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VtR Questions and Scene Talk

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  1. #31
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes

    I think the only person that has any right to be salty is deltadream and Orianna? If deltadream doesn't mind thugging a couple of upstarts, why the hell does anyone else care?

    Shen... just stop. Stop throwing stones unless you want your glass house of RP to come under similar critique.

    Stop being nasty.

    Stop being someone else's mouthpiece. You're better than that.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

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  3. #32
    Cayce's Avatar


    I am profoundly sad. And upset.

    People are LITERALLY posting videos comparing this vampire scene to rape? Are you SERIOUS?

    And on top of that, people not even involved in the scene are calling my toon a piece of trash? And Saber Sloth's toon a piece of trash? Really?


    I am not going to engage in exchanging insults. I am not going to try to draw comparisons. What I am going to say is this. I created a character I thought would be fun. I've been playing that character, and as the character has developed, they've realized that they do not want to just be a follower, and if someone is going to demand obedience, their response is going to be "make me".

    And, on top of that, I thought the Prince would enjoy getting to throw her authority around. Other people have insulted Ale IC, and I thought she might appreciate a chance to respond to that as she saw fit.

    Additionally, I sent MULTIPLE private messages to ALL parties involved. MULTIPLE.

    As Saber Sloth has said, our intention was never to force anyone into a position they didn't want to be in, and we have been open to other options.

    deltadream , as far as I understand, due to Discord and PMs, is just fine with how things are going. I am totally happy with having Takeda and Izzy run to an alley to have their showdown with Twist, without risking anyone else. So what is the problem?

    Why are you offering insults and literally accusing us of RAPE, of all things (because YES, that IS what that tea video is talking about).

    Wow. I can not even...

    Oh, and you know what, ErlangShen ? Thanks. Good to know how you truly feel about me.

  4. #33

    I will just say I'm sorry about the Tea video. That was too far. I already made my argument about Consent, but that comparison was too much and for that I'm sorry.

  5. #34
    Youngblood's Avatar

    Twist Scenes


    Sorry for outright locking the conversation. I was at a concert, on mobile and had written a long post trying to address this before it spiraled when I got logged out and lost the post. Honestly, after waiting 24 hours and seeing how everyone's moods have changed- I have to say losing that post was probably what I'm most pissed about in this whole ordeal.

    We all play a game together (while some are trying to learn it as fast as humanly possible *cough*) and as such, a lot of passion and emotion can build regarding certain situations or stuff that can impact our characters or friend's characters which have a lot of time, energy and history invested in them. What I think I'm most disappointed in is how actual, genuine questions about how things progressed devolved into personal attacks and insults.

    Something I can't stress enough is that the Edge of Darkness is our home.
    As such, we all have a duty to find a way to live agreeably with each other. That doesn't mean you have to agree with each other, but there is a difference between disagreeing and having a debate about points and what this thread turned into.

    That being said, I believe everyone is on the mend and realizing the mistakes that were made after sleeping on it and so things are getting back to normal.

    To address a few of the core things that were included or led to this thread:

    In service
    I don't have anything to add to this. The necessary information has been conveyed, everyone involved understands how it turned to this and the rest of this post addressed things we're doing moving forward. The thread will continue to play out as intended, finish and we'll all move on. No mulligans, no do overs, no bullshit.

    Everyone has a right to play a style character of their choosing and reap the consequences of such IN CHARACTER

    At the core of the issue that caused this to boil over is the choice of a player to have antagonistic or confrontational characters. Each one of you has the right to have a character in that regard and to not be limited in your play style. That being said, because this is our home- we should all be mindful of the atmosphere and when it might need to be toned down a bit. Little Jimmy might rip a good fart in the bedroom one day and we all get a good laugh, but if he keeps doing it at high frequency people start having a disdain for Jimmy instead of remembering the happiness that it brought the first time. This leads me to the next point.

