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Invictus Meeting

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  1. #51
    Victoria Stamford's Avatar

    Lady Reeve Stamford
    Lady Reeve Stamford

    Presence ••• (Dominant)
    Striking Looks •••• (Intense Gaze, Stunning)
    BP •••
    Status (Invictus): ••
    Status (Domain): ••••


    Victoria sat silently for some time listening to the others speak. She thought the Viscountess' plan quite well thought out and impressive and didn't blame the other for pointing it out, however, the incessant brown nosing and sucking up was one thing about the Invictus that grated on her nerves on occasion.

    She looked around the table to those present and inwardly sighed realizing that she missed her chance to be lazy when Dr. Lazarus said he would fund the entertainment, because she figured it would be a cold day in hell before the Councilors actually did anything. In fact she wasn't sure if these Councilors were even worth her respect because the hadn't done anything but suck up to the Viscountess and refuse to commit their own resources to aid the covenant because they either lack them and are thus weak or they just refuse to spend what they have. It was hard to tell which.

    After was seemed an eternity Victoria spoke up in a polite professional tone, "Since Mister Lazarus has most generously offered to finance the band, I would be more than happy to assist in arranging the band for the evening if it should please you Good Judex."

  2. #52
    Premsyl's Avatar

    Arnold waits until it seemed that the matter of the band had been dealt with, then he stood to make the announcement he had intended to make since the meeting began.

    "As you all learned at the last Court, I have been granted Regency over the Domain lying between Highways 50 and 99 - the area now known to our Kind as The Estate of West Jackson. It is my pleasure to extend feeding and residency rights to all of you here tonight, should you wish to take advantage of them. I should like to envision the Domain, and my Hotel - the Sundown - as being a stronghold for the Invictus in the coming nights."

    "In fact, I was somewhat dismayed to learn that the Good Judex had already made arrangements for the location of Court, as the Sundown is host to a grand ballroom that would serve that purpose handsomely. It is my proposal, then, that all future Invictus meetings and ceremonies, such as Court, be held there."
    Cameron Levine - BP2 - Ventrue, Invictus

  3. #53
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    "Thank you," Twist said with a dip of her head to Victoria.

    She began shuffling the papers of her Court idea back into a pile and sliding them into the envelope as she listened to Arnold speak. She felt a brief pang of sorrow for not hosting the court in his hotel, but she simply wasn't able to accomidate her plans into a ballroom. At least not easily, she had considered it early on in her planning, but eventually discarded the idea.

    But it was too late now. The covenant had agreed to her plan and Arnold would simply have to be content with future meetings.

    "Congratulations on your Regency. I will indeed leave the planning of our next court in your capable hands." Twist said with a warm smile to Arnold.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  4. #54
    Regina Pia's Avatar

    Regina Pia


    "If I may, Viscountess, there is a point of business I would like to discuss." When she gets the nod from Twist, Regina continues, "Many of you are blessed with Ghouls of many different varieties. To re-iterate what Councilor Culler said at our last meeting, our covenant must have an unconquerable set of warriors. In addition to our vampiric might, I believe we should also focus on improving our ghoul's martial skills. To that end, Nami has offered to instruct any ghoul or mortal retainer of the Invictus in the ways of the sword. I myself can vouch for her skill, being just slightly less than my own. Should any of you wish to partake, she can be reached at the Dhaka."

  5. #55
    Yawgmoth's Avatar

    Harold and Charles have better things to do than play with swords. However, it would be a good gesture to Lady Pia to show some interest...

    Ith turns his attention to Lady Knight Pia and regards her for a long moment. Inside his head, Lazarus was calculating how to express interest without sounding fake about it. He was inside the First Estate; it all was a social game -- and here he was forcing himself to play.

    "You are correct, Lady Knight Councilor Pia, it is important that we remain unified and strong. That said, I will send my ghoul, Charles Wilson, to the instruction."

  6. #56
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes


    "Excellent," Twist said. "If there is nothing else, let us adjourn and begin preparing for Court."
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
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