's Avatar

    Jack Bennett
    Jack Bennett


    Jack leaned back in his chair, trying his best to keep a poker face on." The Carthians Don't condone his behaviour Price Clarke. None of us were aware of his activites until he brought it up. I'm already trying to direct him towards investgating the Lost Nights and whoever decided to kill and knock most of us in torpor. The Movement will deal with him if he keeps causing everyone here a hassle." With that, Jack relaxed and watched the meeting continue. He was going to have another talk with Arnould after all. Got to keep everyone happy while keeping the Movement strong and content.

    My god, I've become my worst nightmare...I'm a politican.

  7. #37
    Jayant Nagaraj's Avatar

    Jayant Nagaraj


    Jayant's face doesn't betray anything but his cloudy left eye twitches almost imperceptibly as he muses.

    Hector, you fool.

  8. #38
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Asa nodded to acknowledge Circe and Jack's statements.

    "We need to turn our attention to the Lost Nights. Unfortunately, Mr. Culler and Twist have been busy dealing with neonates, and little information has been gathered. We know that the attack transformed our Blood into a crystalline, deadly substance, but little else. Who, how, or why, remains a mystery, although investigation points to an airborne agent. Has Arnoud, or anyone else, found out anything else of note?" Asa asked.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
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  9. #39
    Sweets's Avatar

    Rahyna sat and just looked around at the others present to see what information she can garner from those around her since she knows virtually nothing of what happened in the time she was gone she felt it best to sit and observe since she had nothing to add to this part of the discussion.

  10. #40

    Black is silent for a moment but he can't help but speak his mind on this subject. "The Lancea Sanctum has no information on what happened, I'm afraid. If you ask me, this city was judged and found lacking. This was the hand of God at work. Perhaps if more Kindred listened to God's word this could have been prevented."

    He lets that sink in for a moment before continuing.

    "Don't misunderstand me, I am not saying god sent a choir of vengeful angels from on high to slaughter us all in our sleep. I'm not being quite that literal. I am saying that we should examine ourselves if we want to find out why this happened. Was it sloth or pride that kept us from seeing what was coming? What sin brought us to the attention of a power that could make it happen? That said, as our resources grow, the Sanctified will be willing to help with the investigation as needed."

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