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Character Creation (Info in 1st Post)

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  1. #31
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

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    Cool concept, liking your reasons to join Spring, but please note that Mirroskin is House Ruled, to achieve that shape-shifting you want you need to take Contract of Mirror

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  3. #32
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
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    [...] Mirroskin is House Ruled[...]
    ...cross filed under "House Rules That Aren't Actually House Rules But We Got So Tired Of Explaining It We Called Attention To It, Explained It In Small Words, And Called It A House Rule".

    (see also purchasing Sanctuaries)

    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
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  5. #33
    Cayce's Avatar

    Hello everyone!

    I'm a bit short on time, so I apologize if these seem overly brief. Still, I'd like to get your opinions, if you'd be kind enough to offer them, and thus have some marvelous insight as I continue to ponder the successor to Coco! I luffles the Coco, but she just can't exist without getting to stab things and (gasp) try and be a hero. So, instead, I must revise my thinking to characters that are more fitting to be actors or socialites. Talking heads, or people fond of tea, as the colloquialisms go.

    I've got two character concepts, one much more thought out than the other. Again, though, sorry for the brevity, as I'm trying to get this up before work.

    The first character idea I have is a Catlike Autumn. Yes, there's lots of unfortunate precedent, we'll say, about cat Beasts, but think about it: cat's are super independent and flighty, so it would explain why they wouldn't plot. They're also rather mysterious, and leave people murder presents...not that I'm saying the character is a murderer, but I do think the gracefully vicious nature of the feline would be a perfect choice for an autumn courtier. Plus, there's a precedent in stuff like Dresden, with Fey having feline-esque features (pointed ears, sharp teeth, cat eyes) etc. that add the predatory element to them. A sinister element, if you will.

    Combine that with a strong sense of curiosity, and a decent amount of affection to balance things out, and I think they would make an interesting addition to the social element of the Freehold.

    ...Hopefully that makes sense...it does in my head, but maybe y'all would need to read more to fully understand.

    The second character idea is not as well thought out. It's based on L5R, and would involve an actual love of tea! Partially because that would be punny, but also because I really like the idea of, instead of causing social unrest, this time working to create social unity! But unity isn't always a good thing...Propriety can be stifling, and etiquette can be used to hide many things...

    I love the idea of insults given like compliments, and weight and meaning, or purpose, rather, given to every social gesture. It would be a blend of the Machiavellian and green tea...

    Let me know your thoughts, and if this is all just incomprehensible fragments of my imagination!

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  7. #34
    Benji's Avatar


    Knot appears, for a moment, as a marionette, roughly carved from wood and painted in a facsimile of life, bound up in a spiderweb tangle of it's own strings, that are pulled every-which way by unseen hands.

    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks (Roguish Good Looks) 2

    Woodblood Tea Elemental!
    no offense but do i look like i understand anything?

  8. #35
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

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    Both sound interesting! And both would bring their own sort of fun to the game.

    The thought of a flighty autumn cat-beast made me crack up! (I love cats, even when they want to show me their love back with a murder prezzies) Plus all the words you used for this curious feline...it sounds like an awesome idea and one i'd like to see in play


    The thought of a Machiavellian tea drinker (with Rigid Mask mayhap?) is one that I'd want to see more of. It would deffinatly be a difference to see in the Freehold, especially someone so very...may I say Invictus, about propriety, etiquette, and those delightful subtly hidden insults...I mean complements.

  9. #36
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar


    Make a Kitsune.

    You know you want to!

    They are foxes (not cats, but have a similar reputation for curiosity and trickery). They also are masters of social manipulation.


    They drink tea!

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  11. #37
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
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    I like them both.

    The idea of translating a cat's behavior into 'human' behavior appeals to the silly in me, and we've talked about L5R thing before and I know you'd enjoy playing a Spina that.

    On first blush I also thought, dunno if that cat will be Conflict Swan enough for you, and dunno if you're not going to write yourself into a corner (how fun will tea parties be if no one shows?) with the other. Then I had a weird thought and wanted to sleep on it.

    Why do these have to be different?

    Cats are so fucking entirely shameless about their mercurial moods. One minute they can be presenting their butthole to you with all the gravitas in the world and the next they're going ass crazy over an empty grocery sack like a moron. So I don't see why they'd have to be different -- which might also make the 'tea parties' interesting. Is it a gift giving? Or is there going to be cattiness ( ) ? Or does someone just want to be sociable and rub up on people? Or will there just be total judgy motionless silence?

    So I see the whole cat thing actually balancing the etiquette thing with inexplicable gifts, random affection, and silliness.

    But, omg, I totally have this vision of a toon insistently head-butting someone in Court over and over and over and keep cracking up

    pet me pet me me me me no me pet me forget that me pet me
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
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  13. #38
    West's Avatar

    Magical Chinchilla
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    Wasn't really sure where to post these, but I came across some really amazing pictures that made me think of Changeling:




    Activating a Gate
    Don't hate the player, hate the game.
    The Zeroth Law & the Burden of InteractionThe Devil is in the DotsGreat ExpectationsPlaying MagePlayer Run Plots
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  14. #39
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

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    This. Just this. It's fucking (yes the sloth is swearing) amazing!

    Like holy moly! So pretty and inspiring and awesome!

    (I'd have better words but my brain's pretty fried)

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  16. #40
    Yumyumcrow's Avatar



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