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Rope Class

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  1. #1

    The Asylum has always been dark, the low lighting allowing intimacy for kinksters to play with each other while also granting them enough light to do what they needed without making mistakes. On the week of Samhain, visitors' senses are bombarded with another veil as smoke emanates from the corners of the large room. It's as if a void had opened up inside the establishment, making it larger on the inside. Unlit candles sit on tall black candelabras that are placed next to walls.

    Fake cobwebs decorate the bar, some of the walls and the stage at the end of the room. In front of the stage is an open floor, enough for a group of people, no students, to attend. Class is in session and Katya still works on setting up the Rope class this evening. A long folded table is placed on the side containing several bundles of 30 feet of rope. it is soft to the touch, and is wrapped up in ringlets, like a nylon chain. Also next to Katya is her duffel bag that kindred might have seen in her car.

    Other areas in the Asylum might look familiar to people who attended the last play party. Over in one corner is the same bench used at the spanking station, perfect for someone to rest on all fours and test their resiliency to pain or pleasure. Canes are not allowed, but can be traded for a loaner if anyone should ask.

    Katya wears a spiked leather corset cinched up the middle. Covering her lower half, is very little, a simple red bikini with the goat's head pentagram printed on the front. Her black tresses are tried back and thanks to the festivities, she allows herself to paint her face, a series of black lines traced around her eyes and forehead. Blood brings her flesh to life once more which is a good thing since most of it is exposed. She calmly goes over her inventory while she waits for people to arrive.

    Katya Play outfit.jpg

    Prior to setting for class, Katya had scheduled a session with a client and in wanting to take care of her hunger before work, put the client at ease to allow her the opportunity to bite into them and temporarily sate herself for the evening.

      2 successes=+2 vitae
    Date Action Roll Result
    2015-10-28 08:19:33 Katya rolls 6 to Presence + Persuasion (Feeding Roll) (10 Again, WillPower) 5, 1, 6, 5, 10, 5, 10, 2 2 successes

    -1 vitae for Blush of life

  2. #2
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The night of Katyas rope thing at the Asylum had arrived, and Ale was busy throwing together an outfit to support her Cousin. What exactly does one wear to a club like Asylum and more importantly, a rope tying class? Finally she had to admit defeat and head out to find something to wear.

    Once that was done, she straightened her black hair, put the outfit on, and headed out to the club.

    Upon entering, she stopped to look around. From the smoke, to the cobwebs, it seemed like a fun club. Well, granted she hadn’t witnessed much yet, but she had an open mind.

    Finally, she sees her Cousin, and makes her way over. The closer she gets, the deeper her Beast growls in the presence of the weaker Beast. As she reins in her Beast, she takes in Katyas outfit and face paint. Had to give her credit, she looked good.

    “Looking great tonight.” Says the Italian with appreciation and a smile.

    Her outfit consisted of a halter top with a tattered skirt, which left little to the imagination and would have shown quite a bit of leg had it not been for the thigh high boots. Various chains decorated the outfit, and most of her midriff was exposed, showing evening more tattoos on her stomach. Red finger-less gloves add a touch of color, and her lips were blood red. Even though her heart now beat and her skin felt warm to the touch, she was still pale.

    -1 Vitae for Blush of Life
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  4. #3
    Vivian York

    The Daeva had arrived carrying in a bag for later should she choose to put on a costume later. But what she had on may be enough as it were anyway. Tonight, Vivian’s hair was blonde far easier than other days considering what may transpired.

    As she walked in and passed the security check, her Beast caught the Gangrel’s presence; an inner standoff as she hindered glaring from behind the lace. Then for the Seneschal, the weaker one, who would eventually secure her in bondage only because she’d let her. She let both sways of her Beast’s mood pass as she walked further into the Asylum. She took in the décor from behind the lace, it looked very haunting. Yet she wondered to those who were naïve, if it looked that way without the added festive touches.

    Wearing a type of singelet, long gloves and sheer stockings, she strode through the venue to find the weak one. Katya’s outfit, even with the spikes, did very well to show off her figure. Grinning ear to ear at the rope on the floor, the Daeva wondered if perhaps they should have had a practice session. But, this was just a demonstration as it were.

    Even Ale looked good in her leather. It was something she didn’t wear much of, but would consider. “Good evening, ladies. Your Vixen has arrived. You both look positively delectable.” Hopefully Ale would catch on to call her that for the remainder of the evening.

    Turning to Katya, the devil in her smile. "Suitable for tonight, dahling?" She did have back up of course.

