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(1408) Edwin & Blake

21 - 30
Aug 17, 2014 : (1408) Court XXXI Super Heroes & Villains
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  1. #21
    RockBane's Avatar

    "I don't believe so, I do recognize my Clan Priscus. Lady Au Pair Sage pointed him out to me." Blake admits after a few seconds of trying to gag if Mr Wooding is covering something up.

      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-09-09 19:32:28 Blake Flint rolls 4 to Wits + Empathy (1s Subtract) 3, 3, 10, 8 2 successes

  2. #22
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    Edwin definitely picked up on something but just left it at that. In any Domain, rivals were made. This was the Gilded Cage, and all that shit.

    It was bound to get tight.

    Rather than focus on his Hierophant's discomfort, Edwin instead looked around at all the costumes. "Seriously, its hard enough to know who's who with all this spandex," he laughed, grinning easily.

      Exploding Dice of Explosion!
    Date Action Roll Result
    2014-09-10 00:33:49 Edwin Bridges rolls 4 to Wits + Empathy (10 Again) 10, 10, 9, 7, 5, 3 3 successes

  3. #23
    Chris Wooding's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    SL •• (Handsome)
    Domain ••• (Reeve)
    Circle ••• (Hierophant)
    Mekhet •• (Recognized)
    (-1 Vitae in Requiem for Blush)
    Chris Wooding

    Mask of Tranquility
    Circle of the Crone

    - 1 Vitae for Blush of Life in Requiem Subforum


    'Fair enough!' Chris admits to Edwin, laughing with the man. Still, he would always try to help members of his Covenant. 'Let me see...'

    He wasn't entirely sure if the others really wanted to hear this, but why not? Free info!

    'The two Kindred who have been Regent longest are Erika Brady of Citrus Heights, and Roxie Hart of South Sacramento. Regent Hart is that woman dressed in black, short blonde hair.' He says with a nod in her direction. 'Erika Brady is currently not present.' Not physically present, that is.

    And why bother showing up if you can skip every other Official Court?

    'Then there's the Reeve Dillon Connery , the Punisher of Valencia, who I think you know already. Standing beside the Seneschal, that should be Regent Michael Redfill of Florin*.' Deputies are allowed to wear masks then? 'The last Domain is Rosemont-Mather, but that has been under the Prince's direct control for quite a while now.'

    Presence •• (Easy Going) | Striking Looks •• (Boy Next Door) | Mask of Tranquility | CotC ••• | Domain ••• | Mekhet ••

  4. Likes Wolven Pryde liked this post
  5. #24
    RockBane's Avatar

    Blake looks in the direction Chris indicates with each mentioning. As Chris finishes, he says with a slight smile, "Thank you for the visual guided tour of the Regents."

  6. #25
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    Edwin remained quiet as Chris pointed out the Regeants. He recognised the names and had met a couple of them but had yet to meet them all. Regent Hart looked awfully fine.

    "Reeve Connery has been a great help to me getting settled, and has giving me some good advice."

    Like, not swearing in Court. That shit would be bad for your health.

  7. #26
    Chris Wooding's Avatar

    Mask of Tranquility
    SL •• (Handsome)
    Domain ••• (Reeve)
    Circle ••• (Hierophant)
    Mekhet •• (Recognized)
    (-1 Vitae in Requiem for Blush)
    Chris Wooding

    Mask of Tranquility
    Circle of the Crone

    - 1 Vitae for Blush of Life in Requiem Subforum


    'Good advice, yeah, if only everyone would listen to it!' Chris shakes his head, grinning.

    If only I would always follow the advice given to me.

    'But the Domain is always very welcoming like that.' He smiles, looking at Edwin and Blake. They really know how to keep a conversation going, don't they? He looks around, that's when he notices a wonderful lady, all alone. 'And be sure to return the favor! Save your occasional damsel in distress...' he holds up a finger, a universal sign for 'hang on a second', then he steps away.


    'Miss Vivian York , I see you're still enriching our Domain with your stunning presence. Would you be so kind to let me introduce you to these fine gentlemen? They don't know it yet, but they're dying to meet you.' That said, he turns back to Blake and Edwin, hoping that the delightful Daeva will follow him.
    Presence •• (Easy Going) | Striking Looks •• (Boy Next Door) | Mask of Tranquility | CotC ••• | Domain ••• | Mekhet ••

  8. Likes Forn Clakes liked this post
  9. #27
    Vivian York

    At this stage of the game, flattery would get a few everywhere, gleaming at the Wooding’s compliment. The Daeva stepped into the conversation circle of Clark Kent, something that looked like Spiderman and the unknown green shirt.

    “Dying...” Vivian chuckled. “Well, isn’t that the pun of the century.” Winking slightly, not hiding her movements. How could she, with the unforgiving spandex pressed against every inch of skin.

    “Lovely to meet you gentlemen.” Fully smiling to the two new people. The S shirt man had an alluring sense about him, the other had nothing distinguishing about him, including the costume; if it was a costume. Offering a gloved hand forward to Clark, “As Mr. Wooding said, I’m Vivian York; Daeva.”

    Which of these two is the owner of the husky voice I heard before turning this way…

  10. #28
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    Edwin almost objected to his Hierophant departing but held his tongue as he tracked his destination, raising an eyebrow. He glanced sideways to Blake just as they were joined by the delightful Deava. "A real pleasure, Miss York," Edwin grinned, his lip piercing moving with each word, every syllable heavy with his distinctive tones. He even added a bow, looking over the black rimmed glasses and into Vivian's eyes.

    Eyes that he just wanted to fall into...

    Yes, he was shallow. Yes, beauty meant a great deal to him. Did he care? Not really. You only lived once, and then he had died and been given another chance with the Second Descent. Edwin was going to spend as much time as he could in the company of gorgeous ladies.

    "Edwin Bridges of Clan Ventrue, at your service," he finally added, standing up straight. Setting his glasses straight once more, the tattoos on his hands and fingers flashed into view. "And might I add, I love your accent."

  11. #29
    RockBane's Avatar

    "Greetings Miss York." Blake greets the latest addition to their conversation. He mimics Edwin in giving her a smile and a bow, again making sure that he keeps his eyes up at Miss York's face.

    "And I am Blake Flint of Clan Gangrel." He says after Edwin. "Everyone seem to be in the spirit of the event." He adds.

  12. #30
    Edwin Bridges's Avatar

    Blood Potency ●● (Aspect of the Predator)
    Presence ●●●● (Magnetic)
    Distinctive Voice ●● (Husky)
    Status ● (City)
    Edwin Bridges


    Edwin continues here

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