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Fanny Ann's Saloon

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  1. #31

    Luca nods "Sure. We can go out there and take a look. See what there is to see. We would propably need to talk to someone, my schedule is pretty busy during the day" he said, pausing for a short while to make it clear that he was only talking shit because they were in the place they were, and then continued: "Perhaps we could pay for a private tour during the evening." Or we could just break in and see for ourselves... his beast whispered to him.

  2. #32
    Vassagon's Avatar

    Royal stiffens at Whitney's offer. "W..what makes you think I'd want to see that!" she says, blushing a vibrant red at the open flirting. As if she could ever be interested in anyone other than Josephine. Who does this Vampire think she is?

    Timothy's exit garners the Ghoul's attention, and she wonders just what spurred him to leave. But maybe it's no surprise since the subject turns towards history. Wild West, Sutter's Fort, Old Sacramento. Did Vampires get nostalgic about the past?

    Royal debates leaving too, maybe following after Timothy and finding where he sleeps, but she's probably safest inside the saloon while these creatures were prowling around.

    "Yeah, I'll bet it's pretty busy," comments Royal, mocking Luca's double-meaning. "Why do you want to see some old fort? It's probably only a couple centuries old. Isn't that when this area was settled by Europeans? Why I'll wager there are sites a stone's throw from my home town that have been around for millennia."

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  4. #33
    Forn Clakes's Avatar

    Whitney couldn't help but laugh at Royal's expense, a dirty sound that was somewhat at contradiction with the bubbly blonde persona. Still grinning, he replied to the Ghoul. "Don't panic, I'm only joking! I wouldn't even know where to begin, you know? The only pussy I like is the feline variety. Girls are too much like hard work."

    "Yeah, sure thing, that sounds pretty cool," Whitney nodded to Luca, glad he was up for the idea. Vamp's need friends, right?

    "Well, seeing as I'm fairly new in town, touristy stuff is right up my alley, you know? Sutter's Fort, here we come!"

  5. #34

    Luca's face contorted in an akward display, that turned from suprise to amusement. He let out a laughter that felt like the first one in a long time, and nodded along as he smiled at Whitney. "Oh, damn, I did not see that one coming. Although I wouldn't necessarily agree." He said, winking at Whitney, trying to remember the long dead sexual tension that he had experienced in his living days. Maye if he put himselfs through the motions of compliments and flirtation, he would experience the same rush as he did when he was alive? He knew that this was a lie he could tell himself all night, but the beast in his chest could only be kept at bay by acting human. So monkey see, monkey do.

    "Mhm, yeah, let me give you my phone number, then I'll see what I can dig up for a trip out there" Bonanno pulled a pen out of his pocket and scribled on a napking from the table. While he was scribbling, he listened to Royal's story. "Yeah? Such as? Millennia old sounds either very run down or very interesting..." He questioned.

  6. #35
    Vassagon's Avatar

    "Oh," says Royal after Whitney explains herself, not that Royal believes her. Or maybe it's just that Whitney can't help but look at her like a meal, in one sense or another.

    Luca's laughter is just as disturbing and Royal folds her arms in protest, thinking that they're making fun of her. It's probably fine that they underestimate her. It'll come in handy should they ever step out of line.

    "Probably both. There's too much history to keep track of. Just as well. Not like I'll be going back anytime soon." Or ever. That's a possibility, considering her new occupation.

  7. #36
    West's Avatar

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