    -1 Vitate, blushed

    The Vixen

  5. #4

    The footsteps of the two ladies entering the club are heard in the distance, and when Katya looks up, her fingers grip tight around the rope she has in her hands, fantasizing about wrapping both women up together. Not in some erotic display, but one meant to bind them in some contorted position so that she might slice their necks open and drink from their blood. The problem with Savagery was the inner Demon's refusal to identify them as stronger monsters, ones Katya should flee from. Instead her Demon ignores such cue and chooses violence, thankfully tonight its Katya's logical side that regains control and she blinks once to force her primal urges back down.

    Glancing over Ale first, then Vivian, she bows her head to both of them and says "Good evening ladies. I must say I am very pleased to see you both went all out in terms of dressing for the occasion. If tonight doesn't draw more regulars in, then I don't know what will." she looks to Vivian and says "That's absolutely splendid Vixen. Given another setting and another time, I might have asked you to take some model shots." Katya says, confirming the new name for Ale's sake. It is true, Vivian was dressed for some perfect bondage shots, leave it to the Daeva to go the extra mile when it came to dressing up for a Rope class. "For tonight, you may both call me Lite Sneeze." she gives just a moment to wait and see if either of them catch the reference, but perhaps it was the specific nod to Inanna that was more Katya's inside joke than anyone else's. She gestures to the rope bundles nearby "Ale, if you would like, you may go ahead and undo a rope set now. Did either of you want to ask me anything before class starts?"

  6. #5
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    As her eyes lingered on the various ropes laid out, she felt her Beast stir in the back of her mind. That stirring became a teeth bearing challenge as Vivian came closer. Once again, she found herself wishing more Kindred could Mask their Beast like the Mekhet, it made social situations in public so much easier.

    “A good evening to you as well,” replied the Savage with a friendly smile. “I dare say we don’t hold a candle to you tonight! What a great outfit!” she praised. Had to give Vivian credit, the woman could pull off any outfit.

    So Vivian was Vixen, and Katya was Lite Sneeze? Was is common for people here to use different names?

    Urgh, people were weird. She then wonders if she needs a different name?

    “Call me Mina.” Might as well do what the others were.

    When Katya gestures for her to undo a rope set, she picks one up and studies it before undoing it.

    Questions? She thinks it over as she unties the rope. “Ummm, not that I can think if right now.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  7. #6
    Vivian York

    Her shoulder’s hugged her neck in a radiating shrug, a pleased look on her face. “Why thank you Lite Sneeze.” It wasn’t a name she’d have picked for the Savage, but it had to have some meaning to her. At a later date, she’d ask. Shaking her head. “Oh, come now, I wouldn’t go that far. I didn’t wear this to impress people, I wore it to hopefully let the ropes to their work and impress everyone else. Scantly clad is too much of a distraction to some.”

    Her eyes behind the lace followed the other Savage, with a slightly dropped jaw, her interest was certainly piqued. “Mina! I didn’t know you would be involved in this, how exciting.”

    “I’m not sure if I have questions, but perhaps I should be walked through anything that may come up. Before any voyeurs arrive.” Slowly peering through the area, hoping they would for Katya’s sake. “If they show, we can stop and I’ll gladly improvise or…something.”

  8. #7

    Pleased that Ale catches on quickly, Katya smiles and says "Mina it is."

    Katya examines a black set of rope from her own bag and looks to both ladies. "once people arrive, I'll introduce myself and you and then I'll go over basic care and safety tips. It'll probably be boring for you Vixen but I'll be asking about any sensitive health conditions you might have, such as fibromyalgia, any traumatic nerve injuries or muscle injuries you might have. Really any parts of your body that are sensitive that I will avoid putting strain on. Any allergies to certain fibers will also be a question I ask since it might change which rope i use. I'll also explain what to look for once you are tied up, like numbness."

    They are all undead and such concerns were past them for the most part, but Katya did have the Asylum to represent which meant she had to demonstrate that their clients were well educated in proper care. "Although, given your background Mina, you might find such precautions unnecessary if you should ever use it on people that give you difficulty." Katya whispers to Alessandra but not so quiet that Vivian can't overhear. Ale was involved in organized crime, which meant she could at least use tonight's class as a way to be creative in interrogating business rivals.

    "After that, I'll explain some basic rope terminology and then teach some basic knots, like a single and two column tie. Then depending on the time, I'll show everyone a more complex tie." she turns to Vivian and asks "Are you able to have your leg in this position for long amounts of time?" Katya raises her leg and bends so that the lower ankle is almost pressed up against the thigh as if she were on her knees.