    Don't hate the player

    All play styles contribute something to character development or venues, however, some can place us outside of our comfort zones and cause a great deal of anxiety. When this occurs, it is human nature to look at the root cause of the feeling. In this case, if all characters have the same common denominator (the player), you start applying in character frustration and anger to the player. Talk to the player, and if you don't feel comfortable doing so- talk to ME. I have no issues what-so-ever speaking to third parties or reading through threads and asking storytellers questions I might have to approach someone with fair and objective points so we can resolve any real issues between players before they boil over to this point.

    Play your character for longevity

    Earlier in the thread, there was a mention of "Trash toons". I think what it boils down to is having a character for a specific purpose and once that purpose is met the character is tossed aside or interest is lost. You should have progression in mind when creating a character. You'll have strengths and weaknesses but try not to be an "expert" at something specific or to roll up a straight out badass. If you can grow into what you originally envisioned for your character you'll have had time to let roleplay help dictate what comes after that. That being said, some times an idea doesn't pan out and you don't enjoy playing the character anymore. That's fine, and leads to my next point:

    If you want a big sendoff for your character, consult your storyteller
    It goes beyond the idea of consent for PvP. There can't be a house rule to say all parties must consent to PvP because there are situations like in Vampire where everyone is out to prove they're the biggest badass in town right after Twist. As such, if there was a house rule and someone less than worthy or disagreeable is acting as Prince they would be effectively protected by never consenting to PvP. Consent is not required, but in situations where you had a clear goal in mind (to get crushed) and you think it would be of benefit to give a heads up based on what you know of the player, you should do so before initiating a scene.

    I'm also going to highly discourage future suicide by PC ideas. The reason why is whereas deltadream may be okay with the situation, we all bow to the dice roller. Some may have more than others, but the characters in general have a limited amount of HP. If the dice roller is fickle enough, the legend could fall to a couple of toons that were intended to be thrown away. Delta may handle it with grace, but I'm sure *everyone* would feel sorrow for that loss. The house rule below will add a consequence to the action to make sure you think it is worth it to do without outright banning suicide by PC.

    House rules taking effect after the conclusion of "In Service"
    1. If you plan to suicide your character you must contact the storyteller.
    2. If you do so by PC you'll be barred from the venue for 6 months.
    3. If you do so egregiously or fail to write out your character gracefully the bar will be 12 months.
    4. If it is part of a plot, or something that your character developed into (such as fucked up a roll, went into a frenzy and died as a consequence) there is no penalty.
    5. Personal attacks won't be tolerated on the forum or discord. To be clear, you can disagree with each other, and debate fervently as long as you're doing so like adults. When it devolves into insults and name calling is when this goes into effect.

    See http://nwod.org/forum/showthread.php...061#post480061

  6. #35
    Youngblood's Avatar

    Twist Scenes

    Thread reopened, if you feel anything wasn't addressed or if you have any disagreements let me know

  7. #36
    Travisc06489's Avatar

    Burns the house down the second YB looks away....

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  9. #37
    Riks's Avatar

    Sup Yumyumcrow ,

    Happy Friday! You still want me to make that humanity roll now that Jed is dead in the Warehouse thread? If I had to I just wanted to incorporate it all into the same post.

  10. #38
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar


    Yes. Incorporate it into the post.


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  12. #39
    Psychangel's Avatar

    Mable Wood
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood

    BP3/Pre2/SL2:Wholesome/Pro3: Aspect of the Predator

    I have scene questions lol go figure....
    1)Hunt for buster- we got him. what next? do we have a scene coming up with the next step?
    2) Where are we on hunting for hunter scenes? is there one Mable could jump in to because she has scene space again? Also, have we found the hunters she and Cynthia saw yet?
    "Given only the health of the soil, nothing that dies is dead for very long" -Wendell Berry

  13. #40
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar


    1) I'll get to that sometime this week.

    2) I'll need to check. But there will be plenty of room for Mabel.

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