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(West Lawn) The Bruin Residence

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  1. #11
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    Helene interposes herself, stepping forward so that she could shove a foot in the door if need be. "Hello miss, my name is Helene Jameson, and this is Father Michael. We're here about your daughter, we believe she may have died under suspicious circumstances and are looking into it." Not a lie, in fact it was the absolute truth. It only left a little bit out, but so what? It was every Hunter's prerogative to hide the truth of things from people, especially when it would hurt them to know. What woman wanted to know her daughter had been killed by some sort of blasphemy against nature?

  2. #12
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    "Died? Died!"

    The woman gapes at Helene. Genuine shock and grief shines out of her red, bloodshot eyes.

    "My daughter isn't dead. Who the hell are you?"

    Her voice wavers unsteadily. Is it shock? Grief? Anger? There is something sparking in the light blue eyes that moments before had looked tired and dead.

    Helene had introduced herself already, but the woman seemed incensed. Her gaze bore into Helene, demanding more. More information? More sincerity? More apology for implying that her daughter was dead?

    "My girl's going to be found." The voice wobbled. The gaze swung to Michael. It was accusing.

    "You- what are you doing on my doorstep with this filthy lie?"

  3. #13
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    Oh, she was delusional. Whoops. And Priest wasn't coming in with the save. All talk, no game. She tried to give the woman her best approximation of an apologetic smile. She really should practice those more often. "Uh, yeah, of course. Sorry. My boss keeps talking about that, you know, kinda gets stuck in your head, hard to get it back out." Hopefully she would buy it. "What I meant to say is that we are here to help investigate your daughter's mysterious disappearance because we believe there may be some foul play involved. May we come in?"

    Yeah, Helene knew how to do that. Watch enough cop shows and you learn how to be one of them. The wonder of television, really. Making any idiot with two eyes and a mouth think they can pull off any old trick. If this worked, maybe she should try trick-driving next. Or base jumping.

      1 sux
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-11-14 16:32:53 Helene Jameson rolls 4 to lie about why she's there. (Manipulation + Subterfuge) (10 Again) 5, 9, 6, 6 1 success

  4. #14

    Michael spoke up, he hated the next of kin calls. The family seemed to be convinced that she was still alive but Michael knew that when it came to supernatural creatures, people rarely survived. His thumb stroked the golden cross embossed on his bible reassuringly, silently praying for strength.

    "I am sorry for my compatriot's pessimism." He said, giving her a sidelong glance before smiling. "I am Father Michael O'Reilly, and yes we believe that your daughter's disappearance is suspect at best. If you would permit, we would like to ask a few questions." Said the Priest calmly as he stood with his hands in front of him, his bible in plain view.

  5. #15
    Seryna's Avatar

    Jennifer Hazelton

    "You are seriously disturbed." The woman frowns at Helene. "Something is very wrong with you to come in here and say she's dead."

    The woman turns on her heel and stalks off, leaving the door standing open. Was this an invitation into the house? The door wasn't slammed in your faces. It was a moment out of her watchful - accusing - eyes. How would you recover from this mishap? What was your first move?

  6. #16
    Cabochard's Avatar

    Caleb Fischer
    Caleb Fischer

    Predator's Bearing

    Helene followed the woman in, not questioning whether her leaving the door open was an invitation. Hey, you leave a door open for a person who's not only a criminal, but legally a murderer/accessory, and has no qualms about it? It's your own fault if she sneaks in. At least that was the hacker's line of thought. She wiped her feet on the floor mat - having possibly broken in is no excuse to be rude - and started talking immediately. This woman didn't want them here, and the longer they stayed, the less cooperative she would get. "So, hey, have you seen anyone suspicious, you know, hanging out? Any new friends she made that just struck you as off, or new groups she was associating with that just put you on edge?" With supernatural things, people usually got uncomfortable, even if they didn't know why, as Helene recalled. "And, don't be shy if you couldn't figure out why. It happens a lot, subconscious triggers in the old lizard-part of the brain setting off around threats."

  7. #17

    Michael walked in behind Helene, he gently closed the door, wiped his feet and followed while his compatriot threw question after question at the poor woman. Michael was not fond of the young Ms. Jameson, but he had to admit she had her uses. Michael took a long look around the room, trying to see anything that may prove useful in their hunt.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-11-20 14:50:08 Priest rolls 5 to Int + Investigation (10 again) (10 Again) 9, 5, 1, 1, 5 1 success

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