  9. #8
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    A Daeva that didn’t wear something to impress? Not something she would have expected to hear. But then again, the Daevas of the Domain weren’t like others she had come across in her years. And Vivian was definitely not typical in any way.

    Ale winks at Vivian, “Well Lite Sneeze just made this sound too exciting to miss. And now seeing that you will be the subject of the ropes, I’m glad I came.” Her tone playful.

    She runs her fingers along the rope she had in her hand, listening as Katya explained things. To be honest, she was surprised to hear how much care and safety went into it. But what Katya said made sense, cause it would probably be bad for business if someone got seriously hurt.

    At the mention of her finding the safety concerns unnecessary, she smirks, knowing that was true. If she was trying to get information or something out of someone, their comfort was the last thing on her mind.

    Her nods and she looks back to Vivian, er, Vixan, to see her reply.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  10. #9
    Vivian York

    “Oh, I doubt you will bore me Lite Sneeze. One can never go over too many safety protocols. Who knows if I need to try this out at another time…” The Daeva did enjoy playing with her food on occasion.

    At least Vivian was dexterous enough to do some of these things. “Indeed, I think I can hold it for some time. But anything too twisty or complex may be a bit taxing. I’ll let you know if it does.” Nodding to Katya.

    “Ready when you two are.” Her arms opened ready to be lead or shaped however needed. Reciprocating Mina’s wink.

  11. #10

    Eyes wander the Asylum, disappointed in the lack of turnout. Perhaps I'm competing with other Halloween parties. Oh well their loss.

    With a shrug, Katya begins "Very well then. At any time, feel free to interrupt if you have any questions. Since we are a tiny group, if you would like Vixen, you may grab a bundle of rope and practice as well...at least while your hands are still free." she smirks for just a moment. "To start, I'll go over some basic rules of playing in general that also applies to rope play." she says looking to Vivian and Ale.

    "Now then, in playing, there are practices to consider in terms of safety. There are different schools of thought on the best way, I like to follow the guidelines of RACK, that is "Risk Accepted Consensual Kink." This practice follows the idea that it is not feasable to perceive all risks involved in playing, it's better to go over the specific and general risks with a partner and receive that partners understanding and consent in undergoing those risks before going through with the play session."

    She holds up a rope and says "Now analyzing the pros and cons of this particular school of safety is for another time, but for rope play, this is a good way to think about safety measures before tying someone up. Let us take for instance, appearances. For some of us, appearances are important and in some instances, we cannot have any flaws showing on our skin. So we must be subtle in what we do, hiding our marks from say, coworkers. Certain ties will leave marks depending on how tight they are, therefore, rope marks and burns are just one risk that the players must be aware of. If one cannot have rope marks, then that must be talked about before continuing."

    Turning to Vivian, Katya says "Now I have already mentioned nerve damage. It happens quickly and takes a long time to heal, and may cause paralysis. You'll want to negotiate with the partner in knowing about any conditions that might predispose them. The sings to keep an eye out for include a sharp or shooting pain, weakness, and a numb or tingling sensation. The longer this pain persists the worse the damage. Obviously verbal communication with the rope Bottom is important, but you''ll want to look for non-verbal signs. If they wiggle their fingers or self-adjust their ropes that might be an issue. "

    Katya points to Vivian's arm, just between the triceps and deltoid. "This is the radial nerve, this is not an area you want to place the rope in." she moves further down to the armpit. "This is another no no, do not place knots or bulges in the armpit. Even the mere positioning of say, holding it back in an awkward manner can pinch the nerve." Then she points to the wrists. "Do not pinch the nerves in the wrist, I know in many images you see lots of wrists tied, but there is a way to do this that I will show you. Then her hand slides down towards the inner part of Vivian's thigh, not touching but closer than she was in indicating the other nerves. "This is the femoral artery, you don't want to restrict blood flow with tight ropes." her hand floats away and then says "You want to avoid all nerves and veins on the neck as this can cause asphyxiation."

    Katya bends down to get something out of her bag and she pulls out a pair of surgical scissors. "For emergency situations if my Bottom feels they need to be set free immediately, I have surgical scissors to cut them free. Always keep them close by in the case of an immediate emergency."

    Katya gives a long enough pause for questions from either women. Assuming they do not have any, she grabs her own rope and says "Now we'll learn some rope terms." She grabs the two ends of the rope and holds them side by side. "These are my working ends. I want to make sure they are at equal length next to each other. This is so I can locate the "Bite" of the rope, or the center length after it's folded in half." She holds the two ends in place as her fingers slide along the length until she finds the looped end, pinching it in between her thumb and index finger. She looks to Ale and waits for her to find her own Bite.

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