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Character Creation (Info in First Post)

(449) Come All Ye Faithful
Mar 7, 2017 - Mar 29, 2017
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  1. #41

    about multiple characters, if we had two, should we try and avoid them talking to each other?

  2. #42
    Vassagon's Avatar

    Absolutely avoid having them talk to each other. Like the plague. Nothing more awkward than someone talking to themself in public.

    However, since there might be unavoidable situations where characters are dragged into the same conversation, just do everyone a favor and try to lessen those interactions. The focus should never be on those two characters, but allow for multiple player participation. Since multiple characters cannot work towards the same goal, there's really no point for them to get to know each other. I think the same is true if want to become your own nemesis. It's pointless and takes away from multiple player participation.

    No rule against it, far as I can see. The venue isn't so big that you won't run into yourself sometimes. But I recommend avoiding the situation.

    Views expressed by Vassagon are opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of EoD VtR STs.

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  4. #43
    West's Avatar

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    If they're not in the same Clan, or Cov, and can't work on the same plots, there's really not much reason they would.

    You'd also be surprised at how boring it is.

    But, yes, it should be avoided, if for no other reason than it's a little corny.
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
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  6. #44
    Benji's Avatar


    Knot appears, for a moment, as a marionette, roughly carved from wood and painted in a facsimile of life, bound up in a spiderweb tangle of it's own strings, that are pulled every-which way by unseen hands.

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks (Roguish Good Looks) 2

    Part of the fun in playing this game is playing with other people. Also if you want to write a lot of stuff where yours is the only input, there's glimpses for that.
    no offense but do i look like i understand anything?

  7. #45

    I found the thought of talking to yourself to be super weird but you know how court can be sometimes, figured I'd ask. It'd probably end up like "What's this? A convenient reason to leave this convo? Toodle loo bitches!"

  8. #46
    Cerberus's Avatar


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    I don't own that book unfortunately. I used the creation rules for ghouls from the vampire core book (along with wiki info). I'll see if I can get a copy and read it

  9. #47

    Hello everyone.

    I'm new to this site.
    Sorry I'm in posting in the wrong place, or if I seem to be a bit rambly.

    I'm currently brewing on a Gangrel in the Ordo Dracul. I have a couple of questions.

    1)Maybe I'm just horrible at navigating the site, but are there any age limits (other than common sense) on how old your vampire can be?

    2) Anything specific to the Ordo in this game that I should be aware of? I have read the wiki on the Rite of Sacramento, but is there something else, something about the current political climate?

    My thoughts are that I would like to create a Gangrel who has a distaste for the gangrel stereotype of "survival in the wilds" and views the Elysia as his battleground. A lying bitch of a politician. If at all possible I'm considering making him a part of the Sworn of Mysteries. I'm thinking he was a university student of theology (or philosophy, or something like that) in life, due to the semi-religious worldview of the Ordo. Alternatively I'm thinking Real Estate, banking and the cutthroat nature of the stock-trade.

    If you have any advice what so ever, anything that I need to read (I have been browsing the wiki and the forums, but I may have missed something!) feel free to PM me or post here.

    Should I have fucked up in any significant way, please do tell me. Feeling terribly green on this site.

    Looking forward to playing with y'all. <3

  10. #48
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
    Star Scenes

    1) There are no age limits, but the flip side is that once their apparent and actual ages get too far out of alignment, they won't have any legal identity without New Identity.

    2) About a year? ago the OD fractured into two Chapters, but one has since faded away. (someone should probably add that to the wiki)

    ~Taifa Dragon~
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
    If you have a question about your character, please post it on your character sheet

  11. #49
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

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    Taifa Karen the Harpy[...]
    I would love to see this happen. I too have see all the Will and Grace episodes...and imagining Kindred Karen....I'm sad too that your Jack isn't Jack or Karen!

  12. #50

    Thank you for the compliment, I have no idea what you are talking about, but it seems something must have gone right...

    Inspiration/thought dump

    If your guy is from NYC and is a member of LS, I would love for Luca to have some sort of relationship with your new character, spidey! The LS are a big theme in what I'm doing. Just can't keep my fingers off 'em.

    Have you btw considered taking distnictive voice, instead of SL, to make him the sort of preacher type? I can't help but think of Girolamo Savonarola. Making him or her ugly as fuck, to break the stereotype that all Daeva are play-boy bunnies...

    Also I found this about the Tollison Creed (which is from the 1920's, from what I read, so if you want him to be "raised" with that creed, giving him a unique perspective, you'll have to keep that in mind):

    Quote from Lancea sanctum book

    I was thinking that you might consider having him have ressourcer, allies or some other such "goodies" that he would lend out to believers, to fund them, if they upheld his views of how a true believer should conduct themselves. In that way he would became a "shadow backer" for anyone who was righteous, or atleast his twisted way of righteous. The same way that the church funded the buisness or research. The type of deal that goes "Well I can't make you see the righteous path, but those who do, will undoubtebly incur The Lords favor - even though we are damned, some are more damned than other - and those less damned have to look out for each other.
    Just an idea? xD

    Random inspiration because I thought of you.

    Merits you might wanna consider (I can't check if they are house ruled or not on this site, due to being locked out from the wiki): Higher Calling ●●, Inspiring ●●●●.

    If I in any way seem like I'm being bossy or too declarative in my statements, I apologise. It's just random thoughts sparked by your post.

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