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(1004) Court at the Sterling

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  1. #151
    Argent's Avatar


    "Haven't I seen you at the Asylum?" Argent asked Victoria, moving into the vacancy left by Gabriel as his own conversation partner left him. It would just never do to just be standing alone like a wallflower, especially not with opportunities available.

  2. #152
    Yog-Sothoth's Avatar

    Victoria Stamford

    Presence ••
    Adamantine Arrow Status •
    Victoria Stamford

    Victoria Stamford

    After Gabriel left to speak with the Prince, Victoria stood around taking a look at who was talking to who. Then she felt the pull of a strong predator approach her; her wasp anger buzzed in the back of her brain at the rival and equally potent predator that dared approach her. She was pretty sure that it was a man dressed as...was that a geisha he was dressed as, maybe kabuki?

    She smiled at his question, "Quite likely I spend a lot of time there. You'd know me as Lady Crimson if you've seen me there. I'm Victoria Stamford, Priscus of Lords. And you are?"


    Dirge smiled as the Seneschal addressed her. "Won't be much of a tournament without any challengers." Her smile took on a warm quality at his concern for Cerberus. "He's doing well actually. I try and take good care of him. Thanks for asking. How have you been? Not too busy I hope."

  3. #153
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Asa Clarke

    Asa nods, dismissing the newcomer. He'd been warned, and he'd need to remember to let the Reeve know to keep an eye on that one. Such carelessness couldn't be allowed.

    Asa looks around again, seeing if there are still any to be Acknowledged.


    "Isn't that a bit... affected?" Argent asks. He offers a hand. "Aiiirzhaaaaw," he drawls, completely oblivious to the irony. With the cant his hand is at, it's unclear if he's offering to shake, or to have it kissed, like a woman.

    "Ah, I thought maybe you simply enjoyed the hunting there, it's been on my short list since the Daeva party there. I must say... it's rare to see such beauty... outside the family."
    He sounds almost petulant, as if the Daeva were expected to have a monopoly on physical beauty.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  4. #154
    Victoria Stamford's Avatar

    Lady Reeve Stamford
    Lady Reeve Stamford

    Presence ••• (Dominant)
    Striking Looks •••• (Intense Gaze, Stunning)
    BP •••
    Status (Invictus): ••
    Status (Domain): ••••


    "Perhaps, which is why I use the name among kine while working. To be honest, any of the blood who can't even claim the title among kine isn't worthy of said blood," she finished dismissively.

    She saw him hold his hand out, "A pleasure," she said while grasping his hand gently.

    She smiled at the complement, "Why thank you. Except in Sacramento it appears. I haven't seen this many beautiful and attractive kindred in one place for for a while."

  5. #155
    Argent's Avatar


    "Indeed," Argent replied, preening a bit. Obviously he took the statement as a compliment, indirectly given. He took the hand, leaning over and kissing it, before releasing.

    "I suppose being the Lord of Lords suits you well, given your work... although, it's a shame," he continued, indicating Victoria's kimono. "I quite enjoyed my last play-time there."

    The smile slipped slightly, as he remembered how Aimee had turned on him later, but it was quickly restored and almost hidden by his makeup. Being so close to another beauty with a bare predator gave him a slight, delicious, shiver, and he pushed back his own's barking nonsense.

  6. #156
    Frost's Avatar

    Six reaches Twist in time to see her speaking with another individual. She isn't very surprised really. If this woman is the head of the Invictus then she will have a lot of people wishing to speak with her this night. From what Six had heard, a number of the new kindred were members of the esteemed clan. If the clan was not large before they came, then it had surly swelled this evening.

    She stands back and looks around the room again. She sees a number of small groups of twos and threes speaking with one another. She wonders if any of them will join in the challenge the Prince had announced earlier. Maybe she should give it a try herself. To be new and have ones own domain the first night of arrival would be something. She will have to wait and see what the other warriors do first.
    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended......

  7. #157
    Victoria Stamford's Avatar

    Lady Reeve Stamford
    Lady Reeve Stamford

    Presence ••• (Dominant)
    Striking Looks •••• (Intense Gaze, Stunning)
    BP •••
    Status (Invictus): ••
    Status (Domain): ••••


    Victoria graciously let Argent kiss her hand before they break contact. Then he points out her kimono understanding the message it sent. She smiled at his comment before replying, "Oh this?" She asked touching her kimono. "I wouldn't worry about this. As if marriage ever stopped a woman from having fun before. Especially when my current status made him a widow long ago."

    She paused for a moment before continuing, "I'm glad that you can enjoy yourself there. Perhaps I'll see you there sometime and we can play a little to pass the time."

  8. #158
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    Twist gave a small almost imperceptable shrug of one shoulder, "Any of those I listed would be good. I would suggest speaking to someone who knows you well or at least your deeds. It will help put them at ease about supporting you."
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  9. #159
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    Asa Clarke

    Seeing that no one else was going to present themselves, Asa signaled to Heathcliff that he was done and could start the contest whenever he wanted. There was no rush, and Asa made his way over to his Covenant leader to pay his respects.

    "Oracle Shadow, good evening,"
    he smiled. "Of all the new arrivals, not a single Dragon, it appears."


    "I am sure you will," Argent replied, arching a painted brow at the invitation. If there was any fear that he'd found another psychotic woman who'd turn on him, it didn't show. Or perhaps it didn't even register. "Tell me, what games are your favorites?"
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  10. #160

    Another bow, and she slipped away from the Prince like a jackal away from the lion, no trying to get any more attention. Still alive... After a fashion. Her mood soared high, and laughed bubbled up from her thought once she was out from the prince proximity. The blonde untied her tie letting the tie hang loose down from the sides of her long pale and veiny neck.

    She moved playfully like a 50's movie star smiled at the one she passed shamelessly heading towards the buffet. The laughter tuned in to a pleased humming in tune with the music. Every no and then inhaling the scents of the party and the nearby pray. The Prince hadn't turned her down ans that was reason to celebrate right? Well the hunger would have been all the reason needed to feast.

    Like an art teacher of the worst kind she waded through the buffets flock of humans examining them, spending a second or two in front of each one of them looking over them and then commenting them to their faces with hungry disinterest. ”Rough hands. Bad dye job. Wearing blue and brown together. She might do. That one wont. The the small thing over there seemed even better, Will do.”

    “You.” she said putting the tie around a young Japanese girls neck, smilingly pulling her towards her and with here. Away from the buffer over to one of the low Japanese tables. They both sit down on the tattami, her meal and her. From the easy conversation ans laughter you could never believe that it was more then a innocent date. More then the the gray eyes of the predator, the slowly emerging teeth and the pale and translucent sheen of Nellies skin.

    The feeding is done with certain style. A compliment of the girls black silky hair turns is to a gentle carcass, she moves closer and by that way it goes. Small tender gestures. The act its self are that of a bit to hungry predator, bit to brutal, and bordering on taking to much from the girl to fast. There was a sickening crunch when the fangs scraped against the cartilage. But when she is done the ventues skin seemed a bit more alive, but still had the gray paleness goths desired.

    Nellie licked her lips once more, absent-mindedly patting the head of the human girl leaning against her and giving her a sweet little kiss on the forehead while watching the other predators with a new interest.

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